metaval-c-2.0/ --backend framac-wp --debug --witness results/automizer-verification-files/SV-COMP24_unreach-call/gauss_sum.i.p+lhb-reducer.yml/witness-2.1.yml --property sv-benchmarks/c/properties/unreach-call.prp --data-model ILP32 sv-benchmarks/c/loop-new/gauss_sum.i.p+lhb-reducer.c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-09-25 11:50:36,432 - DEBUG - Frama C output [kernel] Parsing tmp/program.c (with preprocessing) [kernel:typing:no-proto] tmp/program.c:26: Warning: Calling function __VERIFIER_nondet_int that is declared without prototype. Its formals will be inferred from actual arguments [wp] Running WP plugin... [kernel:annot:missing-spec] tmp/program.c:14: Warning: Neither code nor specification for function __VERIFIER_nondet_int, generating default exits, assigns and terminates. See -generated-spec-* options for more info [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards [wp] tmp/program.c:67: User Error: Non-natural loop detected in function 'main'. This case is not supported yet (skipped verification). [wp] Warning: No goal generated [wp:pedantic-assigns] tmp/program.c:21: Warning: No 'assigns' specification for function 'main'. Callers assumptions might be imprecise. [wp] User Error: Deferred error message was emitted during execution. See above messages for more information. [kernel] Plug-in wp aborted: invalid user input. 2024-09-25 11:50:36,432 - DEBUG - Frama C error output There was an error validating the witness in the backend verifier: (non-natural loop)