/* This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "busybox_sv_comp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef NULL #define NULL ((void*)0) #endif // file include/libbb.h line 1708 static const char *applet_name; static signed int bb_errno_location; // file ./libbb-dump.i line 1 static void bb_show_usage(void); // file include/libbb.h line 785 static signed int fflush_all(void); // file libbb/single_argv.c line 11 static char * single_argv(char **argv); // file ./libbb-dump.i line 1 static void bb_show_usage(void) { ; } // file coreutils/dirname.c line 29 void syslog(int priority, const char *format, ...) { } signed int __main(signed int argc, char **argv) { char *return_value_single_argv$1; return_value_single_argv$1=single_argv(argv); char *return_value_dirname$2; return_value_dirname$2=dirname(return_value_single_argv$1); puts(return_value_dirname$2); signed int return_value_fflush_all$3; return_value_fflush_all$3=fflush_all(); return return_value_fflush_all$3; } // file include/libbb.h line 785 static signed int fflush_all(void) { signed int return_value_fflush$1; return_value_fflush$1=fflush((struct _IO_FILE *)NULL); return return_value_fflush$1; } // file libbb/single_argv.c line 11 static char * single_argv(char **argv) { signed int tmp_statement_expression$1; _Bool tmp_if_expr$2; signed int tmp_if_expr$5; signed int tmp_statement_expression$3; signed int return_value___builtin_strcmp$4; if(!(*(1l + argv) == ((char *)NULL))) { unsigned long int __s1_len; unsigned long int __s2_len; if((_Bool)1) { if(!((unsigned long int)("--" + 1l) + -((unsigned long int)"--") == 1ul)) goto __CPROVER_DUMP_L1; __s2_len=strlen("--"); tmp_if_expr$2 = (__s2_len < (unsigned long int)4 ? (signed int)(1 != 0) : (signed int)(0 != 0)) != 0; } else { __CPROVER_DUMP_L1: ; tmp_if_expr$2 = 0 != 0; } if(!(tmp_if_expr$2 == (_Bool)0)) { const char *__s2 = (const char *)argv[(signed long int)1]; signed int __result = (signed int)((const char *)"--")[(signed long int)0] - (signed int)__s2[(signed long int)0]; if(__s2_len > 0ul) { if(__result == 0) { __result = (signed int)((const char *)"--")[(signed long int)1] - (signed int)__s2[(signed long int)1]; if(__s2_len > 1ul) { if(__result == 0) { __result = (signed int)((const char *)"--")[(signed long int)2] - (signed int)__s2[(signed long int)2]; if(__s2_len > 2ul) { if(__result == 0) __result = (signed int)((const char *)"--")[(signed long int)3] - (signed int)__s2[(signed long int)3]; } } } } } tmp_statement_expression$3 = __result; tmp_if_expr$5 = -tmp_statement_expression$3; } else { return_value___builtin_strcmp$4=strcmp(argv[(signed long int)1], "--"); tmp_if_expr$5 = return_value___builtin_strcmp$4; } tmp_statement_expression$1 = tmp_if_expr$5; if(tmp_statement_expression$1 == 0) argv = argv + 1l; } _Bool tmp_if_expr$6; if(*(1l + argv) == ((char *)NULL)) tmp_if_expr$6 = 1 != 0; else tmp_if_expr$6 = (argv[(signed long int)2] != (char *)NULL ? (signed int)(1 != 0) : (signed int)(0 != 0)) != 0; if(!(tmp_if_expr$6 == (_Bool)0)) bb_show_usage(); return argv[(signed long int)1]; } #include "busybox_sv_comp-dirname.h" #include "busybox_sv_comp_impl.h"