extern void abort(void); extern void __assert_fail(const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); void reach_error() { __assert_fail("0", "drivers--mtd--mtdoops.ko_013.43b5693.68_1.cil_true-unreach-call.i", 3, "reach_error"); } /* Generated by CIL v. 1.5.1 */ /* print_CIL_Input is false */ typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list; typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list; typedef unsigned int __kernel_mode_t; typedef int __kernel_pid_t; typedef unsigned int __kernel_uid_t; typedef unsigned int __kernel_gid_t; typedef unsigned long __kernel_size_t; typedef long __kernel_ssize_t; typedef long __kernel_time_t; typedef long __kernel_clock_t; typedef int __kernel_timer_t; typedef int __kernel_clockid_t; typedef long long __kernel_loff_t; typedef __kernel_uid_t __kernel_uid32_t; typedef __kernel_gid_t __kernel_gid32_t; typedef unsigned char __u8; typedef unsigned short __u16; typedef int __s32; typedef unsigned int __u32; typedef unsigned long long __u64; typedef signed char s8; typedef unsigned char u8; typedef unsigned short u16; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef long long s64; typedef unsigned long long u64; typedef __kernel_mode_t mode_t; typedef __kernel_pid_t pid_t; typedef __kernel_timer_t timer_t; typedef __kernel_clockid_t clockid_t; typedef __kernel_uid32_t uid_t; typedef __kernel_gid32_t gid_t; typedef __kernel_loff_t loff_t; typedef __kernel_size_t size_t; typedef __kernel_ssize_t ssize_t; typedef __kernel_time_t time_t; typedef __kernel_clock_t clock_t; typedef unsigned char u_char; typedef unsigned int u_int; typedef unsigned long u_long; typedef __u32 u_int32_t; typedef __u8 uint8_t; typedef __u32 uint32_t; typedef unsigned int gfp_t; typedef u64 resource_size_t; struct module; struct bug_entry { unsigned long bug_addr ; char const *file ; unsigned short line ; unsigned short flags ; }; struct completion; struct pt_regs; struct pid; struct task_struct; struct mm_struct; struct pt_regs { unsigned long r15 ; unsigned long r14 ; unsigned long r13 ; unsigned long r12 ; unsigned long bp ; unsigned long bx ; unsigned long r11 ; unsigned long r10 ; unsigned long r9 ; unsigned long r8 ; unsigned long ax ; unsigned long cx ; unsigned long dx ; unsigned long si ; unsigned long di ; unsigned long orig_ax ; unsigned long ip ; unsigned long cs ; unsigned long flags ; unsigned long sp ; unsigned long ss ; }; struct info { long ___orig_eip ; long ___ebx ; long ___ecx ; long ___edx ; long ___esi ; long ___edi ; long ___ebp ; long ___eax ; long ___ds ; long ___es ; long ___fs ; long ___orig_eax ; long ___eip ; long ___cs ; long ___eflags ; long ___esp ; long ___ss ; long ___vm86_es ; long ___vm86_ds ; long ___vm86_fs ; long ___vm86_gs ; }; typedef unsigned long pgdval_t; typedef unsigned long pgprotval_t; struct page; struct __anonstruct_pgd_t_8 { pgdval_t pgd ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_pgd_t_8 pgd_t; struct __anonstruct_pgprot_t_9 { pgprotval_t pgprot ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_pgprot_t_9 pgprot_t; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_13 { unsigned int a ; unsigned int b ; }; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_14 { u16 limit0 ; u16 base0 ; unsigned int base1 : 8 ; unsigned int type : 4 ; unsigned int s : 1 ; unsigned int dpl : 2 ; unsigned int p : 1 ; unsigned int limit : 4 ; unsigned int avl : 1 ; unsigned int l : 1 ; unsigned int d : 1 ; unsigned int g : 1 ; unsigned int base2 : 8 ; }; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_12 { struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_13 __annonCompField1 ; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_14 __annonCompField2 ; }; struct desc_struct { union __anonunion____missing_field_name_12 __annonCompField3 ; } __attribute__((__packed__)) ; struct __anonstruct_cpumask_t_17 { unsigned long bits[((8UL + 8UL * sizeof(long )) - 1UL) / (8UL * sizeof(long ))] ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_cpumask_t_17 cpumask_t; struct thread_struct; struct raw_spinlock; struct x8664_pda { struct task_struct *pcurrent ; unsigned long data_offset ; unsigned long kernelstack ; unsigned long oldrsp ; int irqcount ; unsigned int cpunumber ; char *irqstackptr ; short nodenumber ; short in_bootmem ; unsigned int __softirq_pending ; unsigned int __nmi_count ; short mmu_state ; short isidle ; struct mm_struct *active_mm ; unsigned int apic_timer_irqs ; unsigned int irq0_irqs ; unsigned int irq_resched_count ; unsigned int irq_call_count ; unsigned int irq_tlb_count ; unsigned int irq_thermal_count ; unsigned int irq_threshold_count ; unsigned int irq_spurious_count ; } __attribute__((__aligned__((1) << (7) ))) ; struct exec_domain; struct map_segment; struct exec_domain { char const *name ; void (*handler)(int , struct pt_regs * ) ; unsigned char pers_low ; unsigned char pers_high ; unsigned long *signal_map ; unsigned long *signal_invmap ; struct map_segment *err_map ; struct map_segment *socktype_map ; struct map_segment *sockopt_map ; struct map_segment *af_map ; struct module *module ; struct exec_domain *next ; }; struct i387_fsave_struct { u32 cwd ; u32 swd ; u32 twd ; u32 fip ; u32 fcs ; u32 foo ; u32 fos ; u32 st_space[20] ; u32 status ; }; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_21 { u64 rip ; u64 rdp ; }; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_22 { u32 fip ; u32 fcs ; u32 foo ; u32 fos ; }; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_20 { struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_21 __annonCompField4 ; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_22 __annonCompField5 ; }; struct i387_fxsave_struct { u16 cwd ; u16 swd ; u16 twd ; u16 fop ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_20 __annonCompField6 ; u32 mxcsr ; u32 mxcsr_mask ; u32 st_space[32] ; u32 xmm_space[64] ; u32 padding[24] ; } __attribute__((__aligned__(16))) ; struct i387_soft_struct { u32 cwd ; u32 swd ; u32 twd ; u32 fip ; u32 fcs ; u32 foo ; u32 fos ; u32 st_space[20] ; u8 ftop ; u8 changed ; u8 lookahead ; u8 no_update ; u8 rm ; u8 alimit ; struct info *info ; u32 entry_eip ; }; union thread_xstate { struct i387_fsave_struct fsave ; struct i387_fxsave_struct fxsave ; struct i387_soft_struct soft ; }; struct kmem_cache; struct thread_struct { struct desc_struct tls_array[3] ; unsigned long sp0 ; unsigned long sp ; unsigned long usersp ; unsigned short es ; unsigned short ds ; unsigned short fsindex ; unsigned short gsindex ; unsigned long ip ; unsigned long fs ; unsigned long gs ; unsigned long debugreg0 ; unsigned long debugreg1 ; unsigned long debugreg2 ; unsigned long debugreg3 ; unsigned long debugreg6 ; unsigned long debugreg7 ; unsigned long cr2 ; unsigned long trap_no ; unsigned long error_code ; union thread_xstate *xstate ; unsigned long *io_bitmap_ptr ; unsigned long iopl ; unsigned int io_bitmap_max ; unsigned long debugctlmsr ; unsigned long ds_area_msr ; }; struct __anonstruct_mm_segment_t_23 { unsigned long seg ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_mm_segment_t_23 mm_segment_t; struct list_head { struct list_head *next ; struct list_head *prev ; }; struct hlist_node; struct hlist_head { struct hlist_node *first ; }; struct hlist_node { struct hlist_node *next ; struct hlist_node **pprev ; }; struct timespec; struct compat_timespec; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_25 { unsigned long arg0 ; unsigned long arg1 ; unsigned long arg2 ; unsigned long arg3 ; }; struct __anonstruct_futex_26 { u32 *uaddr ; u32 val ; u32 flags ; u32 bitset ; u64 time ; }; struct __anonstruct_nanosleep_27 { clockid_t index ; struct timespec *rmtp ; struct compat_timespec *compat_rmtp ; u64 expires ; }; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_24 { struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_25 __annonCompField7 ; struct __anonstruct_futex_26 futex ; struct __anonstruct_nanosleep_27 nanosleep ; }; struct restart_block { long (*fn)(struct restart_block * ) ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_24 __annonCompField8 ; }; struct thread_info { struct task_struct *task ; struct exec_domain *exec_domain ; unsigned long flags ; __u32 status ; __u32 cpu ; int preempt_count ; mm_segment_t addr_limit ; struct restart_block restart_block ; void *sysenter_return ; }; struct raw_spinlock { unsigned int slock ; }; typedef struct raw_spinlock raw_spinlock_t; struct __anonstruct_raw_rwlock_t_28 { unsigned int lock ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_raw_rwlock_t_28 raw_rwlock_t; struct lockdep_map; struct stack_trace { unsigned int nr_entries ; unsigned int max_entries ; unsigned long *entries ; int skip ; }; enum lock_usage_bit { LOCK_USED = 0, LOCK_USED_IN_HARDIRQ = 1, LOCK_USED_IN_SOFTIRQ = 2, LOCK_ENABLED_SOFTIRQS = 3, LOCK_ENABLED_HARDIRQS = 4, LOCK_USED_IN_HARDIRQ_READ = 5, LOCK_USED_IN_SOFTIRQ_READ = 6, LOCK_ENABLED_SOFTIRQS_READ = 7, LOCK_ENABLED_HARDIRQS_READ = 8, LOCK_USAGE_STATES = 9 } ; struct lockdep_subclass_key { char __one_byte ; } __attribute__((__packed__)) ; struct lock_class_key { struct lockdep_subclass_key subkeys[8UL] ; }; struct lock_class { struct list_head hash_entry ; struct list_head lock_entry ; struct lockdep_subclass_key *key ; unsigned int subclass ; unsigned int dep_gen_id ; unsigned long usage_mask ; struct stack_trace usage_traces[LOCK_USAGE_STATES] ; struct list_head locks_after ; struct list_head locks_before ; unsigned int version ; unsigned long ops ; char const *name ; int name_version ; unsigned long contention_point[4] ; }; struct lockdep_map { struct lock_class_key *key ; struct lock_class *class_cache ; char const *name ; int cpu ; }; struct held_lock { u64 prev_chain_key ; unsigned long acquire_ip ; struct lockdep_map *instance ; struct lockdep_map *nest_lock ; u64 waittime_stamp ; u64 holdtime_stamp ; unsigned int class_idx : 13 ; unsigned int irq_context : 2 ; unsigned int trylock : 1 ; unsigned int read : 2 ; unsigned int check : 2 ; unsigned int hardirqs_off : 1 ; }; struct __anonstruct_spinlock_t_29 { raw_spinlock_t raw_lock ; unsigned int magic ; unsigned int owner_cpu ; void *owner ; struct lockdep_map dep_map ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_spinlock_t_29 spinlock_t; struct __anonstruct_rwlock_t_30 { raw_rwlock_t raw_lock ; unsigned int magic ; unsigned int owner_cpu ; void *owner ; struct lockdep_map dep_map ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_rwlock_t_30 rwlock_t; struct __anonstruct_atomic_t_31 { int counter ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_atomic_t_31 atomic_t; struct __anonstruct_atomic64_t_32 { long counter ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_atomic64_t_32 atomic64_t; typedef atomic64_t atomic_long_t; struct timespec { time_t tv_sec ; long tv_nsec ; }; struct __wait_queue; typedef struct __wait_queue wait_queue_t; struct __wait_queue { unsigned int flags ; void *private ; int (*func)(wait_queue_t *wait , unsigned int mode , int sync , void *key ) ; struct list_head task_list ; }; struct __wait_queue_head { spinlock_t lock ; struct list_head task_list ; }; typedef struct __wait_queue_head wait_queue_head_t; struct __anonstruct_nodemask_t_34 { unsigned long bits[(((unsigned long )(1 << 6) + 8UL * sizeof(long )) - 1UL) / (8UL * sizeof(long ))] ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_nodemask_t_34 nodemask_t; struct mutex { atomic_t count ; spinlock_t wait_lock ; struct list_head wait_list ; struct thread_info *owner ; char const *name ; void *magic ; struct lockdep_map dep_map ; }; struct mutex_waiter { struct list_head list ; struct task_struct *task ; struct mutex *lock ; void *magic ; }; struct rw_semaphore; struct rw_semaphore { __s32 activity ; spinlock_t wait_lock ; struct list_head wait_list ; struct lockdep_map dep_map ; }; struct notifier_block { int (*notifier_call)(struct notifier_block * , unsigned long , void * ) ; struct notifier_block *next ; int priority ; }; struct file; struct __anonstruct_mm_context_t_82 { void *ldt ; rwlock_t ldtlock ; int size ; struct mutex lock ; void *vdso ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_mm_context_t_82 mm_context_t; struct vm_area_struct; struct key; typedef __u64 Elf64_Addr; typedef __u16 Elf64_Half; typedef __u32 Elf64_Word; typedef __u64 Elf64_Xword; struct elf64_sym { Elf64_Word st_name ; unsigned char st_info ; unsigned char st_other ; Elf64_Half st_shndx ; Elf64_Addr st_value ; Elf64_Xword st_size ; }; typedef struct elf64_sym Elf64_Sym; struct kobject; struct attribute { char const *name ; struct module *owner ; mode_t mode ; }; struct sysfs_ops { ssize_t (*show)(struct kobject * , struct attribute * , char * ) ; ssize_t (*store)(struct kobject * , struct attribute * , char const * , size_t ) ; }; struct kref { atomic_t refcount ; }; struct kset; struct kobj_type; struct sysfs_dirent; struct kobject { char const *name ; struct list_head entry ; struct kobject *parent ; struct kset *kset ; struct kobj_type *ktype ; struct sysfs_dirent *sd ; struct kref kref ; unsigned int state_initialized : 1 ; unsigned int state_in_sysfs : 1 ; unsigned int state_add_uevent_sent : 1 ; unsigned int state_remove_uevent_sent : 1 ; }; struct kobj_type { void (*release)(struct kobject *kobj ) ; struct sysfs_ops *sysfs_ops ; struct attribute **default_attrs ; }; struct kobj_uevent_env { char *envp[32] ; int envp_idx ; char buf[2048] ; int buflen ; }; struct kset_uevent_ops { int (*filter)(struct kset *kset , struct kobject *kobj ) ; char const *(*name)(struct kset *kset , struct kobject *kobj ) ; int (*uevent)(struct kset *kset , struct kobject *kobj , struct kobj_uevent_env *env ) ; }; struct kset { struct list_head list ; spinlock_t list_lock ; struct kobject kobj ; struct kset_uevent_ops *uevent_ops ; }; struct marker; typedef void marker_probe_func(void *probe_private , void *call_private , char const *fmt , va_list *args ); struct marker_probe_closure { marker_probe_func *func ; void *probe_private ; }; struct marker { char const *name ; char const *format ; char state ; char ptype ; void (*call)(struct marker const *mdata , void *call_private , ...) ; struct marker_probe_closure single ; struct marker_probe_closure *multi ; } __attribute__((__aligned__(8))) ; union ktime { s64 tv64 ; }; typedef union ktime ktime_t; struct tvec_base; struct timer_list { struct list_head entry ; unsigned long expires ; void (*function)(unsigned long ) ; unsigned long data ; struct tvec_base *base ; void *start_site ; char start_comm[16] ; int start_pid ; }; struct hrtimer; enum hrtimer_restart; struct work_struct; struct work_struct { atomic_long_t data ; struct list_head entry ; void (*func)(struct work_struct *work ) ; struct lockdep_map lockdep_map ; }; struct delayed_work { struct work_struct work ; struct timer_list timer ; }; enum stat_item { ALLOC_FASTPATH = 0, ALLOC_SLOWPATH = 1, FREE_FASTPATH = 2, FREE_SLOWPATH = 3, FREE_FROZEN = 4, FREE_ADD_PARTIAL = 5, FREE_REMOVE_PARTIAL = 6, ALLOC_FROM_PARTIAL = 7, ALLOC_SLAB = 8, ALLOC_REFILL = 9, FREE_SLAB = 10, CPUSLAB_FLUSH = 11, DEACTIVATE_FULL = 12, DEACTIVATE_EMPTY = 13, DEACTIVATE_TO_HEAD = 14, DEACTIVATE_TO_TAIL = 15, DEACTIVATE_REMOTE_FREES = 16, ORDER_FALLBACK = 17, NR_SLUB_STAT_ITEMS = 18 } ; struct kmem_cache_cpu { void **freelist ; struct page *page ; int node ; unsigned int offset ; unsigned int objsize ; unsigned int stat[NR_SLUB_STAT_ITEMS] ; }; struct kmem_cache_node { spinlock_t list_lock ; unsigned long nr_partial ; unsigned long min_partial ; struct list_head partial ; atomic_long_t nr_slabs ; atomic_long_t total_objects ; struct list_head full ; }; struct kmem_cache_order_objects { unsigned long x ; }; struct kmem_cache { unsigned long flags ; int size ; int objsize ; int offset ; struct kmem_cache_order_objects oo ; struct kmem_cache_node local_node ; struct kmem_cache_order_objects max ; struct kmem_cache_order_objects min ; gfp_t allocflags ; int refcount ; void (*ctor)(void * ) ; int inuse ; int align ; char const *name ; struct list_head list ; struct kobject kobj ; int remote_node_defrag_ratio ; struct kmem_cache_node *node[1 << 6] ; struct kmem_cache_cpu *cpu_slab[8] ; }; struct __anonstruct_local_t_93 { atomic_long_t a ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_local_t_93 local_t; struct mod_arch_specific { }; struct kernel_symbol { unsigned long value ; char const *name ; }; struct module_attribute { struct attribute attr ; ssize_t (*show)(struct module_attribute * , struct module * , char * ) ; ssize_t (*store)(struct module_attribute * , struct module * , char const * , size_t count ) ; void (*setup)(struct module * , char const * ) ; int (*test)(struct module * ) ; void (*free)(struct module * ) ; }; struct module_kobject { struct kobject kobj ; struct module *mod ; struct kobject *drivers_dir ; }; struct exception_table_entry; struct module_ref { local_t count ; } __attribute__((__aligned__((1) << (7) ))) ; enum module_state { MODULE_STATE_LIVE = 0, MODULE_STATE_COMING = 1, MODULE_STATE_GOING = 2 } ; struct module_param_attrs; struct module_sect_attrs; struct module_notes_attrs; struct module { enum module_state state ; struct list_head list ; char name[64UL - sizeof(unsigned long )] ; struct module_kobject mkobj ; struct module_param_attrs *param_attrs ; struct module_attribute *modinfo_attrs ; char const *version ; char const *srcversion ; struct kobject *holders_dir ; struct kernel_symbol const *syms ; unsigned long const *crcs ; unsigned int num_syms ; unsigned int num_gpl_syms ; struct kernel_symbol const *gpl_syms ; unsigned long const *gpl_crcs ; struct kernel_symbol const *unused_syms ; unsigned long const *unused_crcs ; unsigned int num_unused_syms ; unsigned int num_unused_gpl_syms ; struct kernel_symbol const *unused_gpl_syms ; unsigned long const *unused_gpl_crcs ; struct kernel_symbol const *gpl_future_syms ; unsigned long const *gpl_future_crcs ; unsigned int num_gpl_future_syms ; unsigned int num_exentries ; struct exception_table_entry const *extable ; int (*init)(void) ; void *module_init ; void *module_core ; unsigned int init_size ; unsigned int core_size ; unsigned int init_text_size ; unsigned int core_text_size ; void *unwind_info ; struct mod_arch_specific arch ; unsigned int taints ; unsigned int num_bugs ; struct list_head bug_list ; struct bug_entry *bug_table ; Elf64_Sym *symtab ; unsigned int num_symtab ; char *strtab ; struct module_sect_attrs *sect_attrs ; struct module_notes_attrs *notes_attrs ; void *percpu ; char *args ; struct marker *markers ; unsigned int num_markers ; struct list_head modules_which_use_me ; struct task_struct *waiter ; void (*exit)(void) ; struct module_ref ref[8] ; }; struct tty_struct; struct tty_driver; struct console { char name[16] ; void (*write)(struct console * , char const * , unsigned int ) ; int (*read)(struct console * , char * , unsigned int ) ; struct tty_driver *(*device)(struct console * , int * ) ; void (*unblank)(void) ; int (*setup)(struct console * , char * ) ; int (*early_setup)(void) ; short flags ; short index ; int cflag ; void *data ; struct console *next ; }; struct kernel_cap_struct { __u32 cap[2] ; }; typedef struct kernel_cap_struct kernel_cap_t; struct rb_node { unsigned long rb_parent_color ; struct rb_node *rb_right ; struct rb_node *rb_left ; } __attribute__((__aligned__(sizeof(long )))) ; struct rb_root { struct rb_node *rb_node ; }; struct prio_tree_node; struct raw_prio_tree_node { struct prio_tree_node *left ; struct prio_tree_node *right ; struct prio_tree_node *parent ; }; struct prio_tree_node { struct prio_tree_node *left ; struct prio_tree_node *right ; struct prio_tree_node *parent ; unsigned long start ; unsigned long last ; }; struct completion { unsigned int done ; wait_queue_head_t wait ; }; struct address_space; typedef atomic_long_t mm_counter_t; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_96 { u16 inuse ; u16 objects ; }; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_95 { atomic_t _mapcount ; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_96 __annonCompField10 ; }; struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_98 { unsigned long private ; struct address_space *mapping ; }; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_97 { struct __anonstruct____missing_field_name_98 __annonCompField12 ; spinlock_t ptl ; struct kmem_cache *slab ; struct page *first_page ; }; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_99 { unsigned long index ; void *freelist ; }; struct page { unsigned long flags ; atomic_t _count ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_95 __annonCompField11 ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_97 __annonCompField13 ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_99 __annonCompField14 ; struct list_head lru ; unsigned long page_cgroup ; }; struct __anonstruct_vm_set_101 { struct list_head list ; void *parent ; struct vm_area_struct *head ; }; union __anonunion_shared_100 { struct __anonstruct_vm_set_101 vm_set ; struct raw_prio_tree_node prio_tree_node ; }; struct anon_vma; struct vm_operations_struct; struct mempolicy; struct vm_area_struct { struct mm_struct *vm_mm ; unsigned long vm_start ; unsigned long vm_end ; struct vm_area_struct *vm_next ; pgprot_t vm_page_prot ; unsigned long vm_flags ; struct rb_node vm_rb ; union __anonunion_shared_100 shared ; struct list_head anon_vma_node ; struct anon_vma *anon_vma ; struct vm_operations_struct *vm_ops ; unsigned long vm_pgoff ; struct file *vm_file ; void *vm_private_data ; unsigned long vm_truncate_count ; struct mempolicy *vm_policy ; }; struct core_thread { struct task_struct *task ; struct core_thread *next ; }; struct core_state { atomic_t nr_threads ; struct core_thread dumper ; struct completion startup ; }; struct kioctx; struct mmu_notifier_mm; struct mm_struct { struct vm_area_struct *mmap ; struct rb_root mm_rb ; struct vm_area_struct *mmap_cache ; unsigned long (*get_unmapped_area)(struct file *filp , unsigned long addr , unsigned long len , unsigned long pgoff , unsigned long flags ) ; void (*unmap_area)(struct mm_struct *mm , unsigned long addr ) ; unsigned long mmap_base ; unsigned long task_size ; unsigned long cached_hole_size ; unsigned long free_area_cache ; pgd_t *pgd ; atomic_t mm_users ; atomic_t mm_count ; int map_count ; struct rw_semaphore mmap_sem ; spinlock_t page_table_lock ; struct list_head mmlist ; mm_counter_t _file_rss ; mm_counter_t _anon_rss ; unsigned long hiwater_rss ; unsigned long hiwater_vm ; unsigned long total_vm ; unsigned long locked_vm ; unsigned long shared_vm ; unsigned long exec_vm ; unsigned long stack_vm ; unsigned long reserved_vm ; unsigned long def_flags ; unsigned long nr_ptes ; unsigned long start_code ; unsigned long end_code ; unsigned long start_data ; unsigned long end_data ; unsigned long start_brk ; unsigned long brk ; unsigned long start_stack ; unsigned long arg_start ; unsigned long arg_end ; unsigned long env_start ; unsigned long env_end ; unsigned long saved_auxv[2 * ((2 + 18) + 1)] ; cpumask_t cpu_vm_mask ; mm_context_t context ; unsigned int faultstamp ; unsigned int token_priority ; unsigned int last_interval ; unsigned long flags ; struct core_state *core_state ; rwlock_t ioctx_list_lock ; struct kioctx *ioctx_list ; struct task_struct *owner ; struct file *exe_file ; unsigned long num_exe_file_vmas ; struct mmu_notifier_mm *mmu_notifier_mm ; }; typedef unsigned long cputime_t; struct rcu_head { struct rcu_head *next ; void (*func)(struct rcu_head *head ) ; }; struct sem_undo_list; struct sem_undo_list { atomic_t refcnt ; spinlock_t lock ; struct list_head list_proc ; }; struct sysv_sem { struct sem_undo_list *undo_list ; }; struct siginfo; struct __anonstruct_sigset_t_102 { unsigned long sig[64 / 64] ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_sigset_t_102 sigset_t; typedef void __signalfn_t(int ); typedef __signalfn_t *__sighandler_t; typedef void __restorefn_t(void); typedef __restorefn_t *__sigrestore_t; struct sigaction { __sighandler_t sa_handler ; unsigned long sa_flags ; __sigrestore_t sa_restorer ; sigset_t sa_mask ; }; struct k_sigaction { struct sigaction sa ; }; union sigval { int sival_int ; void *sival_ptr ; }; typedef union sigval sigval_t; struct __anonstruct__kill_104 { pid_t _pid ; uid_t _uid ; }; struct __anonstruct__timer_105 { timer_t _tid ; int _overrun ; char _pad[sizeof(uid_t ) - sizeof(int )] ; sigval_t _sigval ; int _sys_private ; }; struct __anonstruct__rt_106 { pid_t _pid ; uid_t _uid ; sigval_t _sigval ; }; struct __anonstruct__sigchld_107 { pid_t _pid ; uid_t _uid ; int _status ; clock_t _utime ; clock_t _stime ; }; struct __anonstruct__sigfault_108 { void *_addr ; }; struct __anonstruct__sigpoll_109 { long _band ; int _fd ; }; union __anonunion__sifields_103 { int _pad[(128UL - 4UL * sizeof(int )) / sizeof(int )] ; struct __anonstruct__kill_104 _kill ; struct __anonstruct__timer_105 _timer ; struct __anonstruct__rt_106 _rt ; struct __anonstruct__sigchld_107 _sigchld ; struct __anonstruct__sigfault_108 _sigfault ; struct __anonstruct__sigpoll_109 _sigpoll ; }; struct siginfo { int si_signo ; int si_errno ; int si_code ; union __anonunion__sifields_103 _sifields ; }; typedef struct siginfo siginfo_t; struct user_struct; struct sigpending { struct list_head list ; sigset_t signal ; }; struct dentry; struct vfsmount; struct path { struct vfsmount *mnt ; struct dentry *dentry ; }; struct fs_struct { atomic_t count ; rwlock_t lock ; int umask ; struct path root ; struct path pwd ; }; enum pid_type { PIDTYPE_PID = 0, PIDTYPE_PGID = 1, PIDTYPE_SID = 2, PIDTYPE_MAX = 3 } ; struct pid_namespace; struct upid { int nr ; struct pid_namespace *ns ; struct hlist_node pid_chain ; }; struct pid { atomic_t count ; unsigned int level ; struct hlist_head tasks[PIDTYPE_MAX] ; struct rcu_head rcu ; struct upid numbers[1] ; }; struct pid_link { struct hlist_node node ; struct pid *pid ; }; struct prop_local_single { unsigned long events ; int shift ; unsigned long period ; spinlock_t lock ; }; struct __anonstruct_seccomp_t_112 { int mode ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_seccomp_t_112 seccomp_t; struct plist_head { struct list_head prio_list ; struct list_head node_list ; spinlock_t *lock ; }; struct rt_mutex_waiter; struct rlimit { unsigned long rlim_cur ; unsigned long rlim_max ; }; struct hrtimer_clock_base; struct hrtimer_cpu_base; enum hrtimer_restart { HRTIMER_NORESTART = 0, HRTIMER_RESTART = 1 } ; enum hrtimer_cb_mode { HRTIMER_CB_SOFTIRQ = 0, HRTIMER_CB_IRQSAFE = 1, HRTIMER_CB_IRQSAFE_NO_RESTART = 2, HRTIMER_CB_IRQSAFE_NO_SOFTIRQ = 3 } ; struct hrtimer { struct rb_node node ; ktime_t expires ; enum hrtimer_restart (*function)(struct hrtimer * ) ; struct hrtimer_clock_base *base ; unsigned long state ; enum hrtimer_cb_mode cb_mode ; struct list_head cb_entry ; void *start_site ; char start_comm[16] ; int start_pid ; }; struct hrtimer_clock_base { struct hrtimer_cpu_base *cpu_base ; clockid_t index ; struct rb_root active ; struct rb_node *first ; ktime_t resolution ; ktime_t (*get_time)(void) ; ktime_t (*get_softirq_time)(void) ; ktime_t softirq_time ; ktime_t offset ; int (*reprogram)(struct hrtimer *t , struct hrtimer_clock_base *b , ktime_t n ) ; }; struct hrtimer_cpu_base { spinlock_t lock ; struct hrtimer_clock_base clock_base[2] ; struct list_head cb_pending ; ktime_t expires_next ; int hres_active ; unsigned long nr_events ; }; struct task_io_accounting { u64 rchar ; u64 wchar ; u64 syscr ; u64 syscw ; u64 read_bytes ; u64 write_bytes ; u64 cancelled_write_bytes ; }; struct latency_record { unsigned long backtrace[12] ; unsigned int count ; unsigned long time ; unsigned long max ; }; struct futex_pi_state; struct robust_list_head; struct bio; struct cfs_rq; struct task_group; struct nsproxy; struct kvec { void *iov_base ; size_t iov_len ; }; struct aio_ring_info { unsigned long mmap_base ; unsigned long mmap_size ; struct page **ring_pages ; spinlock_t ring_lock ; long nr_pages ; unsigned int nr ; unsigned int tail ; struct page *internal_pages[8] ; }; struct kioctx { atomic_t users ; int dead ; struct mm_struct *mm ; unsigned long user_id ; struct kioctx *next ; wait_queue_head_t wait ; spinlock_t ctx_lock ; int reqs_active ; struct list_head active_reqs ; struct list_head run_list ; unsigned int max_reqs ; struct aio_ring_info ring_info ; struct delayed_work wq ; }; struct sighand_struct { atomic_t count ; struct k_sigaction action[64] ; spinlock_t siglock ; wait_queue_head_t signalfd_wqh ; }; struct pacct_struct { int ac_flag ; long ac_exitcode ; unsigned long ac_mem ; cputime_t ac_utime ; cputime_t ac_stime ; unsigned long ac_minflt ; unsigned long ac_majflt ; }; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_115 { pid_t pgrp __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ; pid_t __pgrp ; }; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_116 { pid_t session __attribute__((__deprecated__)) ; pid_t __session ; }; struct taskstats; struct tty_audit_buf; struct signal_struct { atomic_t count ; atomic_t live ; wait_queue_head_t wait_chldexit ; struct task_struct *curr_target ; struct sigpending shared_pending ; int group_exit_code ; struct task_struct *group_exit_task ; int notify_count ; int group_stop_count ; unsigned int flags ; struct list_head posix_timers ; struct hrtimer real_timer ; struct pid *leader_pid ; ktime_t it_real_incr ; cputime_t it_prof_expires ; cputime_t it_virt_expires ; cputime_t it_prof_incr ; cputime_t it_virt_incr ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_115 __annonCompField15 ; struct pid *tty_old_pgrp ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_116 __annonCompField16 ; int leader ; struct tty_struct *tty ; cputime_t utime ; cputime_t stime ; cputime_t cutime ; cputime_t cstime ; cputime_t gtime ; cputime_t cgtime ; unsigned long nvcsw ; unsigned long nivcsw ; unsigned long cnvcsw ; unsigned long cnivcsw ; unsigned long min_flt ; unsigned long maj_flt ; unsigned long cmin_flt ; unsigned long cmaj_flt ; unsigned long inblock ; unsigned long oublock ; unsigned long cinblock ; unsigned long coublock ; struct task_io_accounting ioac ; unsigned long long sum_sched_runtime ; struct rlimit rlim[16] ; struct list_head cpu_timers[3] ; struct key *session_keyring ; struct key *process_keyring ; struct pacct_struct pacct ; struct taskstats *stats ; unsigned int audit_tty ; struct tty_audit_buf *tty_audit_buf ; }; struct user_struct { atomic_t __count ; atomic_t processes ; atomic_t files ; atomic_t sigpending ; atomic_t inotify_watches ; atomic_t inotify_devs ; unsigned long mq_bytes ; unsigned long locked_shm ; struct key *uid_keyring ; struct key *session_keyring ; struct hlist_node uidhash_node ; uid_t uid ; struct task_group *tg ; struct kobject kobj ; struct work_struct work ; }; struct backing_dev_info; struct reclaim_state; struct sched_info { unsigned long pcount ; unsigned long long cpu_time ; unsigned long long run_delay ; unsigned long long last_arrival ; unsigned long long last_queued ; unsigned int bkl_count ; }; struct task_delay_info { spinlock_t lock ; unsigned int flags ; struct timespec blkio_start ; struct timespec blkio_end ; u64 blkio_delay ; u64 swapin_delay ; u32 blkio_count ; u32 swapin_count ; struct timespec freepages_start ; struct timespec freepages_end ; u64 freepages_delay ; u32 freepages_count ; }; enum cpu_idle_type { CPU_IDLE = 0, CPU_NOT_IDLE = 1, CPU_NEWLY_IDLE = 2, CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES = 3 } ; struct sched_group { struct sched_group *next ; cpumask_t cpumask ; unsigned int __cpu_power ; u32 reciprocal_cpu_power ; }; enum sched_domain_level { SD_LV_NONE = 0, SD_LV_SIBLING = 1, SD_LV_MC = 2, SD_LV_CPU = 3, SD_LV_NODE = 4, SD_LV_ALLNODES = 5, SD_LV_MAX = 6 } ; struct sched_domain { struct sched_domain *parent ; struct sched_domain *child ; struct sched_group *groups ; cpumask_t span ; unsigned long min_interval ; unsigned long max_interval ; unsigned int busy_factor ; unsigned int imbalance_pct ; unsigned int cache_nice_tries ; unsigned int busy_idx ; unsigned int idle_idx ; unsigned int newidle_idx ; unsigned int wake_idx ; unsigned int forkexec_idx ; int flags ; enum sched_domain_level level ; unsigned long last_balance ; unsigned int balance_interval ; unsigned int nr_balance_failed ; u64 last_update ; unsigned int lb_count[CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES] ; unsigned int lb_failed[CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES] ; unsigned int lb_balanced[CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES] ; unsigned int lb_imbalance[CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES] ; unsigned int lb_gained[CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES] ; unsigned int lb_hot_gained[CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES] ; unsigned int lb_nobusyg[CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES] ; unsigned int lb_nobusyq[CPU_MAX_IDLE_TYPES] ; unsigned int alb_count ; unsigned int alb_failed ; unsigned int alb_pushed ; unsigned int sbe_count ; unsigned int sbe_balanced ; unsigned int sbe_pushed ; unsigned int sbf_count ; unsigned int sbf_balanced ; unsigned int sbf_pushed ; unsigned int ttwu_wake_remote ; unsigned int ttwu_move_affine ; unsigned int ttwu_move_balance ; }; struct io_context; struct group_info { int ngroups ; atomic_t usage ; gid_t small_block[32] ; int nblocks ; gid_t *blocks[0] ; }; struct audit_context; struct pipe_inode_info; struct rq; struct sched_class { struct sched_class const *next ; void (*enqueue_task)(struct rq *rq , struct task_struct *p , int wakeup ) ; void (*dequeue_task)(struct rq *rq , struct task_struct *p , int sleep ) ; void (*yield_task)(struct rq *rq ) ; int (*select_task_rq)(struct task_struct *p , int sync ) ; void (*check_preempt_curr)(struct rq *rq , struct task_struct *p ) ; struct task_struct *(*pick_next_task)(struct rq *rq ) ; void (*put_prev_task)(struct rq *rq , struct task_struct *p ) ; unsigned long (*load_balance)(struct rq *this_rq , int this_cpu , struct rq *busiest , unsigned long max_load_move , struct sched_domain *sd , enum cpu_idle_type idle , int *all_pinned , int *this_best_prio ) ; int (*move_one_task)(struct rq *this_rq , int this_cpu , struct rq *busiest , struct sched_domain *sd , enum cpu_idle_type idle ) ; void (*pre_schedule)(struct rq *this_rq , struct task_struct *task ) ; void (*post_schedule)(struct rq *this_rq ) ; void (*task_wake_up)(struct rq *this_rq , struct task_struct *task ) ; void (*set_curr_task)(struct rq *rq ) ; void (*task_tick)(struct rq *rq , struct task_struct *p , int queued ) ; void (*task_new)(struct rq *rq , struct task_struct *p ) ; void (*set_cpus_allowed)(struct task_struct *p , cpumask_t const *newmask ) ; void (*rq_online)(struct rq *rq ) ; void (*rq_offline)(struct rq *rq ) ; void (*switched_from)(struct rq *this_rq , struct task_struct *task , int running ) ; void (*switched_to)(struct rq *this_rq , struct task_struct *task , int running ) ; void (*prio_changed)(struct rq *this_rq , struct task_struct *task , int oldprio , int running ) ; void (*moved_group)(struct task_struct *p ) ; }; struct load_weight { unsigned long weight ; unsigned long inv_weight ; }; struct sched_entity { struct load_weight load ; struct rb_node run_node ; struct list_head group_node ; unsigned int on_rq ; u64 exec_start ; u64 sum_exec_runtime ; u64 vruntime ; u64 prev_sum_exec_runtime ; u64 last_wakeup ; u64 avg_overlap ; u64 wait_start ; u64 wait_max ; u64 wait_count ; u64 wait_sum ; u64 sleep_start ; u64 sleep_max ; s64 sum_sleep_runtime ; u64 block_start ; u64 block_max ; u64 exec_max ; u64 slice_max ; u64 nr_migrations ; u64 nr_migrations_cold ; u64 nr_failed_migrations_affine ; u64 nr_failed_migrations_running ; u64 nr_failed_migrations_hot ; u64 nr_forced_migrations ; u64 nr_forced2_migrations ; u64 nr_wakeups ; u64 nr_wakeups_sync ; u64 nr_wakeups_migrate ; u64 nr_wakeups_local ; u64 nr_wakeups_remote ; u64 nr_wakeups_affine ; u64 nr_wakeups_affine_attempts ; u64 nr_wakeups_passive ; u64 nr_wakeups_idle ; struct sched_entity *parent ; struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq ; struct cfs_rq *my_q ; }; struct rt_rq; struct sched_rt_entity { struct list_head run_list ; unsigned int time_slice ; unsigned long timeout ; int nr_cpus_allowed ; struct sched_rt_entity *back ; struct sched_rt_entity *parent ; struct rt_rq *rt_rq ; struct rt_rq *my_q ; }; struct linux_binfmt; struct files_struct; struct css_set; struct compat_robust_list_head; struct task_struct { long volatile state ; void *stack ; atomic_t usage ; unsigned int flags ; unsigned int ptrace ; int lock_depth ; int prio ; int static_prio ; int normal_prio ; unsigned int rt_priority ; struct sched_class const *sched_class ; struct sched_entity se ; struct sched_rt_entity rt ; struct hlist_head preempt_notifiers ; unsigned char fpu_counter ; s8 oomkilladj ; unsigned int btrace_seq ; unsigned int policy ; cpumask_t cpus_allowed ; struct sched_info sched_info ; struct list_head tasks ; struct mm_struct *mm ; struct mm_struct *active_mm ; struct linux_binfmt *binfmt ; int exit_state ; int exit_code ; int exit_signal ; int pdeath_signal ; unsigned int personality ; unsigned int did_exec : 1 ; pid_t pid ; pid_t tgid ; struct task_struct *real_parent ; struct task_struct *parent ; struct list_head children ; struct list_head sibling ; struct task_struct *group_leader ; struct list_head ptraced ; struct list_head ptrace_entry ; struct pid_link pids[PIDTYPE_MAX] ; struct list_head thread_group ; struct completion *vfork_done ; int *set_child_tid ; int *clear_child_tid ; cputime_t utime ; cputime_t stime ; cputime_t utimescaled ; cputime_t stimescaled ; cputime_t gtime ; cputime_t prev_utime ; cputime_t prev_stime ; unsigned long nvcsw ; unsigned long nivcsw ; struct timespec start_time ; struct timespec real_start_time ; unsigned long min_flt ; unsigned long maj_flt ; cputime_t it_prof_expires ; cputime_t it_virt_expires ; unsigned long long it_sched_expires ; struct list_head cpu_timers[3] ; uid_t uid ; uid_t euid ; uid_t suid ; uid_t fsuid ; gid_t gid ; gid_t egid ; gid_t sgid ; gid_t fsgid ; struct group_info *group_info ; kernel_cap_t cap_effective ; kernel_cap_t cap_inheritable ; kernel_cap_t cap_permitted ; kernel_cap_t cap_bset ; struct user_struct *user ; unsigned int securebits ; unsigned char jit_keyring ; struct key *request_key_auth ; struct key *thread_keyring ; char comm[16] ; int link_count ; int total_link_count ; struct sysv_sem sysvsem ; unsigned long last_switch_timestamp ; unsigned long last_switch_count ; struct thread_struct thread ; struct fs_struct *fs ; struct files_struct *files ; struct nsproxy *nsproxy ; struct signal_struct *signal ; struct sighand_struct *sighand ; sigset_t blocked ; sigset_t real_blocked ; sigset_t saved_sigmask ; struct sigpending pending ; unsigned long sas_ss_sp ; size_t sas_ss_size ; int (*notifier)(void *priv ) ; void *notifier_data ; sigset_t *notifier_mask ; void *security ; struct audit_context *audit_context ; uid_t loginuid ; unsigned int sessionid ; seccomp_t seccomp ; u32 parent_exec_id ; u32 self_exec_id ; spinlock_t alloc_lock ; spinlock_t pi_lock ; struct plist_head pi_waiters ; struct rt_mutex_waiter *pi_blocked_on ; struct mutex_waiter *blocked_on ; unsigned int irq_events ; int hardirqs_enabled ; unsigned long hardirq_enable_ip ; unsigned int hardirq_enable_event ; unsigned long hardirq_disable_ip ; unsigned int hardirq_disable_event ; int softirqs_enabled ; unsigned long softirq_disable_ip ; unsigned int softirq_disable_event ; unsigned long softirq_enable_ip ; unsigned int softirq_enable_event ; int hardirq_context ; int softirq_context ; u64 curr_chain_key ; int lockdep_depth ; unsigned int lockdep_recursion ; struct held_lock held_locks[48UL] ; void *journal_info ; struct bio *bio_list ; struct bio **bio_tail ; struct reclaim_state *reclaim_state ; struct backing_dev_info *backing_dev_info ; struct io_context *io_context ; unsigned long ptrace_message ; siginfo_t *last_siginfo ; struct task_io_accounting ioac ; u64 acct_rss_mem1 ; u64 acct_vm_mem1 ; cputime_t acct_timexpd ; nodemask_t mems_allowed ; int cpuset_mems_generation ; int cpuset_mem_spread_rotor ; struct css_set *cgroups ; struct list_head cg_list ; struct robust_list_head *robust_list ; struct compat_robust_list_head *compat_robust_list ; struct list_head pi_state_list ; struct futex_pi_state *pi_state_cache ; struct mempolicy *mempolicy ; short il_next ; atomic_t fs_excl ; struct rcu_head rcu ; struct pipe_inode_info *splice_pipe ; struct task_delay_info *delays ; int make_it_fail ; struct prop_local_single dirties ; int latency_record_count ; struct latency_record latency_record[32] ; }; struct otp_info { uint32_t start ; uint32_t length ; uint32_t locked ; }; struct nand_oobfree { uint32_t offset ; uint32_t length ; }; struct nand_ecclayout { uint32_t eccbytes ; uint32_t eccpos[64] ; uint32_t oobavail ; struct nand_oobfree oobfree[8] ; }; struct mtd_ecc_stats { uint32_t corrected ; uint32_t failed ; uint32_t badblocks ; uint32_t bbtblocks ; }; struct mtd_info; struct erase_info { struct mtd_info *mtd ; u_int32_t addr ; u_int32_t len ; u_int32_t fail_addr ; u_long time ; u_long retries ; u_int dev ; u_int cell ; void (*callback)(struct erase_info *self ) ; u_long priv ; u_char state ; struct erase_info *next ; }; struct mtd_erase_region_info { u_int32_t offset ; u_int32_t erasesize ; u_int32_t numblocks ; unsigned long *lockmap ; }; enum __anonenum_mtd_oob_mode_t_119 { MTD_OOB_PLACE = 0, MTD_OOB_AUTO = 1, MTD_OOB_RAW = 2 } ; typedef enum __anonenum_mtd_oob_mode_t_119 mtd_oob_mode_t; struct mtd_oob_ops { mtd_oob_mode_t mode ; size_t len ; size_t retlen ; size_t ooblen ; size_t oobretlen ; uint32_t ooboffs ; uint8_t *datbuf ; uint8_t *oobbuf ; }; struct mtd_info { u_char type ; u_int32_t flags ; u_int32_t size ; u_int32_t erasesize ; u_int32_t writesize ; u_int32_t oobsize ; u_int32_t oobavail ; char const *name ; int index ; struct nand_ecclayout *ecclayout ; int numeraseregions ; struct mtd_erase_region_info *eraseregions ; int (*erase)(struct mtd_info *mtd , struct erase_info *instr ) ; int (*point)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t from , size_t len , size_t *retlen , void **virt , resource_size_t *phys ) ; void (*unpoint)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t from , size_t len ) ; int (*read)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t from , size_t len , size_t *retlen , u_char *buf ) ; int (*write)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t to , size_t len , size_t *retlen , u_char const *buf ) ; int (*panic_write)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t to , size_t len , size_t *retlen , u_char const *buf ) ; int (*read_oob)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t from , struct mtd_oob_ops *ops ) ; int (*write_oob)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t to , struct mtd_oob_ops *ops ) ; int (*get_fact_prot_info)(struct mtd_info *mtd , struct otp_info *buf , size_t len ) ; int (*read_fact_prot_reg)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t from , size_t len , size_t *retlen , u_char *buf ) ; int (*get_user_prot_info)(struct mtd_info *mtd , struct otp_info *buf , size_t len ) ; int (*read_user_prot_reg)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t from , size_t len , size_t *retlen , u_char *buf ) ; int (*write_user_prot_reg)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t from , size_t len , size_t *retlen , u_char *buf ) ; int (*lock_user_prot_reg)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t from , size_t len ) ; int (*writev)(struct mtd_info *mtd , struct kvec const *vecs , unsigned long count , loff_t to , size_t *retlen ) ; void (*sync)(struct mtd_info *mtd ) ; int (*lock)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t ofs , size_t len ) ; int (*unlock)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t ofs , size_t len ) ; int (*suspend)(struct mtd_info *mtd ) ; void (*resume)(struct mtd_info *mtd ) ; int (*block_isbad)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t ofs ) ; int (*block_markbad)(struct mtd_info *mtd , loff_t ofs ) ; struct notifier_block reboot_notifier ; struct mtd_ecc_stats ecc_stats ; int subpage_sft ; void *priv ; struct module *owner ; int usecount ; int (*get_device)(struct mtd_info *mtd ) ; void (*put_device)(struct mtd_info *mtd ) ; }; struct mtd_notifier { void (*add)(struct mtd_info *mtd ) ; void (*remove)(struct mtd_info *mtd ) ; struct list_head list ; }; struct mtdoops_context { int mtd_index ; struct work_struct work_erase ; struct work_struct work_write ; struct mtd_info *mtd ; int oops_pages ; int nextpage ; int nextcount ; void *oops_buf ; spinlock_t writecount_lock ; int ready ; int writecount ; }; typedef signed char __s8; typedef short __s16; typedef long long __s64; typedef unsigned short umode_t; typedef u64 dma_addr_t; typedef __u32 __kernel_dev_t; typedef __kernel_dev_t dev_t; typedef unsigned long sector_t; typedef unsigned long blkcnt_t; typedef __u16 __le16; struct kstat { u64 ino ; dev_t dev ; umode_t mode ; unsigned int nlink ; uid_t uid ; gid_t gid ; dev_t rdev ; loff_t size ; struct timespec atime ; struct timespec mtime ; struct timespec ctime ; unsigned long blksize ; unsigned long long blocks ; }; struct device; struct pm_message { int event ; }; typedef struct pm_message pm_message_t; struct pm_ops { int (*prepare)(struct device *dev ) ; void (*complete)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*suspend)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*resume)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*freeze)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*thaw)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*poweroff)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*restore)(struct device *dev ) ; }; struct pm_ext_ops { struct pm_ops base ; int (*suspend_noirq)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*resume_noirq)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*freeze_noirq)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*thaw_noirq)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*poweroff_noirq)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*restore_noirq)(struct device *dev ) ; }; enum dpm_state { DPM_INVALID = 0, DPM_ON = 1, DPM_PREPARING = 2, DPM_RESUMING = 3, DPM_SUSPENDING = 4, DPM_OFF = 5, DPM_OFF_IRQ = 6 } ; struct dev_pm_info { pm_message_t power_state ; unsigned int can_wakeup : 1 ; unsigned int should_wakeup : 1 ; enum dpm_state status ; struct list_head entry ; }; struct attribute_group { char const *name ; mode_t (*is_visible)(struct kobject * , struct attribute * , int ) ; struct attribute **attrs ; }; enum hrtimer_restart; struct device_driver; struct usb_device_descriptor { __u8 bLength ; __u8 bDescriptorType ; __le16 bcdUSB ; __u8 bDeviceClass ; __u8 bDeviceSubClass ; __u8 bDeviceProtocol ; __u8 bMaxPacketSize0 ; __le16 idVendor ; __le16 idProduct ; __le16 bcdDevice ; __u8 iManufacturer ; __u8 iProduct ; __u8 iSerialNumber ; __u8 bNumConfigurations ; } __attribute__((__packed__)) ; struct usb_config_descriptor { __u8 bLength ; __u8 bDescriptorType ; __le16 wTotalLength ; __u8 bNumInterfaces ; __u8 bConfigurationValue ; __u8 iConfiguration ; __u8 bmAttributes ; __u8 bMaxPower ; } __attribute__((__packed__)) ; struct usb_interface_descriptor { __u8 bLength ; __u8 bDescriptorType ; __u8 bInterfaceNumber ; __u8 bAlternateSetting ; __u8 bNumEndpoints ; __u8 bInterfaceClass ; __u8 bInterfaceSubClass ; __u8 bInterfaceProtocol ; __u8 iInterface ; } __attribute__((__packed__)) ; struct usb_endpoint_descriptor { __u8 bLength ; __u8 bDescriptorType ; __u8 bEndpointAddress ; __u8 bmAttributes ; __le16 wMaxPacketSize ; __u8 bInterval ; __u8 bRefresh ; __u8 bSynchAddress ; } __attribute__((__packed__)) ; struct usb_interface_assoc_descriptor { __u8 bLength ; __u8 bDescriptorType ; __u8 bFirstInterface ; __u8 bInterfaceCount ; __u8 bFunctionClass ; __u8 bFunctionSubClass ; __u8 bFunctionProtocol ; __u8 iFunction ; } __attribute__((__packed__)) ; enum usb_device_speed { USB_SPEED_UNKNOWN = 0, USB_SPEED_LOW = 1, USB_SPEED_FULL = 2, USB_SPEED_HIGH = 3, USB_SPEED_VARIABLE = 4 } ; enum usb_device_state { USB_STATE_NOTATTACHED = 0, USB_STATE_ATTACHED = 1, USB_STATE_POWERED = 2, USB_STATE_UNAUTHENTICATED = 3, USB_STATE_RECONNECTING = 4, USB_STATE_DEFAULT = 5, USB_STATE_ADDRESS = 6, USB_STATE_CONFIGURED = 7, USB_STATE_SUSPENDED = 8 } ; struct prio_tree_root { struct prio_tree_node *prio_tree_node ; unsigned short index_bits ; unsigned short raw ; }; struct seq_file; struct io_event { __u64 data ; __u64 obj ; __s64 res ; __s64 res2 ; }; struct iovec { void *iov_base ; __kernel_size_t iov_len ; }; union __anonunion_ki_obj_115 { void *user ; struct task_struct *tsk ; }; struct kiocb { struct list_head ki_run_list ; unsigned long ki_flags ; int ki_users ; unsigned int ki_key ; struct file *ki_filp ; struct kioctx *ki_ctx ; int (*ki_cancel)(struct kiocb * , struct io_event * ) ; ssize_t (*ki_retry)(struct kiocb * ) ; void (*ki_dtor)(struct kiocb * ) ; union __anonunion_ki_obj_115 ki_obj ; __u64 ki_user_data ; wait_queue_t ki_wait ; loff_t ki_pos ; void *private ; unsigned short ki_opcode ; size_t ki_nbytes ; char *ki_buf ; size_t ki_left ; struct iovec ki_inline_vec ; struct iovec *ki_iovec ; unsigned long ki_nr_segs ; unsigned long ki_cur_seg ; struct list_head ki_list ; struct file *ki_eventfd ; }; struct file_operations; struct klist_node; struct klist { spinlock_t k_lock ; struct list_head k_list ; void (*get)(struct klist_node * ) ; void (*put)(struct klist_node * ) ; }; struct klist_node { struct klist *n_klist ; struct list_head n_node ; struct kref n_ref ; struct completion n_removed ; }; struct semaphore { spinlock_t lock ; unsigned int count ; struct list_head wait_list ; }; struct dma_mapping_ops; struct dev_archdata { void *acpi_handle ; struct dma_mapping_ops *dma_ops ; void *iommu ; }; struct driver_private; struct class; struct class_private; struct bus_type; struct bus_type_private; struct bus_attribute { struct attribute attr ; ssize_t (*show)(struct bus_type *bus , char *buf ) ; ssize_t (*store)(struct bus_type *bus , char const *buf , size_t count ) ; }; struct device_attribute; struct driver_attribute; struct bus_type { char const *name ; struct bus_attribute *bus_attrs ; struct device_attribute *dev_attrs ; struct driver_attribute *drv_attrs ; int (*match)(struct device *dev , struct device_driver *drv ) ; int (*uevent)(struct device *dev , struct kobj_uevent_env *env ) ; int (*probe)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*remove)(struct device *dev ) ; void (*shutdown)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*suspend)(struct device *dev , pm_message_t state ) ; int (*suspend_late)(struct device *dev , pm_message_t state ) ; int (*resume_early)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*resume)(struct device *dev ) ; struct pm_ext_ops *pm ; struct bus_type_private *p ; }; struct device_driver { char const *name ; struct bus_type *bus ; struct module *owner ; char const *mod_name ; int (*probe)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*remove)(struct device *dev ) ; void (*shutdown)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*suspend)(struct device *dev , pm_message_t state ) ; int (*resume)(struct device *dev ) ; struct attribute_group **groups ; struct pm_ops *pm ; struct driver_private *p ; }; struct driver_attribute { struct attribute attr ; ssize_t (*show)(struct device_driver *driver , char *buf ) ; ssize_t (*store)(struct device_driver *driver , char const *buf , size_t count ) ; }; struct class_attribute; struct class { char const *name ; struct module *owner ; struct class_attribute *class_attrs ; struct device_attribute *dev_attrs ; struct kobject *dev_kobj ; int (*dev_uevent)(struct device *dev , struct kobj_uevent_env *env ) ; void (*class_release)(struct class *class ) ; void (*dev_release)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*suspend)(struct device *dev , pm_message_t state ) ; int (*resume)(struct device *dev ) ; struct pm_ops *pm ; struct class_private *p ; }; struct class_attribute { struct attribute attr ; ssize_t (*show)(struct class *class , char *buf ) ; ssize_t (*store)(struct class *class , char const *buf , size_t count ) ; }; struct device_type { char const *name ; struct attribute_group **groups ; int (*uevent)(struct device *dev , struct kobj_uevent_env *env ) ; void (*release)(struct device *dev ) ; int (*suspend)(struct device *dev , pm_message_t state ) ; int (*resume)(struct device *dev ) ; struct pm_ops *pm ; }; struct device_attribute { struct attribute attr ; ssize_t (*show)(struct device *dev , struct device_attribute *attr , char *buf ) ; ssize_t (*store)(struct device *dev , struct device_attribute *attr , char const *buf , size_t count ) ; }; struct device_dma_parameters { unsigned int max_segment_size ; unsigned long segment_boundary_mask ; }; struct dma_coherent_mem; struct device { struct klist klist_children ; struct klist_node knode_parent ; struct klist_node knode_driver ; struct klist_node knode_bus ; struct device *parent ; struct kobject kobj ; char bus_id[20] ; char const *init_name ; struct device_type *type ; unsigned int uevent_suppress : 1 ; struct semaphore sem ; struct bus_type *bus ; struct device_driver *driver ; void *driver_data ; void *platform_data ; struct dev_pm_info power ; int numa_node ; u64 *dma_mask ; u64 coherent_dma_mask ; struct device_dma_parameters *dma_parms ; struct list_head dma_pools ; struct dma_coherent_mem *dma_mem ; struct dev_archdata archdata ; spinlock_t devres_lock ; struct list_head devres_head ; struct list_head node ; struct class *class ; dev_t devt ; struct attribute_group **groups ; void (*release)(struct device *dev ) ; }; struct nameidata; struct qstr { unsigned int hash ; unsigned int len ; unsigned char const *name ; }; struct dcookie_struct; struct inode; union __anonunion_d_u_120 { struct list_head d_child ; struct rcu_head d_rcu ; }; struct dentry_operations; struct super_block; struct dentry { atomic_t d_count ; unsigned int d_flags ; spinlock_t d_lock ; struct inode *d_inode ; struct hlist_node d_hash ; struct dentry *d_parent ; struct qstr d_name ; struct list_head d_lru ; union __anonunion_d_u_120 d_u ; struct list_head d_subdirs ; struct list_head d_alias ; unsigned long d_time ; struct dentry_operations *d_op ; struct super_block *d_sb ; void *d_fsdata ; struct dcookie_struct *d_cookie ; int d_mounted ; unsigned char d_iname[36] ; }; struct dentry_operations { int (*d_revalidate)(struct dentry * , struct nameidata * ) ; int (*d_hash)(struct dentry * , struct qstr * ) ; int (*d_compare)(struct dentry * , struct qstr * , struct qstr * ) ; int (*d_delete)(struct dentry * ) ; void (*d_release)(struct dentry * ) ; void (*d_iput)(struct dentry * , struct inode * ) ; char *(*d_dname)(struct dentry * , char * , int ) ; }; struct radix_tree_node; struct radix_tree_root { unsigned int height ; gfp_t gfp_mask ; struct radix_tree_node *rnode ; }; struct export_operations; struct poll_table_struct; struct kstatfs; struct iattr { unsigned int ia_valid ; umode_t ia_mode ; uid_t ia_uid ; gid_t ia_gid ; loff_t ia_size ; struct timespec ia_atime ; struct timespec ia_mtime ; struct timespec ia_ctime ; struct file *ia_file ; }; struct if_dqblk { __u64 dqb_bhardlimit ; __u64 dqb_bsoftlimit ; __u64 dqb_curspace ; __u64 dqb_ihardlimit ; __u64 dqb_isoftlimit ; __u64 dqb_curinodes ; __u64 dqb_btime ; __u64 dqb_itime ; __u32 dqb_valid ; }; struct if_dqinfo { __u64 dqi_bgrace ; __u64 dqi_igrace ; __u32 dqi_flags ; __u32 dqi_valid ; }; struct fs_disk_quota { __s8 d_version ; __s8 d_flags ; __u16 d_fieldmask ; __u32 d_id ; __u64 d_blk_hardlimit ; __u64 d_blk_softlimit ; __u64 d_ino_hardlimit ; __u64 d_ino_softlimit ; __u64 d_bcount ; __u64 d_icount ; __s32 d_itimer ; __s32 d_btimer ; __u16 d_iwarns ; __u16 d_bwarns ; __s32 d_padding2 ; __u64 d_rtb_hardlimit ; __u64 d_rtb_softlimit ; __u64 d_rtbcount ; __s32 d_rtbtimer ; __u16 d_rtbwarns ; __s16 d_padding3 ; char d_padding4[8] ; }; struct fs_qfilestat { __u64 qfs_ino ; __u64 qfs_nblks ; __u32 qfs_nextents ; }; typedef struct fs_qfilestat fs_qfilestat_t; struct fs_quota_stat { __s8 qs_version ; __u16 qs_flags ; __s8 qs_pad ; fs_qfilestat_t qs_uquota ; fs_qfilestat_t qs_gquota ; __u32 qs_incoredqs ; __s32 qs_btimelimit ; __s32 qs_itimelimit ; __s32 qs_rtbtimelimit ; __u16 qs_bwarnlimit ; __u16 qs_iwarnlimit ; }; struct v1_mem_dqinfo { }; struct v2_mem_dqinfo { unsigned int dqi_blocks ; unsigned int dqi_free_blk ; unsigned int dqi_free_entry ; }; typedef __kernel_uid32_t qid_t; typedef __u64 qsize_t; struct mem_dqblk { __u32 dqb_bhardlimit ; __u32 dqb_bsoftlimit ; qsize_t dqb_curspace ; __u32 dqb_ihardlimit ; __u32 dqb_isoftlimit ; __u32 dqb_curinodes ; time_t dqb_btime ; time_t dqb_itime ; }; struct quota_format_type; union __anonunion_u_123 { struct v1_mem_dqinfo v1_i ; struct v2_mem_dqinfo v2_i ; }; struct mem_dqinfo { struct quota_format_type *dqi_format ; int dqi_fmt_id ; struct list_head dqi_dirty_list ; unsigned long dqi_flags ; unsigned int dqi_bgrace ; unsigned int dqi_igrace ; qsize_t dqi_maxblimit ; qsize_t dqi_maxilimit ; union __anonunion_u_123 u ; }; struct dquot { struct hlist_node dq_hash ; struct list_head dq_inuse ; struct list_head dq_free ; struct list_head dq_dirty ; struct mutex dq_lock ; atomic_t dq_count ; wait_queue_head_t dq_wait_unused ; struct super_block *dq_sb ; unsigned int dq_id ; loff_t dq_off ; unsigned long dq_flags ; short dq_type ; struct mem_dqblk dq_dqb ; }; struct quota_format_ops { int (*check_quota_file)(struct super_block *sb , int type ) ; int (*read_file_info)(struct super_block *sb , int type ) ; int (*write_file_info)(struct super_block *sb , int type ) ; int (*free_file_info)(struct super_block *sb , int type ) ; int (*read_dqblk)(struct dquot *dquot ) ; int (*commit_dqblk)(struct dquot *dquot ) ; int (*release_dqblk)(struct dquot *dquot ) ; }; struct dquot_operations { int (*initialize)(struct inode * , int ) ; int (*drop)(struct inode * ) ; int (*alloc_space)(struct inode * , qsize_t , int ) ; int (*alloc_inode)(struct inode const * , unsigned long ) ; int (*free_space)(struct inode * , qsize_t ) ; int (*free_inode)(struct inode const * , unsigned long ) ; int (*transfer)(struct inode * , struct iattr * ) ; int (*write_dquot)(struct dquot * ) ; int (*acquire_dquot)(struct dquot * ) ; int (*release_dquot)(struct dquot * ) ; int (*mark_dirty)(struct dquot * ) ; int (*write_info)(struct super_block * , int ) ; }; struct quotactl_ops { int (*quota_on)(struct super_block * , int , int , char * , int ) ; int (*quota_off)(struct super_block * , int , int ) ; int (*quota_sync)(struct super_block * , int ) ; int (*get_info)(struct super_block * , int , struct if_dqinfo * ) ; int (*set_info)(struct super_block * , int , struct if_dqinfo * ) ; int (*get_dqblk)(struct super_block * , int , qid_t , struct if_dqblk * ) ; int (*set_dqblk)(struct super_block * , int , qid_t , struct if_dqblk * ) ; int (*get_xstate)(struct super_block * , struct fs_quota_stat * ) ; int (*set_xstate)(struct super_block * , unsigned int , int ) ; int (*get_xquota)(struct super_block * , int , qid_t , struct fs_disk_quota * ) ; int (*set_xquota)(struct super_block * , int , qid_t , struct fs_disk_quota * ) ; }; struct quota_format_type { int qf_fmt_id ; struct quota_format_ops *qf_ops ; struct module *qf_owner ; struct quota_format_type *qf_next ; }; struct quota_info { unsigned int flags ; struct mutex dqio_mutex ; struct mutex dqonoff_mutex ; struct rw_semaphore dqptr_sem ; struct inode *files[2] ; struct mem_dqinfo info[2] ; struct quota_format_ops *ops[2] ; }; struct writeback_control; union __anonunion_arg_125 { char *buf ; void *data ; }; struct __anonstruct_read_descriptor_t_124 { size_t written ; size_t count ; union __anonunion_arg_125 arg ; int error ; }; typedef struct __anonstruct_read_descriptor_t_124 read_descriptor_t; struct address_space_operations { int (*writepage)(struct page *page , struct writeback_control *wbc ) ; int (*readpage)(struct file * , struct page * ) ; void (*sync_page)(struct page * ) ; int (*writepages)(struct address_space * , struct writeback_control * ) ; int (*set_page_dirty)(struct page *page ) ; int (*readpages)(struct file *filp , struct address_space *mapping , struct list_head *pages , unsigned int nr_pages ) ; int (*prepare_write)(struct file * , struct page * , unsigned int , unsigned int ) ; int (*commit_write)(struct file * , struct page * , unsigned int , unsigned int ) ; int (*write_begin)(struct file * , struct address_space *mapping , loff_t pos , unsigned int len , unsigned int flags , struct page **pagep , void **fsdata ) ; int (*write_end)(struct file * , struct address_space *mapping , loff_t pos , unsigned int len , unsigned int copied , struct page *page , void *fsdata ) ; sector_t (*bmap)(struct address_space * , sector_t ) ; void (*invalidatepage)(struct page * , unsigned long ) ; int (*releasepage)(struct page * , gfp_t ) ; ssize_t (*direct_IO)(int , struct kiocb * , struct iovec const *iov , loff_t offset , unsigned long nr_segs ) ; int (*get_xip_mem)(struct address_space * , unsigned long , int , void ** , unsigned long * ) ; int (*migratepage)(struct address_space * , struct page * , struct page * ) ; int (*launder_page)(struct page * ) ; int (*is_partially_uptodate)(struct page * , read_descriptor_t * , unsigned long ) ; }; struct address_space { struct inode *host ; struct radix_tree_root page_tree ; spinlock_t tree_lock ; unsigned int i_mmap_writable ; struct prio_tree_root i_mmap ; struct list_head i_mmap_nonlinear ; spinlock_t i_mmap_lock ; unsigned int truncate_count ; unsigned long nrpages ; unsigned long writeback_index ; struct address_space_operations const *a_ops ; unsigned long flags ; struct backing_dev_info *backing_dev_info ; spinlock_t private_lock ; struct list_head private_list ; struct address_space *assoc_mapping ; } __attribute__((__aligned__(sizeof(long )))) ; struct hd_struct; struct gendisk; struct block_device { dev_t bd_dev ; struct inode *bd_inode ; int bd_openers ; struct mutex bd_mutex ; struct semaphore bd_mount_sem ; struct list_head bd_inodes ; void *bd_holder ; int bd_holders ; struct list_head bd_holder_list ; struct block_device *bd_contains ; unsigned int bd_block_size ; struct hd_struct *bd_part ; unsigned int bd_part_count ; int bd_invalidated ; struct gendisk *bd_disk ; struct list_head bd_list ; struct backing_dev_info *bd_inode_backing_dev_info ; unsigned long bd_private ; }; struct inode_operations; struct file_lock; struct cdev; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_126 { struct pipe_inode_info *i_pipe ; struct block_device *i_bdev ; struct cdev *i_cdev ; }; struct dnotify_struct; struct inode { struct hlist_node i_hash ; struct list_head i_list ; struct list_head i_sb_list ; struct list_head i_dentry ; unsigned long i_ino ; atomic_t i_count ; unsigned int i_nlink ; uid_t i_uid ; gid_t i_gid ; dev_t i_rdev ; u64 i_version ; loff_t i_size ; struct timespec i_atime ; struct timespec i_mtime ; struct timespec i_ctime ; unsigned int i_blkbits ; blkcnt_t i_blocks ; unsigned short i_bytes ; umode_t i_mode ; spinlock_t i_lock ; struct mutex i_mutex ; struct rw_semaphore i_alloc_sem ; struct inode_operations const *i_op ; struct file_operations const *i_fop ; struct super_block *i_sb ; struct file_lock *i_flock ; struct address_space *i_mapping ; struct address_space i_data ; struct dquot *i_dquot[2] ; struct list_head i_devices ; union __anonunion____missing_field_name_126 __annonCompField17 ; int i_cindex ; __u32 i_generation ; unsigned long i_dnotify_mask ; struct dnotify_struct *i_dnotify ; struct list_head inotify_watches ; struct mutex inotify_mutex ; unsigned long i_state ; unsigned long dirtied_when ; unsigned int i_flags ; atomic_t i_writecount ; void *i_security ; void *i_private ; }; struct fown_struct { rwlock_t lock ; struct pid *pid ; enum pid_type pid_type ; uid_t uid ; uid_t euid ; int signum ; }; struct file_ra_state { unsigned long start ; unsigned int size ; unsigned int async_size ; unsigned int ra_pages ; int mmap_miss ; loff_t prev_pos ; }; union __anonunion_f_u_127 { struct list_head fu_list ; struct rcu_head fu_rcuhead ; }; struct file { union __anonunion_f_u_127 f_u ; struct path f_path ; struct file_operations const *f_op ; atomic_long_t f_count ; unsigned int f_flags ; mode_t f_mode ; loff_t f_pos ; struct fown_struct f_owner ; unsigned int f_uid ; unsigned int f_gid ; struct file_ra_state f_ra ; u64 f_version ; void *f_security ; void *private_data ; struct list_head f_ep_links ; spinlock_t f_ep_lock ; struct address_space *f_mapping ; unsigned long f_mnt_write_state ; }; typedef struct files_struct *fl_owner_t; struct file_lock_operations { void (*fl_copy_lock)(struct file_lock * , struct file_lock * ) ; void (*fl_release_private)(struct file_lock * ) ; }; struct lock_manager_operations { int (*fl_compare_owner)(struct file_lock * , struct file_lock * ) ; void (*fl_notify)(struct file_lock * ) ; int (*fl_grant)(struct file_lock * , struct file_lock * , int ) ; void (*fl_copy_lock)(struct file_lock * , struct file_lock * ) ; void (*fl_release_private)(struct file_lock * ) ; void (*fl_break)(struct file_lock * ) ; int (*fl_mylease)(struct file_lock * , struct file_lock * ) ; int (*fl_change)(struct file_lock ** , int ) ; }; struct nlm_lockowner; struct nfs_lock_info { u32 state ; struct nlm_lockowner *owner ; struct list_head list ; }; struct nfs4_lock_state; struct nfs4_lock_info { struct nfs4_lock_state *owner ; }; struct fasync_struct; struct __anonstruct_afs_129 { struct list_head link ; int state ; }; union __anonunion_fl_u_128 { struct nfs_lock_info nfs_fl ; struct nfs4_lock_info nfs4_fl ; struct __anonstruct_afs_129 afs ; }; struct file_lock { struct file_lock *fl_next ; struct list_head fl_link ; struct list_head fl_block ; fl_owner_t fl_owner ; unsigned char fl_flags ; unsigned char fl_type ; unsigned int fl_pid ; struct pid *fl_nspid ; wait_queue_head_t fl_wait ; struct file *fl_file ; loff_t fl_start ; loff_t fl_end ; struct fasync_struct *fl_fasync ; unsigned long fl_break_time ; struct file_lock_operations *fl_ops ; struct lock_manager_operations *fl_lmops ; union __anonunion_fl_u_128 fl_u ; }; struct fasync_struct { int magic ; int fa_fd ; struct fasync_struct *fa_next ; struct file *fa_file ; }; struct file_system_type; struct super_operations; struct xattr_handler; struct super_block { struct list_head s_list ; dev_t s_dev ; unsigned long s_blocksize ; unsigned char s_blocksize_bits ; unsigned char s_dirt ; unsigned long long s_maxbytes ; struct file_system_type *s_type ; struct super_operations const *s_op ; struct dquot_operations *dq_op ; struct quotactl_ops *s_qcop ; struct export_operations const *s_export_op ; unsigned long s_flags ; unsigned long s_magic ; struct dentry *s_root ; struct rw_semaphore s_umount ; struct mutex s_lock ; int s_count ; int s_syncing ; int s_need_sync_fs ; atomic_t s_active ; void *s_security ; struct xattr_handler **s_xattr ; struct list_head s_inodes ; struct list_head s_dirty ; struct list_head s_io ; struct list_head s_more_io ; struct hlist_head s_anon ; struct list_head s_files ; struct list_head s_dentry_lru ; int s_nr_dentry_unused ; struct block_device *s_bdev ; struct mtd_info *s_mtd ; struct list_head s_instances ; struct quota_info s_dquot ; int s_frozen ; wait_queue_head_t s_wait_unfrozen ; char s_id[32] ; void *s_fs_info ; struct mutex s_vfs_rename_mutex ; u32 s_time_gran ; char *s_subtype ; char *s_options ; }; struct file_operations { struct module *owner ; loff_t (*llseek)(struct file * , loff_t , int ) ; ssize_t (*read)(struct file * , char * , size_t , loff_t * ) ; ssize_t (*write)(struct file * , char const * , size_t , loff_t * ) ; ssize_t (*aio_read)(struct kiocb * , struct iovec const * , unsigned long , loff_t ) ; ssize_t (*aio_write)(struct kiocb * , struct iovec const * , unsigned long , loff_t ) ; int (*readdir)(struct file * , void * , int (*)(void * , char const * , int , loff_t , u64 , unsigned int ) ) ; unsigned int (*poll)(struct file * , struct poll_table_struct * ) ; int (*ioctl)(struct inode * , struct file * , unsigned int , unsigned long ) ; long (*unlocked_ioctl)(struct file * , unsigned int , unsigned long ) ; long (*compat_ioctl)(struct file * , unsigned int , unsigned long ) ; int (*mmap)(struct file * , struct vm_area_struct * ) ; int (*open)(struct inode * , struct file * ) ; int (*flush)(struct file * , fl_owner_t id ) ; int (*release)(struct inode * , struct file * ) ; int (*fsync)(struct file * , struct dentry * , int datasync ) ; int (*aio_fsync)(struct kiocb * , int datasync ) ; int (*fasync)(int , struct file * , int ) ; int (*lock)(struct file * , int , struct file_lock * ) ; ssize_t (*sendpage)(struct file * , struct page * , int , size_t , loff_t * , int ) ; unsigned long (*get_unmapped_area)(struct file * , unsigned long , unsigned long , unsigned long , unsigned long ) ; int (*check_flags)(int ) ; int (*dir_notify)(struct file *filp , unsigned long arg ) ; int (*flock)(struct file * , int , struct file_lock * ) ; ssize_t (*splice_write)(struct pipe_inode_info * , struct file * , loff_t * , size_t , unsigned int ) ; ssize_t (*splice_read)(struct file * , loff_t * , struct pipe_inode_info * , size_t , unsigned int ) ; int (*setlease)(struct file * , long , struct file_lock ** ) ; }; struct inode_operations { int (*create)(struct inode * , struct dentry * , int , struct nameidata * ) ; struct dentry *(*lookup)(struct inode * , struct dentry * , struct nameidata * ) ; int (*link)(struct dentry * , struct inode * , struct dentry * ) ; int (*unlink)(struct inode * , struct dentry * ) ; int (*symlink)(struct inode * , struct dentry * , char const * ) ; int (*mkdir)(struct inode * , struct dentry * , int ) ; int (*rmdir)(struct inode * , struct dentry * ) ; int (*mknod)(struct inode * , struct dentry * , int , dev_t ) ; int (*rename)(struct inode * , struct dentry * , struct inode * , struct dentry * ) ; int (*readlink)(struct dentry * , char * , int ) ; void *(*follow_link)(struct dentry * , struct nameidata * ) ; void (*put_link)(struct dentry * , struct nameidata * , void * ) ; void (*truncate)(struct inode * ) ; int (*permission)(struct inode * , int ) ; int (*setattr)(struct dentry * , struct iattr * ) ; int (*getattr)(struct vfsmount *mnt , struct dentry * , struct kstat * ) ; int (*setxattr)(struct dentry * , char const * , void const * , size_t , int ) ; ssize_t (*getxattr)(struct dentry * , char const * , void * , size_t ) ; ssize_t (*listxattr)(struct dentry * , char * , size_t ) ; int (*removexattr)(struct dentry * , char const * ) ; void (*truncate_range)(struct inode * , loff_t , loff_t ) ; long (*fallocate)(struct inode *inode , int mode , loff_t offset , loff_t len ) ; }; struct super_operations { struct inode *(*alloc_inode)(struct super_block *sb ) ; void (*destroy_inode)(struct inode * ) ; void (*dirty_inode)(struct inode * ) ; int (*write_inode)(struct inode * , int ) ; void (*drop_inode)(struct inode * ) ; void (*delete_inode)(struct inode * ) ; void (*put_super)(struct super_block * ) ; void (*write_super)(struct super_block * ) ; int (*sync_fs)(struct super_block *sb , int wait ) ; void (*write_super_lockfs)(struct super_block * ) ; void (*unlockfs)(struct super_block * ) ; int (*statfs)(struct dentry * , struct kstatfs * ) ; int (*remount_fs)(struct super_block * , int * , char * ) ; void (*clear_inode)(struct inode * ) ; void (*umount_begin)(struct super_block * ) ; int (*show_options)(struct seq_file * , struct vfsmount * ) ; int (*show_stats)(struct seq_file * , struct vfsmount * ) ; ssize_t (*quota_read)(struct super_block * , int , char * , size_t , loff_t ) ; ssize_t (*quota_write)(struct super_block * , int , char const * , size_t , loff_t ) ; }; struct file_system_type { char const *name ; int fs_flags ; int (*get_sb)(struct file_system_type * , int , char const * , void * , struct vfsmount * ) ; void (*kill_sb)(struct super_block * ) ; struct module *owner ; struct file_system_type *next ; struct list_head fs_supers ; struct lock_class_key s_lock_key ; struct lock_class_key s_umount_key ; struct lock_class_key i_lock_key ; struct lock_class_key i_mutex_key ; struct lock_class_key i_mutex_dir_key ; struct lock_class_key i_alloc_sem_key ; }; struct usb_device; struct wusb_dev; struct ep_device; struct usb_host_endpoint { struct usb_endpoint_descriptor desc ; struct list_head urb_list ; void *hcpriv ; struct ep_device *ep_dev ; unsigned char *extra ; int extralen ; int enabled ; }; struct usb_host_interface { struct usb_interface_descriptor desc ; struct usb_host_endpoint *endpoint ; char *string ; unsigned char *extra ; int extralen ; }; enum usb_interface_condition { USB_INTERFACE_UNBOUND = 0, USB_INTERFACE_BINDING = 1, USB_INTERFACE_BOUND = 2, USB_INTERFACE_UNBINDING = 3 } ; struct usb_interface { struct usb_host_interface *altsetting ; struct usb_host_interface *cur_altsetting ; unsigned int num_altsetting ; struct usb_interface_assoc_descriptor *intf_assoc ; int minor ; enum usb_interface_condition condition ; unsigned int is_active : 1 ; unsigned int sysfs_files_created : 1 ; unsigned int needs_remote_wakeup : 1 ; unsigned int needs_altsetting0 : 1 ; unsigned int needs_binding : 1 ; struct device dev ; struct device *usb_dev ; int pm_usage_cnt ; }; struct usb_interface_cache { unsigned int num_altsetting ; struct kref ref ; struct usb_host_interface altsetting[0] ; }; struct usb_host_config { struct usb_config_descriptor desc ; char *string ; struct usb_interface_assoc_descriptor *intf_assoc[32 / 2] ; struct usb_interface *interface[32] ; struct usb_interface_cache *intf_cache[32] ; unsigned char *extra ; int extralen ; }; struct usb_devmap { unsigned long devicemap[128UL / (8UL * sizeof(unsigned long ))] ; }; struct mon_bus; struct usb_bus { struct device *controller ; int busnum ; char const *bus_name ; u8 uses_dma ; u8 otg_port ; unsigned int is_b_host : 1 ; unsigned int b_hnp_enable : 1 ; int devnum_next ; struct usb_devmap devmap ; struct usb_device *root_hub ; struct list_head bus_list ; int bandwidth_allocated ; int bandwidth_int_reqs ; int bandwidth_isoc_reqs ; struct dentry *usbfs_dentry ; struct device *dev ; struct mon_bus *mon_bus ; int monitored ; }; struct usb_tt; struct usb_device { int devnum ; char devpath[16] ; enum usb_device_state state ; enum usb_device_speed speed ; struct usb_tt *tt ; int ttport ; unsigned int toggle[2] ; struct usb_device *parent ; struct usb_bus *bus ; struct usb_host_endpoint ep0 ; struct device dev ; struct usb_device_descriptor descriptor ; struct usb_host_config *config ; struct usb_host_config *actconfig ; struct usb_host_endpoint *ep_in[16] ; struct usb_host_endpoint *ep_out[16] ; char **rawdescriptors ; unsigned short bus_mA ; u8 portnum ; u8 level ; unsigned int can_submit : 1 ; unsigned int discon_suspended : 1 ; unsigned int persist_enabled : 1 ; unsigned int have_langid : 1 ; unsigned int authorized : 1 ; unsigned int authenticated : 1 ; unsigned int wusb : 1 ; int string_langid ; char *product ; char *manufacturer ; char *serial ; struct list_head filelist ; struct device *usb_classdev ; struct dentry *usbfs_dentry ; int maxchild ; struct usb_device *children[31] ; int pm_usage_cnt ; u32 quirks ; atomic_t urbnum ; unsigned long active_duration ; struct delayed_work autosuspend ; struct mutex pm_mutex ; unsigned long last_busy ; int autosuspend_delay ; unsigned long connect_time ; unsigned int auto_pm : 1 ; unsigned int do_remote_wakeup : 1 ; unsigned int reset_resume : 1 ; unsigned int autosuspend_disabled : 1 ; unsigned int autoresume_disabled : 1 ; unsigned int skip_sys_resume : 1 ; struct wusb_dev *wusb_dev ; }; struct usb_iso_packet_descriptor { unsigned int offset ; unsigned int length ; unsigned int actual_length ; int status ; }; struct urb; struct usb_anchor { struct list_head urb_list ; wait_queue_head_t wait ; spinlock_t lock ; }; struct urb { struct kref kref ; void *hcpriv ; atomic_t use_count ; u8 reject ; int unlinked ; struct list_head urb_list ; struct list_head anchor_list ; struct usb_anchor *anchor ; struct usb_device *dev ; struct usb_host_endpoint *ep ; unsigned int pipe ; int status ; unsigned int transfer_flags ; void *transfer_buffer ; dma_addr_t transfer_dma ; int transfer_buffer_length ; int actual_length ; unsigned char *setup_packet ; dma_addr_t setup_dma ; int start_frame ; int number_of_packets ; int interval ; int error_count ; void *context ; void (*complete)(struct urb * ) ; struct usb_iso_packet_descriptor iso_frame_desc[0] ; }; void *memcpy(void * , void const * , unsigned long ) ; extern int ( /* format attribute */ printk)(char const *fmt , ...) ; extern int oops_in_progress ; extern void *memset(void *s , int c , size_t n ) ; extern __attribute__((__noreturn__)) void __bad_pda_field(void) ; extern struct x8664_pda _proxy_pda ; __inline static struct task_struct *( __attribute__((__always_inline__)) get_current)(void) { struct task_struct *ret__ ; { switch (sizeof(_proxy_pda.pcurrent)) { case 2UL: __asm__ ("mov" "w %%gs:%c1,%0": "=r" (ret__): "i" ((unsigned int )(& ((struct x8664_pda *)0)->pcurrent)), "m" (_proxy_pda.pcurrent)); break; case 4UL: __asm__ ("mov" "l %%gs:%c1,%0": "=r" (ret__): "i" ((unsigned int )(& ((struct x8664_pda *)0)->pcurrent)), "m" (_proxy_pda.pcurrent)); break; case 8UL: __asm__ ("mov" "q %%gs:%c1,%0": "=r" (ret__): "i" ((unsigned int )(& ((struct x8664_pda *)0)->pcurrent)), "m" (_proxy_pda.pcurrent)); break; default: __bad_pda_field(); } return (ret__); } } __inline static unsigned long __xchg(unsigned long x , void volatile *ptr , int size ) { { switch (size) { case 1: __asm__ volatile ("xchgb %b0,%1": "=q" (x): "m" (*((long volatile *)ptr)), "0" (x): "memory"); break; case 2: __asm__ volatile ("xchgw %w0,%1": "=r" (x): "m" (*((long volatile *)ptr)), "0" (x): "memory"); break; case 4: __asm__ volatile ("xchgl %k0,%1": "=r" (x): "m" (*((long volatile *)ptr)), "0" (x): "memory"); break; case 8: __asm__ volatile ("xchgq %0,%1": "=r" (x): "m" (*((long volatile *)ptr)), "0" (x): "memory"); break; } return (x); } } __inline static void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list ) { { list->next = list; list->prev = list; return; } } __inline static struct thread_info *current_thread_info(void) { struct thread_info *ti ; unsigned long ret__ ; { switch (sizeof(_proxy_pda.kernelstack)) { case 2UL: __asm__ ("mov" "w %%gs:%c1,%0": "=r" (ret__): "i" ((unsigned int )(& ((struct x8664_pda *)0)->kernelstack)), "m" (_proxy_pda.kernelstack)); break; case 4UL: __asm__ ("mov" "l %%gs:%c1,%0": "=r" (ret__): "i" ((unsigned int )(& ((struct x8664_pda *)0)->kernelstack)), "m" (_proxy_pda.kernelstack)); break; case 8UL: __asm__ ("mov" "q %%gs:%c1,%0": "=r" (ret__): "i" ((unsigned int )(& ((struct x8664_pda *)0)->kernelstack)), "m" (_proxy_pda.kernelstack)); break; default: __bad_pda_field(); } ti = (void *)((ret__ + (unsigned long )(5 * 8)) - ((1UL << 12) << 1)); return (ti); } } extern void lockdep_init_map(struct lockdep_map *lock , char const *name , struct lock_class_key *key , int subclass ) ; extern unsigned long _spin_lock_irqsave(spinlock_t *lock ) __attribute__((__section__(".spinlock.text"))) ; extern void _spin_unlock_irqrestore(spinlock_t *lock , unsigned long flags ) __attribute__((__section__(".spinlock.text"))) ; extern int default_wake_function(wait_queue_t *wait , unsigned int mode , int sync , void *key ) ; extern void init_waitqueue_head(wait_queue_head_t *q ) ; extern void add_wait_queue(wait_queue_head_t *q , wait_queue_t *wait ) ; extern void remove_wait_queue(wait_queue_head_t *q , wait_queue_t *wait ) ; extern void __wake_up(wait_queue_head_t *q , unsigned int mode , int nr , void *key ) ; extern void flush_scheduled_work(void) ; extern int schedule_work(struct work_struct *work ) ; int init_module(void) ; void cleanup_module(void) ; extern void register_console(struct console * ) ; extern int unregister_console(struct console * ) ; extern void *vmalloc(unsigned long size ) ; extern void vfree(void const *addr ) ; extern void schedule(void) ; extern void register_mtd_user(struct mtd_notifier *new ) ; extern int unregister_mtd_user(struct mtd_notifier *old ) ; static struct mtdoops_context oops_cxt ; static void mtdoops_erase_callback(struct erase_info *done ) { wait_queue_head_t *wait_q ; { wait_q = (wait_queue_head_t *)done->priv; __wake_up(wait_q, 1 | 2, 1, (void *)0); return; } } static int mtdoops_erase_block(struct mtd_info *mtd , int offset ) { struct erase_info erase ; wait_queue_t wait ; struct task_struct *tmp ; wait_queue_head_t wait_q ; int ret ; struct task_struct *tmp___2 ; struct task_struct *tmp___3 ; struct task_struct *tmp___6 ; struct task_struct *tmp___7 ; { tmp = get_current(); wait.flags = 0U; wait.private = tmp; wait.func = & default_wake_function; wait.task_list.next = (void *)0; wait.task_list.prev = (void *)0; init_waitqueue_head(& wait_q); erase.mtd = mtd; erase.callback = & mtdoops_erase_callback; erase.addr = offset; erase.len = mtd->erasesize; erase.priv = (u_long )(& wait_q); while (1) { tmp___3 = get_current(); __xchg(1UL, & tmp___3->state, sizeof(tmp___2->state)); break; } add_wait_queue(& wait_q, & wait); ret = (*(mtd->erase))(mtd, & erase); if (ret) { while (1) { tmp___7 = get_current(); __xchg(0UL, & tmp___7->state, sizeof(tmp___6->state)); break; } remove_wait_queue(& wait_q, & wait); printk("<4>mtdoops: erase of region [0x%x, 0x%x] on \"%s\" failed\n", erase.addr, erase.len, mtd->name); return (ret); } else { } schedule(); remove_wait_queue(& wait_q, & wait); return (0); } } static void mtdoops_inc_counter(struct mtdoops_context *cxt ) { struct mtd_info *mtd ; size_t retlen ; u32 count ; int ret ; { mtd = cxt->mtd; cxt->nextpage = cxt->nextpage + 1; if (cxt->nextpage >= cxt->oops_pages) { cxt->nextpage = 0; } else { } cxt->nextcount = cxt->nextcount + 1; if ((unsigned int )cxt->nextcount == 4294967295U) { cxt->nextcount = 0; } else { } ret = (*(mtd->read))(mtd, cxt->nextpage * 4096, 4, & retlen, (u_char *)(& count)); if (retlen != (size_t )4 || (ret < 0 && ret != -117)) { printk("<3>mtdoops: Read failure at %d (%td of 4 read), err %d.\n", cxt->nextpage * 4096, retlen, ret); schedule_work(& cxt->work_erase); return; } else { } if (count != 4294967295U) { schedule_work(& cxt->work_erase); return; } else { } printk("<7>mtdoops: Ready %d, %d (no erase)\n", cxt->nextpage, cxt->nextcount); cxt->ready = 1; return; } } static void mtdoops_workfunc_erase(struct work_struct *work ) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; struct work_struct const *__mptr ; struct mtd_info *mtd ; int i ; int j ; int ret ; int mod ; { __mptr = work; cxt = (struct mtdoops_context *)((char *)__mptr - (unsigned int )(& ((struct mtdoops_context *)0)->work_erase)); mtd = cxt->mtd; i = 0; if (! mtd) { return; } else { } mod = (unsigned int )(cxt->nextpage * 4096) % mtd->erasesize; if (mod != 0) { cxt->nextpage = (u_int32_t )cxt->nextpage + (mtd->erasesize - (u_int32_t )mod) / (u_int32_t )4096; if (cxt->nextpage >= cxt->oops_pages) { cxt->nextpage = 0; } else { } } else { } while (1) { if (mtd->block_isbad) { } else { break; } ret = (*(mtd->block_isbad))(mtd, cxt->nextpage * 4096); if (! ret) { break; } else { } if (ret < 0) { printk("<3>mtdoops: block_isbad failed, aborting.\n"); return; } else { } badblock: printk("<4>mtdoops: Bad block at %08x\n", cxt->nextpage * 4096); i = i + 1; cxt->nextpage = (u_int32_t )cxt->nextpage + mtd->erasesize / (u_int32_t )4096; if (cxt->nextpage >= cxt->oops_pages) { cxt->nextpage = 0; } else { } if ((u_int32_t )i == (u_int32_t )cxt->oops_pages / (mtd->erasesize / (u_int32_t )4096)) { printk("<3>mtdoops: All blocks bad!\n"); return; } else { } } j = 0; ret = -1; while (1) { if (j < 3 && ret < 0) { } else { break; } ret = mtdoops_erase_block(mtd, cxt->nextpage * 4096); j = j + 1; } if (ret >= 0) { printk("<7>mtdoops: Ready %d, %d \n", cxt->nextpage, cxt->nextcount); cxt->ready = 1; return; } else { } if (mtd->block_markbad && ret == -5) { ret = (*(mtd->block_markbad))(mtd, cxt->nextpage * 4096); if (ret < 0) { printk("<3>mtdoops: block_markbad failed, aborting.\n"); return; } else { } } else { } goto badblock; } } static void mtdoops_write(struct mtdoops_context *cxt , int panic___0 ) { struct mtd_info *mtd ; size_t retlen ; int ret ; { mtd = cxt->mtd; if (cxt->writecount < 4096) { memset(cxt->oops_buf + cxt->writecount, 255, 4096 - cxt->writecount); } else { } if (panic___0) { ret = (*(mtd->panic_write))(mtd, cxt->nextpage * 4096, 4096, & retlen, cxt->oops_buf); } else { ret = (*(mtd->write))(mtd, cxt->nextpage * 4096, 4096, & retlen, cxt->oops_buf); } cxt->writecount = 0; if (retlen != (size_t )4096 || ret < 0) { printk("<3>mtdoops: Write failure at %d (%td of %d written), err %d.\n", cxt->nextpage * 4096, retlen, 4096, ret); } else { } mtdoops_inc_counter(cxt); return; } } static void mtdoops_workfunc_write(struct work_struct *work ) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; struct work_struct const *__mptr ; { __mptr = work; cxt = (struct mtdoops_context *)((char *)__mptr - (unsigned int )(& ((struct mtdoops_context *)0)->work_write)); mtdoops_write(cxt, 0); return; } } static void find_next_position(struct mtdoops_context *cxt ) { struct mtd_info *mtd ; int ret ; int page ; int maxpos ; u32 count[2] ; u32 maxcount ; size_t retlen ; { mtd = cxt->mtd; maxpos = 0; maxcount = 4294967295U; page = 0; while (1) { if (page < cxt->oops_pages) { } else { break; } ret = (*(mtd->read))(mtd, page * 4096, 8, & retlen, (u_char *)(& count[0])); if (retlen != (size_t )8 || (ret < 0 && ret != -117)) { printk("<3>mtdoops: Read failure at %d (%td of 8 read), err %d.\n", page * 4096, retlen, ret); goto __Cont; } else { } if (count[1] != (u32 )1560304896) { goto __Cont; } else { } if (count[0] == 4294967295U) { goto __Cont; } else { } if (maxcount == 4294967295U) { maxcount = count[0]; maxpos = page; } else if (count[0] < (u32 )1073741824 && maxcount > 3221225472U) { maxcount = count[0]; maxpos = page; } else if (count[0] > maxcount && count[0] < 3221225472U) { maxcount = count[0]; maxpos = page; } else if ((count[0] > maxcount && count[0] > 3221225472U) && maxcount > 2147483648U) { maxcount = count[0]; maxpos = page; } else { } __Cont: /* CIL Label */ page = page + 1; } if (maxcount == 4294967295U) { cxt->nextpage = 0; cxt->nextcount = 1; schedule_work(& cxt->work_erase); return; } else { } cxt->nextpage = maxpos; cxt->nextcount = maxcount; mtdoops_inc_counter(cxt); return; } } static void mtdoops_notify_add(struct mtd_info *mtd ) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; { cxt = & oops_cxt; if (mtd->index != cxt->mtd_index || cxt->mtd_index < 0) { return; } else { } if (mtd->size < mtd->erasesize * (u_int32_t )2) { printk("<3>MTD partition %d not big enough for mtdoops\n", mtd->index); return; } else { } if (mtd->erasesize < (u_int32_t )4096) { printk("<3>Eraseblock size of MTD partition %d too small\n", mtd->index); return; } else { } cxt->mtd = mtd; cxt->oops_pages = mtd->size / (u_int32_t )4096; find_next_position(cxt); printk("<6>mtdoops: Attached to MTD device %d\n", mtd->index); return; } } static void mtdoops_notify_remove(struct mtd_info *mtd ) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; { cxt = & oops_cxt; if (mtd->index != cxt->mtd_index || cxt->mtd_index < 0) { return; } else { } cxt->mtd = (void *)0; flush_scheduled_work(); return; } } static void mtdoops_console_sync(void) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; struct mtd_info *mtd ; unsigned long flags ; struct thread_info *tmp ; { cxt = & oops_cxt; mtd = cxt->mtd; if ((! cxt->ready || ! mtd) || cxt->writecount == 0) { return; } else { } while (1) { flags = _spin_lock_irqsave(& cxt->writecount_lock); break; } if (! cxt->ready) { while (1) { _spin_unlock_irqrestore(& cxt->writecount_lock, flags); break; } return; } else { } cxt->ready = 0; while (1) { _spin_unlock_irqrestore(& cxt->writecount_lock, flags); break; } if (mtd->panic_write) { tmp = current_thread_info(); if ((unsigned long )tmp->preempt_count & ((((1UL << 12) - 1UL) << ((0 + 8) + 8)) | (((1UL << 8) - 1UL) << (0 + 8)))) { mtdoops_write(cxt, 1); } else { schedule_work(& cxt->work_write); } } else { schedule_work(& cxt->work_write); } return; } } static void mtdoops_console_write(struct console *co , char const *s , unsigned int count ) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; struct mtd_info *mtd ; unsigned long flags ; u32 *stamp ; u32 *tmp ; size_t __len ; void *__ret ; { cxt = co->data; mtd = cxt->mtd; if (! oops_in_progress) { mtdoops_console_sync(); return; } else { } if (! cxt->ready || ! mtd) { return; } else { } while (1) { flags = _spin_lock_irqsave(& cxt->writecount_lock); break; } if (! cxt->ready) { return; } else { } if (cxt->writecount == 0) { stamp = cxt->oops_buf; tmp = stamp; stamp = stamp + 1; *tmp = cxt->nextcount; *stamp = 1560304896; cxt->writecount = 8; } else { } if (count + (unsigned int )cxt->writecount > 4096U) { count = 4096 - cxt->writecount; } else { } __len = count; __ret = memcpy(cxt->oops_buf + cxt->writecount, s, __len); cxt->writecount = (unsigned int )cxt->writecount + count; while (1) { _spin_unlock_irqrestore(& cxt->writecount_lock, flags); break; } if (cxt->writecount == 4096) { mtdoops_console_sync(); } else { } return; } } static int mtdoops_console_setup(struct console *co , char *options ) __attribute__((__section__(".init.text"))) ; static int mtdoops_console_setup(struct console *co , char *options ) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; { cxt = co->data; if (cxt->mtd_index != -1) { return (-16); } else { } if ((int )co->index == -1) { return (-22); } else { } cxt->mtd_index = co->index; return (0); } } static struct mtd_notifier mtdoops_notifier = {& mtdoops_notify_add, & mtdoops_notify_remove, {0, 0}}; static struct console mtdoops_console = {{'t', 't', 'y', 'M', 'T', 'D', '\000'}, & mtdoops_console_write, 0, 0, & mtdoops_console_sync, & mtdoops_console_setup, 0, (short)0, -1, 0, & oops_cxt, 0}; static struct lock_class_key __key ; static struct lock_class_key __key___0 ; static int mtdoops_console_init(void) __attribute__((__section__(".init.text"))) ; static int mtdoops_console_init(void) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; atomic_long_t __constr_expr_0 ; atomic_long_t __constr_expr_1 ; { cxt = & oops_cxt; cxt->mtd_index = -1; cxt->oops_buf = vmalloc(4096); if (! cxt->oops_buf) { printk("<3>Failed to allocate mtdoops buffer workspace\n"); return (-12); } else { } while (1) { __constr_expr_0.counter = 0; cxt->work_erase.data = __constr_expr_0; lockdep_init_map(& cxt->work_erase.lockdep_map, "&cxt->work_erase", & __key, 0); INIT_LIST_HEAD(& cxt->work_erase.entry); while (1) { cxt->work_erase.func = & mtdoops_workfunc_erase; break; } break; } while (1) { __constr_expr_1.counter = 0; cxt->work_write.data = __constr_expr_1; lockdep_init_map(& cxt->work_write.lockdep_map, "&cxt->work_write", & __key___0, 0); INIT_LIST_HEAD(& cxt->work_write.entry); while (1) { cxt->work_write.func = & mtdoops_workfunc_write; break; } break; } register_console(& mtdoops_console); register_mtd_user(& mtdoops_notifier); return (0); } } static void mtdoops_console_exit(void) __attribute__((__section__(".exit.text"))) ; static void mtdoops_console_exit(void) { struct mtdoops_context *cxt ; { cxt = & oops_cxt; unregister_mtd_user(& mtdoops_notifier); unregister_console(& mtdoops_console); vfree(cxt->oops_buf); return; } } int init_module(void) { int tmp ; { tmp = mtdoops_console_init(); return (tmp); } } void cleanup_module(void) { { mtdoops_console_exit(); return; } } static char const __mod_license440[12] __attribute__((__used__, __unused__, __section__(".modinfo"))) = { 'l', 'i', 'c', 'e', 'n', 's', 'e', '=', 'G', 'P', 'L', '\000'}; static char const __mod_author441[47] __attribute__((__used__, __unused__, __section__(".modinfo"))) = { 'a', 'u', 't', 'h', 'o', 'r', '=', 'R', 'i', 'c', 'h', 'a', 'r', 'd', ' ', 'P', 'u', 'r', 'd', 'i', 'e', ' ', '<', 'r', 'p', 'u', 'r', 'd', 'i', 'e', '@', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'd', 'h', 'a', 'n', 'd', '.', 'c', 'o', 'm', '>', '\000'}; static char const __mod_description442[49] __attribute__((__used__, __unused__, __section__(".modinfo"))) = { 'd', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '=', 'M', 'T', 'D', ' ', 'O', 'o', 'p', 's', '/', 'P', 'a', 'n', 'i', 'c', ' ', 'c', 'o', 'n', 's', 'o', 'l', 'e', ' ', 'l', 'o', 'g', 'g', 'e', 'r', '/', 'd', 'r', 'i', 'v', 'e', 'r', '\000'}; void ldv_check_final_state(void) ; extern void ldv_initialize(void) ; extern void ldv_handler_precall(void) ; extern int nondet_int(void) ; int LDV_IN_INTERRUPT ; int main(void) { struct mtd_info *var_group1 ; struct console *var_group2 ; char const *var_mtdoops_console_write_10_p1 ; unsigned int var_mtdoops_console_write_10_p2 ; char *var_mtdoops_console_setup_11_p1 ; int tmp ; int ldv_s_mtdoops_notifier_mtd_notifier ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; { LDV_IN_INTERRUPT = 1; ldv_initialize(); ldv_handler_precall(); tmp = mtdoops_console_init(); if (tmp) { goto ldv_final; } else { } ldv_s_mtdoops_notifier_mtd_notifier = 0; while (1) { tmp___1 = nondet_int(); if (tmp___1 || ! (ldv_s_mtdoops_notifier_mtd_notifier == 0)) { } else { break; } tmp___0 = nondet_int(); switch (tmp___0) { case 0: if (ldv_s_mtdoops_notifier_mtd_notifier == 0) { ldv_handler_precall(); mtdoops_notify_remove(var_group1); ldv_s_mtdoops_notifier_mtd_notifier = 0; } else { } break; case 1: ldv_handler_precall(); mtdoops_notify_add(var_group1); break; case 2: ldv_handler_precall(); mtdoops_console_write(var_group2, var_mtdoops_console_write_10_p1, var_mtdoops_console_write_10_p2); break; case 3: ldv_handler_precall(); mtdoops_console_setup(var_group2, var_mtdoops_console_setup_11_p1); break; case 4: ldv_handler_precall(); mtdoops_console_sync(); break; default: break; } } ldv_handler_precall(); mtdoops_console_exit(); ldv_final: ldv_check_final_state(); return 0; } } long ldv__builtin_expect(long exp , long c ) ; struct urb *usb_alloc_urb(int iso_packets , gfp_t mem_flags ) ; void usb_free_urb(struct urb *urb ) ; __inline static void ldv_error(void) { { LDV_ERROR: {reach_error();abort();} } } __inline static void ldv_stop(void) { { LDV_STOP: goto LDV_STOP; } } extern void *ldv_undef_ptr(void) ; long ldv__builtin_expect(long exp , long c ) { { return (exp); } } int ldv_urb_state = 0; int ldv_coherent_state = 0; void *usb_alloc_coherent(struct usb_device *dev , size_t size , gfp_t mem_flags , dma_addr_t *dma ) { void *arbitrary_memory ; void *tmp ; { while (1) { tmp = ldv_undef_ptr(); arbitrary_memory = tmp; if (! arbitrary_memory) { return ((void *)0); } else { } ldv_coherent_state = ldv_coherent_state + 1; return (arbitrary_memory); break; } return ((void *)0); } } void usb_free_coherent(struct usb_device *dev , size_t size , void *addr , dma_addr_t dma ) { { while (1) { if ((unsigned long )addr != (unsigned long )((void *)0)) { } else { ldv_stop(); } if (addr) { if (ldv_coherent_state >= 1) { } else { ldv_error(); } ldv_coherent_state = ldv_coherent_state - 1; } else { } break; } return; } } struct urb *usb_alloc_urb(int iso_packets , gfp_t mem_flags ) { void *arbitrary_memory ; void *tmp ; { while (1) { tmp = ldv_undef_ptr(); arbitrary_memory = tmp; if (! arbitrary_memory) { return ((void *)0); } else { } ldv_urb_state = ldv_urb_state + 1; return (arbitrary_memory); break; } return ((struct urb *)0); } } void usb_free_urb(struct urb *urb ) { { while (1) { if ((unsigned long )urb != (unsigned long )((struct urb *)0)) { } else { ldv_stop(); } if (urb) { if (ldv_urb_state >= 1) { } else { ldv_error(); } ldv_urb_state = ldv_urb_state - 1; } else { } break; } return; } } void ldv_check_final_state(void) { { if (ldv_urb_state == 0) { } else { ldv_error(); } if (ldv_coherent_state == 0) { } else { ldv_error(); } return; } }