extern void abort(void); extern void __assert_fail(const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); void reach_error() { __assert_fail("0", "float_req_bl_0883.c", 3, "reach_error"); } extern float __VERIFIER_nondet_float(); typedef int __int32_t; typedef unsigned int __uint32_t; typedef union { float value; __uint32_t word; } ieee_float_shape_type; static const float one_fmod = 1.0, Zero_fmod[] = { 0.0, -0.0, }; float fmod_float(float x, float y) { __int32_t n, hx, hy, hz, ix, iy, sx, i; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (hx) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (y); (hy) = gf_u.word; } while (0); sx = hx & 0x80000000; hx ^= sx; hy &= 0x7fffffff; if (((hy) == 0) || !((hx) < 0x7f800000L) || ((hy) > 0x7f800000L)) return (x * y) / (x * y); if (hx < hy) return x; if (hx == hy) return Zero_fmod[(__uint32_t)sx >> 31]; if (((hx) < 0x00800000L)) { for (ix = -126, i = (hx << 8); i > 0; i <<= 1) ix -= 1; } else ix = (hx >> 23) - 127; if (((hy) < 0x00800000L)) { for (iy = -126, i = (hy << 8); i >= 0; i <<= 1) iy -= 1; } else iy = (hy >> 23) - 127; if (ix >= -126) hx = 0x00800000 | (0x007fffff & hx); else { n = -126 - ix; hx = hx << n; } if (iy >= -126) hy = 0x00800000 | (0x007fffff & hy); else { n = -126 - iy; hy = hy << n; } n = ix - iy; while (n--) { hz = hx - hy; if (hz < 0) { hx = hx + hx; } else { if (hz == 0) return Zero_fmod[(__uint32_t)sx >> 31]; hx = hz + hz; } } hz = hx - hy; if (hz >= 0) { hx = hz; } if (hx == 0) return Zero_fmod[(__uint32_t)sx >> 31]; while (hx < 0x00800000) { hx = hx + hx; iy -= 1; } if (iy >= -126) { hx = ((hx - 0x00800000) | ((iy + 127) << 23)); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (hx | sx); (x) = sf_u.value; } while (0); } else { n = -126 - iy; hx >>= n; do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (hx | sx); (x) = sf_u.value; } while (0); x *= one_fmod; } return x; } static const float one_sqrt = 1.0, tiny_sqrt = 1.0e-30; float __ieee754_sqrtf(float x) { float z; __uint32_t r, hx; __int32_t ix, s, q, m, t, i; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (ix) = gf_u.word; } while (0); hx = ix & 0x7fffffff; if (!((hx) < 0x7f800000L)) return x * x + x; if (((hx) == 0)) return x; if (ix < 0) return (x - x) / (x - x); m = (ix >> 23); if (((hx) < 0x00800000L)) { for (i = 0; (ix & 0x00800000L) == 0; i++) ix <<= 1; m -= i - 1; } m -= 127; ix = (ix & 0x007fffffL) | 0x00800000L; if (m & 1) ix += ix; m >>= 1; ix += ix; q = s = 0; r = 0x01000000L; while (r != 0) { t = s + r; if (t <= ix) { s = t + r; ix -= t; q += r; } ix += ix; r >>= 1; } if (ix != 0) { z = one_sqrt - tiny_sqrt; if (z >= one_sqrt) { z = one_sqrt + tiny_sqrt; if (z > one_sqrt) q += 2; else q += (q & 1); } } ix = (q >> 1) + 0x3f000000L; ix += (m << 23); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (ix); (z) = sf_u.value; } while (0); return z; } float copysign_float(float x, float y) { __uint32_t ix, iy; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (ix) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (y); (iy) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = ((ix & 0x7fffffff) | (iy & 0x80000000)); (x) = sf_u.value; } while (0); return x; } static const float two25_scalbn = 3.355443200e+07, twom25_scalbn = 2.9802322388e-08, huge_scalbn = 1.0e+30, tiny_scalbn = 1.0e-30; float scalbn_float(float x, int n) { __int32_t k, ix; __uint32_t hx; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (ix) = gf_u.word; } while (0); hx = ix & 0x7fffffff; k = hx >> 23; if (((hx) == 0)) return x; if (!((hx) < 0x7f800000L)) return x + x; if (((hx) < 0x00800000L)) { x *= two25_scalbn; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (ix) = gf_u.word; } while (0); k = ((ix & 0x7f800000) >> 23) - 25; if (n < -50000) return tiny_scalbn * x; } k = k + n; if (k > (0x7f7fffffL >> 23)) return huge_scalbn * copysign_float(huge_scalbn, x); if (k > 0) { do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = ((ix & 0x807fffff) | (k << 23)); (x) = sf_u.value; } while (0); return x; } if (k < -22) { if (n > 50000) return huge_scalbn * copysign_float(huge_scalbn, x); else return tiny_scalbn * copysign_float(tiny_scalbn, x); } k += 25; do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = ((ix & 0x807fffff) | (k << 23)); (x) = sf_u.value; } while (0); return x * twom25_scalbn; } float fabs_float(float x) { __uint32_t ix; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (ix) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (ix & 0x7fffffff); (x) = sf_u.value; } while (0); return x; } static const float bp_pow[] = { 1.0, 1.5, }, dp_h_pow[] = { 0.0, 5.84960938e-01, }, dp_l_pow[] = { 0.0, 1.56322085e-06, }, zero_pow = 0.0, one_pow = 1.0, two_pow = 2.0, two24_pow = 16777216.0, huge_pow = 1.0e30, tiny_pow = 1.0e-30, L1_pow = 6.0000002384e-01, L2_pow = 4.2857143283e-01, L3_pow = 3.3333334327e-01, L4_pow = 2.7272811532e-01, L5_pow = 2.3066075146e-01, L6_pow = 2.0697501302e-01, P1_pow = 1.6666667163e-01, P2_pow = -2.7777778450e-03, P3_pow = 6.6137559770e-05, P4_pow = -1.6533901999e-06, P5_pow = 4.1381369442e-08, lg2_pow = 6.9314718246e-01, lg2_h_pow = 6.93145752e-01, lg2_l_pow = 1.42860654e-06, ovt_pow = 4.2995665694e-08, cp = 9.6179670095e-01, cp_h_pow = 9.6179199219e-01, cp_l_pow = 4.7017383622e-06, ivln2_pow = 1.4426950216e+00, ivln2_h_pow = 1.4426879883e+00, ivln2_l_pow = 7.0526075433e-06; float __ieee754_powf(float x, float y) { float z, ax, z_h, z_l, p_h, p_l; float y1, t1, t2, r, s, t, u, v, w; __int32_t i, j, k, yisint, n; __int32_t hx, hy, ix, iy, is; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (hx) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (y); (hy) = gf_u.word; } while (0); ix = hx & 0x7fffffff; iy = hy & 0x7fffffff; if (((iy) == 0)) return one_pow; if (((ix) > 0x7f800000L) || ((iy) > 0x7f800000L)) { if (ix == 0x3f800000) return one_pow; else return __builtin_nanf(""); } yisint = 0; if (hx < 0) { if (iy >= 0x4b800000) yisint = 2; else if (iy >= 0x3f800000) { k = (iy >> 23) - 0x7f; j = iy >> (23 - k); if ((j << (23 - k)) == iy) yisint = 2 - (j & 1); } } if (((iy) == 0x7f800000L)) { if (ix == 0x3f800000) return one_pow; else if (ix > 0x3f800000) return (hy >= 0) ? y : zero_pow; else return (hy < 0) ? -y : zero_pow; } if (iy == 0x3f800000) { if (hy < 0) return one_pow / x; else return x; } if (hy == 0x40000000) return x * x; if (hy == 0x3f000000) { if (hx >= 0) return __ieee754_sqrtf(x); } ax = fabs_float(x); if (((ix) == 0x7f800000L) || ((ix) == 0) || ix == 0x3f800000) { z = ax; if (hy < 0) z = one_pow / z; if (hx < 0) { if (((ix - 0x3f800000) | yisint) == 0) { z = (z - z) / (z - z); } else if (yisint == 1) z = -z; } return z; } if (((((__uint32_t)hx >> 31) - 1) | yisint) == 0) return (x - x) / (x - x); if (iy > 0x4d000000) { if (ix < 0x3f7ffff8) return (hy < 0) ? huge_pow * huge_pow : tiny_pow * tiny_pow; if (ix > 0x3f800007) return (hy > 0) ? huge_pow * huge_pow : tiny_pow * tiny_pow; t = ax - 1; w = (t * t) * ((float)0.5 - t * ((float)0.333333333333 - t * (float)0.25)); u = ivln2_h_pow * t; v = t * ivln2_l_pow - w * ivln2_pow; t1 = u + v; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (t1); (is) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (is & 0xfffff000); (t1) = sf_u.value; } while (0); t2 = v - (t1 - u); } else { float s2, s_h, s_l, t_h, t_l; n = 0; if (((ix) < 0x00800000L)) { ax *= two24_pow; n -= 24; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (ax); (ix) = gf_u.word; } while (0); } n += ((ix) >> 23) - 0x7f; j = ix & 0x007fffff; ix = j | 0x3f800000; if (j <= 0x1cc471) k = 0; else if (j < 0x5db3d7) k = 1; else { k = 0; n += 1; ix -= 0x00800000; } do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (ix); (ax) = sf_u.value; } while (0); u = ax - bp_pow[k]; v = one_pow / (ax + bp_pow[k]); s = u * v; s_h = s; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (s_h); (is) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (is & 0xfffff000); (s_h) = sf_u.value; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (((ix >> 1) | 0x20000000) + 0x0040000 + (k << 21)); (t_h) = sf_u.value; } while (0); t_l = ax - (t_h - bp_pow[k]); s_l = v * ((u - s_h * t_h) - s_h * t_l); s2 = s * s; r = s2 * s2 * (L1_pow + s2 * (L2_pow + s2 * (L3_pow + s2 * (L4_pow + s2 * (L5_pow + s2 * L6_pow))))); r += s_l * (s_h + s); s2 = s_h * s_h; t_h = (float)3.0 + s2 + r; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (t_h); (is) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (is & 0xfffff000); (t_h) = sf_u.value; } while (0); t_l = r - ((t_h - (float)3.0) - s2); u = s_h * t_h; v = s_l * t_h + t_l * s; p_h = u + v; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (p_h); (is) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (is & 0xfffff000); (p_h) = sf_u.value; } while (0); p_l = v - (p_h - u); z_h = cp_h_pow * p_h; z_l = cp_l_pow * p_h + p_l * cp + dp_l_pow[k]; t = (float)n; t1 = (((z_h + z_l) + dp_h_pow[k]) + t); do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (t1); (is) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (is & 0xfffff000); (t1) = sf_u.value; } while (0); t2 = z_l - (((t1 - t) - dp_h_pow[k]) - z_h); } s = one_pow; if (((((__uint32_t)hx >> 31) - 1) | (yisint - 1)) == 0) s = -one_pow; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (y); (is) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (is & 0xfffff000); (y1) = sf_u.value; } while (0); p_l = (y - y1) * t1 + y * t2; p_h = y1 * t1; z = p_l + p_h; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (z); (j) = gf_u.word; } while (0); i = j & 0x7fffffff; if (j > 0) { if (i > 0x43000000) return s * huge_pow * huge_pow; else if (i == 0x43000000) if (p_l + ovt_pow > z - p_h) return s * huge_pow * huge_pow; } else { if (i > 0x43160000) return s * tiny_pow * tiny_pow; else if (i == 0x43160000) if (p_l <= z - p_h) return s * tiny_pow * tiny_pow; } k = (i >> 23) - 0x7f; n = 0; if (i > 0x3f000000) { n = j + (0x00800000 >> (k + 1)); k = ((n & 0x7fffffff) >> 23) - 0x7f; do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (n & ~(0x007fffff >> k)); (t) = sf_u.value; } while (0); n = ((n & 0x007fffff) | 0x00800000) >> (23 - k); if (j < 0) n = -n; p_h -= t; } t = p_l + p_h; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (t); (is) = gf_u.word; } while (0); do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (is & 0xfffff000); (t) = sf_u.value; } while (0); u = t * lg2_h_pow; v = (p_l - (t - p_h)) * lg2_pow + t * lg2_l_pow; z = u + v; w = v - (z - u); t = z * z; t1 = z - t * (P1_pow + t * (P2_pow + t * (P3_pow + t * (P4_pow + t * P5_pow)))); r = (z * t1) / (t1 - two_pow) - (w + z * w); z = one_pow - (r - z); do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (z); (j) = gf_u.word; } while (0); j += (n << 23); if ((j >> 23) <= 0) z = scalbn_float(z, (int)n); else do { ieee_float_shape_type sf_u; sf_u.word = (j); (z) = sf_u.value; } while (0); return s * z; } // infinity check for floats int isinf_float(float x) { __int32_t ix; do { ieee_float_shape_type gf_u; gf_u.value = (x); (ix) = gf_u.word; } while (0); ix &= 0x7fffffff; return ((ix) == 0x7f800000L); } int main() { /* * REQ-BL-0883//GTD-TR-01-BL-0015, GTD-TR-01-BL-0026/T * The pow and powf procedures shall return +Inf , if the argument x is +Inf * and the argument y > 0. */ float x = 1.0f / 0.0f; // INF float y = __VERIFIER_nondet_float(); if (y > 0) { float res = __ieee754_powf(x, y); // result shall be +inf if (!isinf_float(res)) { {reach_error();} return 1; } } return 0; }