cpachecker/bin/cpachecker --svcomp24 --heap 10000M --benchmark --option cpa.arg.yamlProofWitness=witness-%s.yml --option witness.yamlexporter.witnessVersions=V2d1,V2 --timelimit 900s --stats --spec sv-benchmarks/c/properties/unreach-call.prp --32 sv-benchmarks/c/recursive-simple/fibo_25-2.c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running CPAchecker with Java heap of size 10000M. Running CPAchecker with default stack size (1024k). Specify a larger value with --stack if needed. Language C detected and set for analysis (CPAMain.detectFrontendLanguageIfNecessary, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO) CPAchecker 3.1-svn-5f8d539e99+ / svcomp24 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.9) started (, INFO) Parsing CFA from file(s) "sv-benchmarks/c/recursive-simple/fibo_25-2.c" (CPAchecker.parse, INFO) Using heuristics to select analysis (CoreComponentsFactory.createAlgorithm, INFO) The following configuration options were specified but are not used: cpa.callstack.unsupportedFunctions termination.violation.witness cpa.predicate.memoryAllocationsAlwaysSucceed cpa.arg.compressWitness cpa.arg.yamlProofWitness cpa.callstack.skipFunctionPointerRecursion counterexample.export.yaml cpa.composite.aggregateBasicBlocks counterexample.export.graphml counterexample.export.compressWitness cpa.arg.proofWitness witness.yamlexporter.witnessVersions (CPAchecker.printConfigurationWarnings, WARNING) Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO) Performing heuristic ... (SelectionAlgorithm.chooseConfig, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using Restarting Algorithm (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Loading analysis 1 from file /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ ... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using predicate analysis with MathSAT5 version 5.6.10 (9293adc746be) (May 31 2023 12:38:06, gmp 6.2.0, gcc 7.5.0, 64-bit, reentrant). (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Starting analysis 1 ... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Skipping recursive function call from fibo to fibo (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, WARNING) Creating formula for program (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Recursion detected, aborting. To ignore recursion, add --skip-recursion to the command line. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Warning: Analysis 1 not completed. (line 13: Unsupported feature (recursion): __CPAchecker_TMP_0 = fibo(n - 1); (line was originally return fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2);)) (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, WARNING) Statistics for algorithm 1 of 4 =============================== Total time for algorithm 1: 0.299s PredicateCPA statistics ----------------------- Number of abstractions: 0 (0% of all post computations) Number of strengthen sat checks: 0 Number of coverage checks: 0 BDD entailment checks: 0 Number of SMT sat checks: 0 trivial: 0 cached: 0 Max ABE block size: 0 Avg ABE block size: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 0, min: 0, max: 0) Number of predicates discovered: 0 Time for post operator: 0.030s Time for path formula creation: 0.030s Time for strengthen operator: 0.000s Time for prec operator: 0.000s Time for coverage checks: 0.000s Total time for SMT solver (w/o itp): 0.000s Total number of created targets for pointer analysis: 0 KeyValue statistics ------------------- Init. function predicates: 0 Init. global predicates: 0 Init. location predicates: 0 Invariant Generation statistics ------------------------------- Bounds CPA statistics --------------------- Bound k: 1 Maximum loop iteration reached: 0 ValueAnalysisCPA statistics --------------------------- Number of variables per state: 0.75 (sum: 12, count: 16, min: 0, max: 2) Number of global variables per state: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 16, min: 0, max: 0) Number of assumptions: 8 Number of deterministic assumptions: 0 Level of Determinism: 0% ValueAnalysisPrecisionAdjustment statistics ------------------------------------------- Number of abstraction computations: 15 Total time for liveness abstraction: 0.000s Total time for abstraction computation: 0.001s Total time for path thresholds: 0.000s ConstraintsStrengthenOperator statistics ---------------------------------------- Total time for strengthening by ConstraintsCPA: 0.000s Replaced symbolic expressions: 0 AutomatonAnalysis (SVCOMP) statistics ------------------------------------- Number of states: 1 Total time for successor computation: 0.000s Automaton transfers with branching: 0 Automaton transfer successors: 1.00 (sum: 15, count: 15, min: 1, max: 1) [1 x 15] Number of states with assumption transitions: 0 CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 16 Max size of waitlist: 1 Average size of waitlist: 1 LoopstackSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 16, min: 0, max: 0) ReversePostorderSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 16, min: 0, max: 0) LoopIterationSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 16, min: 0, max: 0) CallstackSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 1, min: 0, max: 0) Number of computed successors: 15 Max successors for one state: 1 Number of times merged: 0 Number of times stopped: 0 Number of times breaked: 0 Total time for CPA algorithm: 0.051s (Max: 0.051s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.001s Time for precision adjustment: 0.006s Time for transfer relation: 0.043s Time for stop operator: 0.000s Time for adding to reached set: 0.000s BMC algorithm statistics ------------------------ Time for BMC formula creation: 0.052s CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 16 Max size of waitlist: 1 Average size of waitlist: 1 LoopstackSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 16, min: 0, max: 0) ReversePostorderSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 16, min: 0, max: 0) LoopIterationSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 16, min: 0, max: 0) CallstackSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 1, min: 0, max: 0) Number of computed successors: 15 Max successors for one state: 1 Number of times merged: 0 Number of times stopped: 0 Number of times breaked: 0 Total time for CPA algorithm: 0.051s (Max: 0.051s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.001s Time for precision adjustment: 0.006s Time for transfer relation: 0.043s Time for stop operator: 0.000s Time for adding to reached set: 0.000s BMC algorithm statistics ------------------------ Time for BMC formula creation: 0.052s RestartAlgorithm switches to the next configuration... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Loading analysis 2 from file /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ ... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Mismatch of configuration options when loading from '/storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/': 'limits.time.cpu::required' has two values '900' and ''. Using ''. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using predicate analysis with MathSAT5 version 5.6.10 (9293adc746be) (May 31 2023 12:38:06, gmp 6.2.0, gcc 7.5.0, 64-bit, reentrant) and JFactory 1.21. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using refinement for predicate analysis with BAMPredicateAbstractionRefinementStrategy strategy. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Starting analysis 2 ... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) fixpoint-iteration aborted, because there was a target state. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) fixpoint-iteration aborted, because there was a target state. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Shutdown requested (The JVM is shutting down, probably because Ctrl+C was pressed.), waiting for termination. (ForceTerminationOnShutdown$1.shutdownRequested, WARNING) Ignoring restart configuration '/storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/' because condition if-concurrent did not match. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Warning: Analysis 3 stopped. (The JVM is shutting down, probably because Ctrl+C was pressed.) (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, WARNING) Warning: Analysis interrupted (The JVM is shutting down, probably because Ctrl+C was pressed.) (ShutdownNotifier.shutdownIfNecessary, WARNING) Selection Algorithm statistics ------------------------------ Size of preliminary analysis reached set: 0 Used algorithm property: /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ Program containing only relevant bools: 0 Relevant boolean vars / relevant vars ratio: 0.0000 Requires alias handling: 0 Requires loop handling: 0 Has a single loop: 0 Requires composite-type handling: 0 Requires array handling: 0 Requires float handling: 0 Requires recursion handling: 0 Relevant addressed vars / relevant vars ratio: 0.0000 Program containing external functions: true Number of all righthand side functions: 4 Restart Algorithm statistics ---------------------------- Number of algorithms provided: 4 Number of algorithms used: 3 Last algorithm used: /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ Total time for algorithm 3: 708.791s BAMCPA statistics ----------------- Number of blocks: 3 Max reached nesting level: 26 Time for building block partitioning: 0.007s Time for reducing abstract states: 0.007s Time for expanding abstract states: 0.003s Time for reducing precisions: 0.003s Time for expanding precisions: 0.001s Number of created nested algortihms: 29 Nesting level of target states with caching: 0.50 (#=4, min=0, max=1, hist=[0 x 2, 1 x 2]) Nesting level of target states without caching: 1.00 (#=4, min=1, max=1, hist=[1 x 4]) BAM-based Refinement: Compute path for refinement: 2.433s Constructing flat ARG: 1.155s Searching path to error location: 1.278s Removing cached subtrees: 0.001s Number of refinements with a missing block: 0 Number of started refinements: 2 Number of spurious counterexamples: 1 Number of precise counterexamples: 0 Block statistics: Analyzed blocks: 2 Avg. time for block analysis: 354.343s Mean time for block analysis: 0.166s Min time for block analysis: 0.166s Max time for block analysis: 708.521s StdDev time for block analysis: 354.177s Total time for block analysis: 708.687s Time for main block: 708.521s ([N21]) BAMCache statistics ------------------- Total size of all ARGs: 348 (#=28, avg=12.43, dev=2.51, min=4, max=18) Total number of recursive CPA calls: 53 Number of cache misses: 28 (53% of all calls) Number of partial cache hits: 2 (4% of all calls) Number of full cache hits: 23 (43% of all calls) Time for checking equality of abstract states: 0.000s (Calls: 26) Time for computing the hashCode of abstract states: 0.001s (Calls: 81) ValueAnalysisCPA statistics --------------------------- Number of variables per state: 0.50 (sum: 1, count: 2, min: 0, max: 1) Number of global variables per state: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 2, min: 0, max: 0) Number of assumptions: 212 Number of deterministic assumptions: 0 Level of Determinism: 0% ValueAnalysisPrecisionAdjustment statistics ------------------------------------------- Number of abstraction computations: 332 Total time for liveness abstraction: 0.000s Total time for abstraction computation: 0.000s Total time for path thresholds: 0.000s ConstraintsStrengthenOperator statistics ---------------------------------------- Total time for strengthening by ConstraintsCPA: 0.000s Replaced symbolic expressions: 0 PredicateCPA statistics ----------------------- Number of abstractions: 234 (84% of all post computations) Times abstraction was reused: 0 Because of function entry/exit: 103 (44%) Because of loop head: 0 (0%) Because of join nodes: 0 (0%) Because of threshold: 0 (0%) Because of target state: 0 (0%) Times precision was empty: 234 (100%) Times precision was {false}: 0 (0%) Times result was cached: 0 (0%) Times cartesian abs was used: 0 (0%) Times boolean abs was used: 0 (0%) Times result was 'false': 0 (0%) Number of strengthen sat checks: 0 Number of coverage checks: 3 BDD entailment checks: 3 Number of SMT sat checks: 0 trivial: 0 cached: 0 Max ABE block size: 4 Avg ABE block size: 1.36 (sum: 319, count: 234, min: 0, max: 4) Number of predicates discovered: 0 Time for post operator: 0.065s Time for path formula creation: 0.062s Time for strengthen operator: 0.002s Time for prec operator: 0.012s Time for abstraction: 0.004s (Max: 0.001s, Count: 234) Solving time: 0.000s (Max: 0.000s) Model enumeration time: 0.000s Time for BDD construction: 0.000s (Max: 0.000s) Time for coverage checks: 0.003s Time for BDD entailment checks: 0.003s Total time for SMT solver (w/o itp): 0.000s Number of path formula cache hits: 12 (4%) Inside post operator: Inside path formula creation: Time for path formula computation: 0.061s Total number of created targets for pointer analysis: 0 Number of BDD nodes: 202 Size of BDD node table: 524309 Size of BDD cache: 52433 Size of BDD node cleanup queue: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 605, min: 0, max: 0) Time for BDD node cleanup: 0.002s Time for BDD garbage collection: 0.000s (in 0 runs) KeyValue statistics ------------------- Init. function predicates: 0 Init. global predicates: 0 Init. location predicates: 0 Invariant Generation statistics ------------------------------- AutomatonAnalysis (SVCOMP) statistics ------------------------------------- Number of states: 1 Total time for successor computation: 0.002s Automaton transfers with branching: 0 Automaton transfer successors: 1.00 (sum: 280, count: 280, min: 1, max: 1) [1 x 280] Number of states with assumption transitions: 0 CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 2 Max size of waitlist: 1 Average size of waitlist: 1 ReversePostorderSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 2, min: 0, max: 0) CallstackSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 2, min: 0, max: 0) Number of computed successors: 2 Max successors for one state: 1 Number of times merged: 0 Number of times stopped: 0 Number of times breaked: 2 Total time for CPA algorithm: 0.190s (Max: 0.157s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.000s Time for precision adjustment: 0.000s Time for transfer relation: 0.190s Time for stop operator: 0.000s Time for adding to reached set: 0.000s DelegatingARGBasedRefiner statistics ------------------------------------ Analysis 1 (ValueAnalysisRefiner): Number of selected refinement: 2 Number of finished refinement: 1 Analysis 2 (PredicateCPARefiner): Number of selected refinement: 0 Number of finished refinement: 0 ValueAnalysisRefiner statistics ------------------------------- Number of refinements: 2 Number of targets found: 2 (count: 2, min: 1, max: 1, avg: 1.00) Time for completing refinement: 705.418s Number of root relocations: 0 Number of similar, repeated refinements: 0 Number of unique precision increments: 1 PathExtractor statistics ------------------------ Total number of targets found: 0 ValueAnalysisPathInterpolator statistics ---------------------------------------- Time for interpolation: 696.122s Number of interpolations: 2 Number of interpolation queries: 560 (count: 2769, min: 0, max: 2, avg: 0.20) Size of interpolant: 0.72 (sum: 1999, count: 2769, min: 0, max: 2) Number of sliced prefixes: 2 (count: 2, min: 1, max: 1, avg: 1.00) Extracting infeasible sliced prefixes: 3.340s Selecting infeasible sliced prefixes: 0.001s PredicateCPARefiner statistics ------------------------------ Number of predicate refinements: 0 Predicate-Abstraction Refiner statistics ---------------------------------------- Predicate creation: 0.000s Precision update: 0.000s ARG update: 0.000s Length of refined path (in blocks): 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 0, min: 0, max: 0) Number of affected states: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Length (states) of path with itp 'true': 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Length (states) of path with itp non-trivial itp: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Length (states) of path with itp 'false': 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Different non-trivial interpolants along paths: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Equal non-trivial interpolants along paths: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Number of refs with location-based cutoff: 0 CEGAR algorithm statistics -------------------------- Number of CEGAR refinements: 2 Number of successful refinements: 1 Number of failed refinements: 0 Max. size of reached set before ref.: 2 Max. size of reached set after ref.: 1 Avg. size of reached set before ref.: 2.00 Avg. size of reached set after ref.: 1.00 Total time for CEGAR algorithm: 708.683s Time for refinements: 708.493s Average time for refinement: 354.246s Max time for refinement: 708.464s CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 2 Max size of waitlist: 1 Average size of waitlist: 1 ReversePostorderSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 2, min: 0, max: 0) CallstackSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 2, min: 0, max: 0) Number of computed successors: 2 Max successors for one state: 1 Number of times merged: 0 Number of times stopped: 0 Number of times breaked: 2 Total time for CPA algorithm: 0.190s (Max: 0.157s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.000s Time for precision adjustment: 0.000s Time for transfer relation: 0.190s Time for stop operator: 0.000s Time for adding to reached set: 0.000s DelegatingARGBasedRefiner statistics ------------------------------------ Analysis 1 (ValueAnalysisRefiner): Number of selected refinement: 2 Number of finished refinement: 1 Analysis 2 (PredicateCPARefiner): Number of selected refinement: 0 Number of finished refinement: 0 ValueAnalysisRefiner statistics ------------------------------- Number of refinements: 2 Number of targets found: 2 (count: 2, min: 1, max: 1, avg: 1.00) Time for completing refinement: 705.423s Number of root relocations: 0 Number of similar, repeated refinements: 0 Number of unique precision increments: 1 PathExtractor statistics ------------------------ Total number of targets found: 0 ValueAnalysisPathInterpolator statistics ---------------------------------------- Time for interpolation: 696.127s Number of interpolations: 2 Number of interpolation queries: 560 (count: 2769, min: 0, max: 2, avg: 0.20) Size of interpolant: 0.72 (sum: 1999, count: 2769, min: 0, max: 2) Number of sliced prefixes: 2 (count: 2, min: 1, max: 1, avg: 1.00) Extracting infeasible sliced prefixes: 3.340s Selecting infeasible sliced prefixes: 0.001s PredicateCPARefiner statistics ------------------------------ Number of predicate refinements: 0 Predicate-Abstraction Refiner statistics ---------------------------------------- Predicate creation: 0.000s Precision update: 0.000s ARG update: 0.000s Length of refined path (in blocks): 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 0, min: 0, max: 0) Number of affected states: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Length (states) of path with itp 'true': 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Length (states) of path with itp non-trivial itp: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Length (states) of path with itp 'false': 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Different non-trivial interpolants along paths: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Equal non-trivial interpolants along paths: 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Number of refs with location-based cutoff: 0 CEGAR algorithm statistics -------------------------- Number of CEGAR refinements: 2 Number of successful refinements: 1 Number of failed refinements: 0 Max. size of reached set before ref.: 2 Max. size of reached set after ref.: 1 Avg. size of reached set before ref.: 2.00 Avg. size of reached set after ref.: 1.00 Total time for CEGAR algorithm: 708.683s Time for refinements: 708.493s Average time for refinement: 354.246s Max time for refinement: 708.464s CPAchecker general statistics ----------------------------- Number of program locations: 35 Number of CFA edges (per node): 38 (count: 35, min: 0, max: 3, avg: 1.09) Number of relevant variables: 8 Number of functions: 3 Number of loops (and loop nodes): 0 (sum: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Size of reached set: 2 Number of reached locations: 2 (6%) Avg states per location: 1 Max states per location: 1 (at node N1) Number of reached functions: 2 (67%) Number of target states: 1 Size of final wait list: 1 Time for analysis setup: 0.850s Time for loading CPAs: 0.265s Time for loading parser: 0.150s Time for CFA construction: 0.414s Time for parsing file(s): 0.216s Time for AST to CFA: 0.106s Time for CFA sanity check: 0.000s Time for post-processing: 0.061s Time for loop structure: 0.001s Time for AST structure: 0.000s Time for function pointers resolving: 0.001s Function calls via function pointers: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Instrumented function pointer calls: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Function calls with function pointer arguments: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Instrumented function pointer arguments: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Time for classifying variables: 0.036s Time for collecting variables: 0.020s Time for solving dependencies: 0.000s Time for building hierarchy: 0.000s Time for building classification: 0.016s Time for exporting data: 0.000s Time for Analysis: 709.156s CPU time for analysis: 899.660s Total time for CPAchecker: 710.006s Total CPU time for CPAchecker: 901.320s Time for statistics: 1.554s Time for Garbage Collector: 8.383s (in 542 runs) Garbage Collector(s) used: G1 Old Generation, G1 Young Generation Verification result: UNKNOWN, incomplete analysis. Exporting witnesses in Version 2.1 is currently WIP. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Writing output files from took 34.726s. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, WARNING) Writing output files from Restart Algorithm statistics took 34.726s. (StatisticsUtils.writeOutputFiles, WARNING) Writing output files from Selection Algorithm statistics took 34.727s. (StatisticsUtils.writeOutputFiles, WARNING) More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".