cpachecker/bin/cpachecker --svcomp24 --heap 10000M --benchmark --option cpa.arg.yamlProofWitness=witness-%s.yml --option witness.yamlexporter.witnessVersions=V2d1,V2 --timelimit 900s --stats --spec sv-benchmarks/c/properties/unreach-call.prp --32 sv-benchmarks/c/loops/trex03-2_abstracted.c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running CPAchecker with Java heap of size 10000M. Running CPAchecker with default stack size (1024k). Specify a larger value with --stack if needed. Language C detected and set for analysis (CPAMain.detectFrontendLanguageIfNecessary, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO) CPAchecker 3.1-svn-5f8d539e99+ / svcomp24 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.9) started (, INFO) Parsing CFA from file(s) "sv-benchmarks/c/loops/trex03-2_abstracted.c" (CPAchecker.parse, INFO) Using heuristics to select analysis (CoreComponentsFactory.createAlgorithm, INFO) The following configuration options were specified but are not used: cpa.callstack.unsupportedFunctions termination.violation.witness cpa.predicate.memoryAllocationsAlwaysSucceed cpa.arg.compressWitness cpa.arg.yamlProofWitness cpa.callstack.skipFunctionPointerRecursion counterexample.export.yaml cpa.composite.aggregateBasicBlocks counterexample.export.graphml counterexample.export.compressWitness cpa.arg.proofWitness witness.yamlexporter.witnessVersions (CPAchecker.printConfigurationWarnings, WARNING) Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO) Performing heuristic ... (SelectionAlgorithm.chooseConfig, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using Restarting Algorithm (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Loading analysis 1 from file /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ ... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Using predicate analysis with MathSAT5 version 5.6.10 (9293adc746be) (May 31 2023 12:38:06, gmp 6.2.0, gcc 7.5.0, 64-bit, reentrant). (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Starting analysis 1 ... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Creating formula for program (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Starting satisfiability check... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Starting assertions check... (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Ignoring restart configuration '/storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/' because condition if-recursive did not match. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Ignoring restart configuration '/storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/' because condition if-concurrent did not match. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO) Selection Algorithm statistics ------------------------------ Size of preliminary analysis reached set: 0 Used algorithm property: /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ Program containing only relevant bools: 0 Relevant boolean vars / relevant vars ratio: 0.0000 Requires alias handling: 0 Requires loop handling: 0 Has a single loop: 0 Requires composite-type handling: 0 Requires array handling: 0 Requires float handling: 0 Requires recursion handling: 0 Relevant addressed vars / relevant vars ratio: 0.0000 Program containing external functions: true Number of all righthand side functions: 6 Restart Algorithm statistics ---------------------------- Number of algorithms provided: 4 Number of algorithms used: 3 Last algorithm used: /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ Total time for algorithm 3: 0.349s PredicateCPA statistics ----------------------- Number of abstractions: 1 (2% of all post computations) Times abstraction was reused: 0 Because of function entry/exit: 0 (0%) Because of loop head: 0 (0%) Because of join nodes: 0 (0%) Because of threshold: 0 (0%) Because of target state: 1 (100%) Times precision was empty: 1 (100%) Times precision was {false}: 0 (0%) Times result was cached: 0 (0%) Times cartesian abs was used: 0 (0%) Times boolean abs was used: 0 (0%) Times result was 'false': 0 (0%) Number of strengthen sat checks: 0 Number of coverage checks: 8 BDD entailment checks: 0 Number of SMT sat checks: 0 trivial: 0 cached: 0 Max ABE block size: 18 Avg ABE block size: 18.00 (sum: 18, count: 1, min: 18, max: 18) Number of predicates discovered: 0 Time for post operator: 0.046s Time for path formula creation: 0.045s Time for strengthen operator: 0.004s Time for prec operator: 0.001s Time for abstraction: 0.000s (Max: 0.000s, Count: 1) Solving time: 0.000s (Max: 0.000s) Model enumeration time: 0.000s Time for BDD construction: 0.000s (Max: 0.000s) Time for merge operator: 0.004s Time for coverage checks: 0.000s Total time for SMT solver (w/o itp): 0.000s Total number of created targets for pointer analysis: 0 KeyValue statistics ------------------- Init. function predicates: 0 Init. global predicates: 0 Init. location predicates: 0 Invariant Generation statistics ------------------------------- Bounds CPA statistics --------------------- Bound k: 1 Maximum loop iteration reached: 0 ValueAnalysisCPA statistics --------------------------- Number of variables per state: 1.67 (sum: 87, count: 52, min: 0, max: 4) Number of global variables per state: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 52, min: 0, max: 0) Number of assumptions: 12 Number of deterministic assumptions: 0 Level of Determinism: 0% ValueAnalysisPrecisionAdjustment statistics ------------------------------------------- Number of abstraction computations: 56 Total time for liveness abstraction: 0.000s Total time for abstraction computation: 0.001s Total time for path thresholds: 0.000s ConstraintsStrengthenOperator statistics ---------------------------------------- Total time for strengthening by ConstraintsCPA: 0.000s Replaced symbolic expressions: 0 AutomatonAnalysis (SVCOMP) statistics ------------------------------------- Number of states: 1 Total time for successor computation: 0.000s Automaton transfers with branching: 0 Automaton transfer successors: 0.97 (sum: 56, count: 58, min: 0, max: 1) [0 x 2, 1 x 56] Number of states with assumption transitions: 0 CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 53 Max size of waitlist: 2 Average size of waitlist: 1 LoopstackSortedWaitlist: 0.08 (sum: 3, count: 40, min: 0, max: 2) ReversePostorderSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 40, min: 0, max: 0) LoopIterationSortedWaitlist: 0.08 (sum: 3, count: 40, min: 0, max: 2) CallstackSortedWaitlist: 13.00 (sum: 13, count: 1, min: 13, max: 13) Number of computed successors: 56 Max successors for one state: 2 Number of times merged: 4 Number of times stopped: 4 Number of times breaked: 0 Total time for CPA algorithm: 0.086s (Max: 0.086s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.003s Time for precision adjustment: 0.004s Time for transfer relation: 0.069s Time for merge operator: 0.005s Time for stop operator: 0.000s Time for adding to reached set: 0.003s BMC algorithm statistics ------------------------ Time for BMC formula creation: 0.087s Time for final sat check: 0.004s Time for bounding assertions check: 0.000s CPA algorithm statistics ------------------------ Number of iterations: 53 Max size of waitlist: 2 Average size of waitlist: 1 LoopstackSortedWaitlist: 0.08 (sum: 3, count: 40, min: 0, max: 2) ReversePostorderSortedWaitlist: 0.00 (sum: 0, count: 40, min: 0, max: 0) LoopIterationSortedWaitlist: 0.08 (sum: 3, count: 40, min: 0, max: 2) CallstackSortedWaitlist: 13.00 (sum: 13, count: 1, min: 13, max: 13) Number of computed successors: 56 Max successors for one state: 2 Number of times merged: 4 Number of times stopped: 4 Number of times breaked: 0 Total time for CPA algorithm: 0.086s (Max: 0.086s) Time for choose from waitlist: 0.003s Time for precision adjustment: 0.004s Time for transfer relation: 0.069s Time for merge operator: 0.005s Time for stop operator: 0.000s Time for adding to reached set: 0.003s BMC algorithm statistics ------------------------ Time for BMC formula creation: 0.087s Time for final sat check: 0.004s Time for bounding assertions check: 0.000s CPAchecker general statistics ----------------------------- Number of program locations: 62 Number of CFA edges (per node): 62 (count: 62, min: 0, max: 2, avg: 1.00) Number of relevant variables: 7 Number of functions: 3 Number of loops (and loop nodes): 0 (sum: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Size of reached set: 52 Number of reached locations: 52 (84%) Avg states per location: 1 Max states per location: 1 (at node N4) Number of reached functions: 2 (67%) Number of target states: 0 Time for analysis setup: 1.168s Time for loading CPAs: 0.359s Time for loading parser: 0.222s Time for CFA construction: 0.563s Time for parsing file(s): 0.278s Time for AST to CFA: 0.146s Time for CFA sanity check: 0.000s Time for post-processing: 0.094s Time for loop structure: 0.002s Time for AST structure: 0.000s Time for function pointers resolving: 0.004s Function calls via function pointers: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Instrumented function pointer calls: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Function calls with function pointer arguments: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Instrumented function pointer arguments: 0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00) Time for classifying variables: 0.064s Time for collecting variables: 0.035s Time for solving dependencies: 0.001s Time for building hierarchy: 0.000s Time for building classification: 0.028s Time for exporting data: 0.000s Time for Analysis: 0.365s CPU time for analysis: 0.660s Time for analyzing result: 0.000s Total time for CPAchecker: 1.534s Total CPU time for CPAchecker: 2.930s Time for statistics: 0.048s Time for Garbage Collector: 0.038s (in 6 runs) Garbage Collector(s) used: G1 Old Generation, G1 Young Generation Verification result: TRUE. No property violation found by chosen configuration. Exporting witnesses in Version 2.1 is currently WIP. (Analysis /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/ /storage/repos/certificate-witnesses-artifact/cpachecker/config/components/, INFO) More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".