cpachecker/bin/cpachecker --svcomp24 --heap 10000M --benchmark --option cpa.arg.yamlProofWitness=witness-%s.yml --option witness.yamlexporter.witnessVersions=V2d1,V2 --timelimit 900s --stats --spec sv-benchmarks/c/properties/unreach-call.prp --32 sv-benchmarks/c/loop-acceleration/array_4.i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running CPAchecker with Java heap of size 10000M. Running CPAchecker with default stack size (1024k). Specify a larger value with --stack if needed. Language C detected and set for analysis (CPAMain.detectFrontendLanguageIfNecessary, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO) CPAchecker 3.1-svn-5f8d539e99+ / svcomp24 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.9) started (, INFO) Parsing CFA from file(s) "sv-benchmarks/c/loop-acceleration/array_4.i" (CPAchecker.parse, INFO) Using heuristics to select analysis (CoreComponentsFactory.createAlgorithm, INFO) The following configuration options were specified but are not used: cpa.callstack.unsupportedFunctions termination.violation.witness cpa.predicate.memoryAllocationsAlwaysSucceed cpa.arg.compressWitness cpa.arg.yamlProofWitness cpa.callstack.skipFunctionPointerRecursion counterexample.export.yaml cpa.composite.aggregateBasicBlocks counterexample.export.graphml counterexample.export.compressWitness cpa.arg.proofWitness witness.yamlexporter.witnessVersions (CPAchecker.printConfigurationWarnings, WARNING) Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO) Performing heuristic ... (SelectionAlgorithm.chooseConfig, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using Restarting Algorithm (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Loading analysis 1 from file /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ ... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Mismatch of configuration options when loading from '/storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/': 'cpa.composite.aggregateBasicBlocks' has two values 'false' and 'true'. Using 'true'. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Mismatch of configuration options when loading from '/storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/': 'limits.time.cpu' has two values '900s' and '90'. Using '90'. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Mismatch of configuration options when loading from '/storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/': 'limits.time.cpu::required' has two values '900' and '90s'. Using '90s'. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 90s (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Starting analysis 1 ... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO) Selection Algorithm statistics ------------------------------ Size of preliminary analysis reached set: 0 Used algorithm property: /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ Program containing only relevant bools: 0 Relevant boolean vars / relevant vars ratio: 0.0000 Requires alias handling: 0 Requires loop handling: 1 Has a single loop: 0 Requires composite-type handling: 0 Requires array handling: 1 Requires float handling: 0 Requires recursion handling: 0 Relevant addressed vars / relevant vars ratio: 0.0000 Program containing external functions: true Number of all righthand side functions: 5 Restart Algorithm statistics ---------------------------- Number of algorithms provided: 5 Number of algorithms used: 1 Last algorithm used: /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ Total time for algorithm 1: 1.935s ValueAnalysisCPA statistics --------------------------- Number of variables per state: 2.50 (sum: 30711, count: 12290, min: 0, max: 4) Number of global variables per state: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 12290, min: 0, max: 0) Number of assumptions: 10242 Number of deterministic assumptions: 0 Level of Determinism: 0% ValueAnalysisPrecisionAdjustment statistics ------------------------------------------- Number of abstraction computations: 13312 Total time for liveness abstraction: 0.000s Total time for abstraction computation: 0.024s Total time for path thresholds: 0.000s ConstraintsStrengthenOperator statistics ---------------------------------------- Total time for strengthening by ConstraintsCPA: 0.000s Replaced symbolic expressions: 0 AutomatonAnalysis (SVCOMP) statistics ------------------------------------- Number of states: 1 Total time for successor computation: 0.026s Automaton transfers with branching: 0 Automaton transfer successors: 1.00 (sum: 14347, count: 14347, min: 1, max: 1) [1 x 14347] Number of states with assumption transitions: 0 CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 12290 Max size of waitlist: 4 Average size of waitlist: 2 Number of computed successors: 13312 Max successors for one state: 2 Number of times merged: 0 Number of times stopped: 1023 Number of times breaked: 0 Total time for CPA algorithm: 1.804s (Max: 1.804s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.003s Time for precision adjustment: 0.082s Time for transfer relation: 0.418s Time for stop operator: 1.214s Time for adding to reached set: 0.023s Counterexample-Check Algorithm statistics ----------------------------------------- Number of counterexample checks: 0 CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 12290 Max size of waitlist: 4 Average size of waitlist: 2 Number of computed successors: 13312 Max successors for one state: 2 Number of times merged: 0 Number of times stopped: 1023 Number of times breaked: 0 Total time for CPA algorithm: 1.804s (Max: 1.804s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.003s Time for precision adjustment: 0.082s Time for transfer relation: 0.418s Time for stop operator: 1.214s Time for adding to reached set: 0.023s Counterexample-Check Algorithm statistics ----------------------------------------- Number of counterexample checks: 0 CPAchecker general statistics ----------------------------- Number of program locations: 44 Number of CFA edges (per node): 42 (count: 44, min: 0, max: 2, avg: 0.95) Number of relevant variables: 5 Number of functions: 3 Number of loops (and loop nodes): 2 (sum: 7, min: 3, max: 4, avg: 3.50) Size of reached set: 12290 Number of reached locations: 18 (41%) Avg states per location: 682 Max states per location: 1024 (at node N8) Number of reached functions: 2 (67%) Number of target states: 0 Time for analysis setup: 0.846s Time for loading CPAs: 0.275s Time for loading parser: 0.140s Time for CFA construction: 0.398s Time for parsing file(s): 0.194s Time for AST to CFA: 0.120s Time for CFA sanity check: 0.000s Time for post-processing: 0.058s Time for loop structure: 0.003s Time for AST structure: 0.000s Time for function pointers resolving: 0.002s Function calls via function pointers: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Instrumented function pointer calls: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Function calls with function pointer arguments: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Instrumented function pointer arguments: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Time for classifying variables: 0.034s Time for collecting variables: 0.018s Time for solving dependencies: 0.001s Time for building hierarchy: 0.000s Time for building classification: 0.015s Time for exporting data: 0.000s Time for Analysis: 1.955s CPU time for analysis: 3.570s Time for analyzing result: 0.004s Total time for CPAchecker: 2.801s Total CPU time for CPAchecker: 5.100s Time for statistics: 0.065s Time for Garbage Collector: 0.124s (in 12 runs) Garbage Collector(s) used: G1 Old Generation, G1 Young Generation Verification result: TRUE. No property violation found by chosen configuration. Exporting witnesses in Version 2.1 is currently WIP. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Writing output files from took 621.230s. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, WARNING) Writing output files from Restart Algorithm statistics took 621.231s. (StatisticsUtils.writeOutputFiles, WARNING) Writing output files from Selection Algorithm statistics took 621.231s. (StatisticsUtils.writeOutputFiles, WARNING) More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".