BENCHMARK INFORMATION benchmark definition: /storage/repos/ultimate/releaseScripts/default/benchexec/uautomizer-validate-correctness-witnesses.xml.modified.xml name: uautomizer-validate-correctness-witnesses.xml.modified run sets: SV-COMP21_unreach-call date: Thu, 2021-09-30 18:20:02 CEST tool: ULTIMATE Automizer 0.2.1-997cd7c3 tool executable: /storage/repos/ultimate/releaseScripts/default/UAutomizer-linux/ options: --full-output parallel runs: 14 resource limits: - memory: 7000.0 MB - time: 900 s - cpu cores: 2 hardware requirements: - cpu model: Intel Xeon E3-1230 v5 @ 3.40 GHz - cpu cores: 2 - memory: 7000.0 MB ------------------------------------------------------------ SYSTEM INFORMATION host: bench-02 os: Linux-5.4.65-1-pve-x86_64-with-glibc2.31 cpu: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core Processor - cores: 32 - max frequency: 3700.0 MHz - turbo boost enabled: True ram: 137438.953472 MB ------------------------------------------------------------ SV-COMP21_unreach-call Run set 1 of 4: skipped because it has no files SV-COMP21_valid-memcleanup Run set 2 of 4: skipped SV-COMP21_valid-memsafety Run set 3 of 4: skipped SV-COMP21_no-overflow Run set 4 of 4: skipped Statistics: 0 Files correct: 0 correct true: 0 correct false: 0 incorrect: 0 incorrect true: 0 incorrect false: 0 unknown: 0