// This file is part of the SV-Benchmarks collection of verification tasks: // https://gitlab.com/sosy-lab/benchmarking/sv-benchmarks // // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Jana (Philipp) Berger // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later extern unsigned long __VERIFIER_nondet_ulong(); extern long __VERIFIER_nondet_long(); extern unsigned char __VERIFIER_nondet_uchar(); extern char __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); extern unsigned short __VERIFIER_nondet_ushort(); extern short __VERIFIER_nondet_short(); extern float __VERIFIER_nondet_float(); extern double __VERIFIER_nondet_double(); extern void abort(void); extern void __assert_fail(const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); void reach_error() { __assert_fail("0", "Req1_Prop1_Batch76Wrapper_S.c", 13, "reach_error"); } void __VERIFIER_assert(int cond) { if(!(cond)) { ERROR: {reach_error();abort();} } return; } void assume_abort_if_not(int cond) { if(!cond) { abort(); } } struct WrapperStruct00; struct WrapperStruct00 { unsigned char var_1_1; unsigned char var_1_3; signed long int var_1_4; unsigned char var_1_5; double var_1_6; double var_1_7; signed char var_1_8; signed char var_1_9; signed char var_1_10; signed char var_1_11; unsigned char var_1_12; unsigned char var_1_13; }; unsigned char isInitial = 0; struct WrapperStruct00 WrapperStruct00 = { 1, 8, -2, 0, 31.5, 100000000000000.9, -4, 5, 10, 5, 1, 1 }; signed char last_1_WrapperStruct00_var_1_8 = -4; void initially(void) { } void step(void) { signed long int stepLocal_0 = (- 5) + last_1_WrapperStruct00_var_1_8; if (stepLocal_0 >= last_1_WrapperStruct00_var_1_8) { WrapperStruct00.var_1_1 = (! WrapperStruct00.var_1_5); } else { WrapperStruct00.var_1_1 = WrapperStruct00.var_1_5; } if (-25 >= WrapperStruct00.var_1_3) { WrapperStruct00.var_1_8 = ((((WrapperStruct00.var_1_9) < (WrapperStruct00.var_1_10)) ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_9) : (WrapperStruct00.var_1_10))); } else { if (WrapperStruct00.var_1_10 == WrapperStruct00.var_1_4) { WrapperStruct00.var_1_8 = (WrapperStruct00.var_1_11 - 16); } else { if (WrapperStruct00.var_1_1) { WrapperStruct00.var_1_8 = WrapperStruct00.var_1_9; } } } signed char stepLocal_1 = WrapperStruct00.var_1_8; if (stepLocal_1 <= WrapperStruct00.var_1_8) { if (WrapperStruct00.var_1_1) { WrapperStruct00.var_1_6 = (3.17 - ((((127.2) > (WrapperStruct00.var_1_7)) ? (127.2) : (WrapperStruct00.var_1_7)))); } } if (WrapperStruct00.var_1_1) { if ((WrapperStruct00.var_1_7 >= 24.2) || WrapperStruct00.var_1_5) { WrapperStruct00.var_1_12 = (WrapperStruct00.var_1_5 || (! WrapperStruct00.var_1_13)); } else { WrapperStruct00.var_1_12 = WrapperStruct00.var_1_5; } } else { WrapperStruct00.var_1_12 = WrapperStruct00.var_1_13; } } void updateVariables() { WrapperStruct00.var_1_3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_uchar(); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_3 >= 0); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_3 <= 255); WrapperStruct00.var_1_4 = __VERIFIER_nondet_long(); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_4 >= -2147483648); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_4 <= 2147483647); WrapperStruct00.var_1_5 = __VERIFIER_nondet_uchar(); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_5 >= 0); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_5 <= 0); WrapperStruct00.var_1_7 = __VERIFIER_nondet_double(); assume_abort_if_not((WrapperStruct00.var_1_7 >= 0.0F && WrapperStruct00.var_1_7 <= -1.0e-20F) || (WrapperStruct00.var_1_7 <= 9223372.036854765600e+12F && WrapperStruct00.var_1_7 >= 1.0e-20F )); WrapperStruct00.var_1_9 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_9 >= -127); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_9 <= 126); WrapperStruct00.var_1_10 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_10 >= -127); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_10 <= 126); WrapperStruct00.var_1_11 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_11 >= -1); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_11 <= 126); WrapperStruct00.var_1_13 = __VERIFIER_nondet_uchar(); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_13 >= 1); assume_abort_if_not(WrapperStruct00.var_1_13 <= 1); } void updateLastVariables() { last_1_WrapperStruct00_var_1_8 = WrapperStruct00.var_1_8; } int property() { return ((((((- 5) + last_1_WrapperStruct00_var_1_8) >= last_1_WrapperStruct00_var_1_8) ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_1 == ((unsigned char) (! WrapperStruct00.var_1_5))) : (WrapperStruct00.var_1_1 == ((unsigned char) WrapperStruct00.var_1_5))) && ((WrapperStruct00.var_1_8 <= WrapperStruct00.var_1_8) ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_1 ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_6 == ((double) (3.17 - ((((127.2) > (WrapperStruct00.var_1_7)) ? (127.2) : (WrapperStruct00.var_1_7)))))) : 1) : 1)) && ((-25 >= WrapperStruct00.var_1_3) ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_8 == ((signed char) ((((WrapperStruct00.var_1_9) < (WrapperStruct00.var_1_10)) ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_9) : (WrapperStruct00.var_1_10))))) : ((WrapperStruct00.var_1_10 == WrapperStruct00.var_1_4) ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_8 == ((signed char) (WrapperStruct00.var_1_11 - 16))) : (WrapperStruct00.var_1_1 ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_8 == ((signed char) WrapperStruct00.var_1_9)) : 1)))) && (WrapperStruct00.var_1_1 ? (((WrapperStruct00.var_1_7 >= 24.2) || WrapperStruct00.var_1_5) ? (WrapperStruct00.var_1_12 == ((unsigned char) (WrapperStruct00.var_1_5 || (! WrapperStruct00.var_1_13)))) : (WrapperStruct00.var_1_12 == ((unsigned char) WrapperStruct00.var_1_5))) : (WrapperStruct00.var_1_12 == ((unsigned char) WrapperStruct00.var_1_13))) ; } int main(void) { isInitial = 1; initially(); while (1) { updateLastVariables(); updateVariables(); step(); __VERIFIER_assert(property()); isInitial = 0; } return 0; }