// This file is part of the SV-Benchmarks collection of verification tasks: // https://gitlab.com/sosy-lab/benchmarking/sv-benchmarks // // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Carnegie Mellon University // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2021 The SV-Benchmarks Community // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Marie-Christine Jakobs, LMU Munich // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-BSD-3-Clause-Attribution-CMU-LMU int __return_main; void abort(void); extern void __assert_fail(const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); void reach_error() { __assert_fail("0", "pals_floodmax.3.2.ufo.UNBOUNDED.pals.c.v+nlh-reducer.c", 4, "reach_error"); } char __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); unsigned char __VERIFIER_nondet_uchar(); _Bool __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); void assert(_Bool arg); void abort(void); void assume_abort_if_not(int cond) { if(!cond) {abort();} } typedef char msg_t; typedef int port_t; void read(port_t p, msg_t m); void write(port_t p, msg_t m); msg_t nomsg = (msg_t )-1; port_t p12 = 0; char p12_old = '\x0'; char p12_new = '\x0'; _Bool ep12 = 0; port_t p13 = 0; char p13_old = '\x0'; char p13_new = '\x0'; _Bool ep13 = 0; port_t p21 = 0; char p21_old = '\x0'; char p21_new = '\x0'; _Bool ep21 = 0; port_t p23 = 0; char p23_old = '\x0'; char p23_new = '\x0'; _Bool ep23 = 0; port_t p31 = 0; char p31_old = '\x0'; char p31_new = '\x0'; _Bool ep31 = 0; port_t p32 = 0; char p32_old = '\x0'; char p32_new = '\x0'; _Bool ep32 = 0; char id1 = '\x0'; unsigned char r1 = '\x0'; char st1 = '\x0'; char nl1 = '\x0'; char m1 = '\x0'; char max1 = '\x0'; _Bool mode1 = 0; char id2 = '\x0'; unsigned char r2 = '\x0'; char st2 = '\x0'; char nl2 = '\x0'; char m2 = '\x0'; char max2 = '\x0'; _Bool mode2 = 0; char id3 = '\x0'; unsigned char r3 = '\x0'; char st3 = '\x0'; char nl3 = '\x0'; char m3 = '\x0'; char max3 = '\x0'; _Bool mode3 = 0; void node1(); void node2(); void node3(); void (*nodes[3])() = { &node1, &node2, &node3 }; int init(); int check(); int main(); int __return_1142; int __return_1270; int __return_1389; int __return_1499; int main() { int main__c1; int main__i2; main__c1 = 0; ep12 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); ep13 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); ep21 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); ep23 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); ep31 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); ep32 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); id1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); r1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_uchar(); st1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); nl1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); m1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); max1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); mode1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); id2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); r2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_uchar(); st2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); nl2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); m2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); max2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); mode2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); id3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); r3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_uchar(); st3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); nl3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); m3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); max3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); mode3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); { _Bool init__r121; _Bool init__r131; _Bool init__r211; _Bool init__r231; _Bool init__r311; _Bool init__r321; _Bool init__r122; int init__tmp; _Bool init__r132; int init__tmp___0; _Bool init__r212; int init__tmp___1; _Bool init__r232; int init__tmp___2; _Bool init__r312; int init__tmp___3; _Bool init__r322; int init__tmp___4; int init__tmp___5; init__r121 = ep12; init__r131 = ep13; init__r211 = ep21; init__r231 = ep23; init__r311 = ep31; init__r321 = ep32; if (!(init__r121 == 0)) { init__tmp = 1; label_1060:; init__r122 = (_Bool)init__tmp; if (!(init__r131 == 0)) { init__tmp___0 = 1; label_1065:; init__r132 = (_Bool)init__tmp___0; if (!(init__r211 == 0)) { init__tmp___1 = 1; label_1070:; init__r212 = (_Bool)init__tmp___1; if (!(init__r231 == 0)) { init__tmp___2 = 1; label_1075:; init__r232 = (_Bool)init__tmp___2; if (!(init__r311 == 0)) { init__tmp___3 = 1; label_1080:; init__r312 = (_Bool)init__tmp___3; if (!(init__r321 == 0)) { init__tmp___4 = 1; label_1085:; init__r322 = (_Bool)init__tmp___4; if (((int)id1) != ((int)id2)) { if (((int)id1) != ((int)id3)) { if (((int)id2) != ((int)id3)) { if (((int)id1) >= 0) { if (((int)id2) >= 0) { if (((int)id3) >= 0) { if (((int)r1) == 0) { if (((int)r2) == 0) { if (((int)r3) == 0) { if (!(init__r122 == 0)) { if (!(init__r132 == 0)) { if (!(init__r212 == 0)) { if (!(init__r232 == 0)) { if (!(init__r312 == 0)) { if (!(init__r322 == 0)) { if (((int)max1) == ((int)id1)) { if (((int)max2) == ((int)id2)) { if (((int)max3) == ((int)id3)) { if (((int)st1) == 0) { if (((int)st2) == 0) { if (((int)st3) == 0) { if (((int)nl1) == 0) { if (((int)nl2) == 0) { if (((int)nl3) == 0) { if (((int)mode1) == 0) { if (((int)mode2) == 0) { if (((int)mode3) == 0) { init__tmp___5 = 1; __return_1142 = init__tmp___5; main__i2 = __return_1142; if (main__i2 != 0) { p12_old = nomsg; p12_new = nomsg; p13_old = nomsg; p13_new = nomsg; p21_old = nomsg; p21_new = nomsg; p23_old = nomsg; p23_new = nomsg; p31_old = nomsg; p31_new = nomsg; p32_old = nomsg; p32_new = nomsg; main__i2 = 0; { if (!(mode1 == 0)) { return __return_main; } else { if (((int)r1) < 2) { if (!(ep12 == 0)) { int node1____CPAchecker_TMP_0; if (max1 != nomsg) { if (p12_new == nomsg) { node1____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = max1; label_1170:; p12_new = node1____CPAchecker_TMP_0; label_1165:; if (!(ep13 == 0)) { int node1____CPAchecker_TMP_1; if (max1 != nomsg) { if (p13_new == nomsg) { node1____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = max1; label_1178:; p13_new = node1____CPAchecker_TMP_1; label_1180:; mode1 = 1; { if (!(mode2 == 0)) { return __return_main; } else { if (((int)r2) < 2) { if (!(ep21 == 0)) { int node2____CPAchecker_TMP_0; if (max2 != nomsg) { if (p21_new == nomsg) { node2____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = max2; label_1194:; p21_new = node2____CPAchecker_TMP_0; label_1189:; if (!(ep23 == 0)) { int node2____CPAchecker_TMP_1; if (max2 != nomsg) { if (p23_new == nomsg) { node2____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = max2; label_1202:; p23_new = node2____CPAchecker_TMP_1; label_1204:; mode2 = 1; { if (!(mode3 == 0)) { return __return_main; } else { if (((int)r3) < 2) { if (!(ep31 == 0)) { int node3____CPAchecker_TMP_0; if (max3 != nomsg) { if (p31_new == nomsg) { node3____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = max3; label_1218:; p31_new = node3____CPAchecker_TMP_0; label_1213:; if (!(ep32 == 0)) { int node3____CPAchecker_TMP_1; if (max3 != nomsg) { if (p32_new == nomsg) { node3____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = max3; label_1226:; p32_new = node3____CPAchecker_TMP_1; label_1228:; mode3 = 1; p12_old = p12_new; p12_new = nomsg; p13_old = p13_new; p13_new = nomsg; p21_old = p21_new; p21_new = nomsg; p23_old = p23_new; p23_new = nomsg; p31_old = p31_new; p31_new = nomsg; p32_old = p32_new; p32_new = nomsg; { int check__tmp; if (((((int)st1) + ((int)st2)) + ((int)st3)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st1) + ((int)nl1)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st2) + ((int)nl2)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st3) + ((int)nl3)) <= 1) { if (((int)r1) >= 2) { return __return_main; } else { if (((((int)st1) + ((int)st2)) + ((int)st3)) == 0) { if (((int)r1) < 2) { if (((int)r1) >= 2) { return __return_main; } else { if (((((int)nl1) + ((int)nl2)) + ((int)nl3)) == 0) { if (((int)r1) < 2) { check__tmp = 1; __return_1270 = check__tmp; main__c1 = __return_1270; { _Bool __tmp_1; __tmp_1 = main__c1; _Bool assert__arg; assert__arg = __tmp_1; if (assert__arg == 0) { return __return_main; } else { { if (!(mode1 == 0)) { if (r1 == 255) { return __return_main; } else { r1 = r1 + 1; if (!(ep21 == 0)) { m1 = p21_old; p21_old = nomsg; if (((int)m1) > ((int)max1)) { max1 = m1; label_1284:; if (!(ep31 == 0)) { m1 = p31_old; p31_old = nomsg; if (((int)m1) > ((int)max1)) { max1 = m1; label_1291:; if (((int)r1) == 1) { if (((int)max1) == ((int)id1)) { st1 = 1; label_1302:; mode1 = 0; { if (!(mode2 == 0)) { if (r2 == 255) { return __return_main; } else { r2 = r2 + 1; if (!(ep12 == 0)) { m2 = p12_old; p12_old = nomsg; if (((int)m2) > ((int)max2)) { max2 = m2; label_1312:; if (!(ep32 == 0)) { m2 = p32_old; p32_old = nomsg; if (((int)m2) > ((int)max2)) { max2 = m2; label_1319:; if (((int)r2) == 2) { return __return_main; } else { mode2 = 0; { if (!(mode3 == 0)) { if (r3 == 255) { return __return_main; } else { r3 = r3 + 1; if (!(ep13 == 0)) { m3 = p13_old; p13_old = nomsg; if (((int)m3) > ((int)max3)) { max3 = m3; label_1336:; if (!(ep23 == 0)) { m3 = p23_old; p23_old = nomsg; if (((int)m3) > ((int)max3)) { max3 = m3; label_1343:; if (((int)r3) == 2) { return __return_main; } else { mode3 = 0; p12_old = p12_new; p12_new = nomsg; p13_old = p13_new; p13_new = nomsg; p21_old = p21_new; p21_new = nomsg; p23_old = p23_new; p23_new = nomsg; p31_old = p31_new; p31_new = nomsg; p32_old = p32_new; p32_new = nomsg; { int check__tmp; if (((((int)st1) + ((int)st2)) + ((int)st3)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st1) + ((int)nl1)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st2) + ((int)nl2)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st3) + ((int)nl3)) <= 1) { if (((int)r1) >= 2) { return __return_main; } else { if (((((int)st1) + ((int)st2)) + ((int)st3)) == 0) { if (((int)r1) < 2) { if (((int)r1) >= 2) { return __return_main; } else { if (((((int)nl1) + ((int)nl2)) + ((int)nl3)) == 0) { return __return_main; } else { check__tmp = 0; label_1384:; __return_1389 = check__tmp; main__c1 = __return_1389; label_1390:; { _Bool __tmp_2; __tmp_2 = main__c1; _Bool assert__arg; assert__arg = __tmp_2; if (assert__arg == 0) { {reach_error();} return __return_main; } else { { if (!(mode1 == 0)) { if (r1 == 255) { r1 = 1; label_1404:; r1 = r1 + 1; if (!(ep21 == 0)) { m1 = p21_old; p21_old = nomsg; if (((int)m1) > ((int)max1)) { max1 = m1; label_1406:; if (!(ep31 == 0)) { m1 = p31_old; p31_old = nomsg; if (((int)m1) > ((int)max1)) { max1 = m1; label_1413:; if (((int)r1) == 1) { if (((int)max1) == ((int)id1)) { st1 = 1; label_1421:; mode1 = 0; label_1423:; { if (!(mode2 == 0)) { if (r2 == 255) { r2 = 2; label_1431:; r2 = r2 + 1; if (!(ep12 == 0)) { m2 = p12_old; p12_old = nomsg; if (((int)m2) > ((int)max2)) { max2 = m2; label_1433:; if (!(ep32 == 0)) { m2 = p32_old; p32_old = nomsg; if (((int)m2) > ((int)max2)) { max2 = m2; label_1440:; if (((int)r2) == 2) { if (((int)max2) == ((int)id2)) { st2 = 1; label_1448:; mode2 = 0; label_1450:; { if (!(mode3 == 0)) { if (r3 == 255) { r3 = 2; label_1458:; r3 = r3 + 1; if (!(ep13 == 0)) { m3 = p13_old; p13_old = nomsg; if (((int)m3) > ((int)max3)) { max3 = m3; label_1460:; if (!(ep23 == 0)) { m3 = p23_old; p23_old = nomsg; if (((int)m3) > ((int)max3)) { max3 = m3; label_1467:; if (((int)r3) == 2) { if (((int)max3) == ((int)id3)) { st3 = 1; label_1475:; mode3 = 0; label_1477:; p12_old = p12_new; p12_new = nomsg; p13_old = p13_new; p13_new = nomsg; p21_old = p21_new; p21_new = nomsg; p23_old = p23_new; p23_new = nomsg; p31_old = p31_new; p31_new = nomsg; p32_old = p32_new; p32_new = nomsg; { int check__tmp; if (((((int)st1) + ((int)st2)) + ((int)st3)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st1) + ((int)nl1)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st2) + ((int)nl2)) <= 1) { if ((((int)st3) + ((int)nl3)) <= 1) { if (((int)r1) >= 2) { label_1518:; if (((int)r1) < 2) { label_1525:; if (((int)r1) >= 2) { label_1532:; if (((int)r1) < 2) { check__tmp = 1; label_1538:; label_1531:; label_1524:; label_1517:; label_1511:; label_1507:; label_1503:; label_1498:; __return_1499 = check__tmp; main__c1 = __return_1499; goto label_1390; } else { if (((((int)nl1) + ((int)nl2)) + ((int)nl3)) == 2) { check__tmp = 1; goto label_1538; } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1538; } } } else { if (((((int)nl1) + ((int)nl2)) + ((int)nl3)) == 0) { goto label_1532; } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1531; } } } else { if (((((int)st1) + ((int)st2)) + ((int)st3)) == 1) { goto label_1525; } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1524; } } } else { if (((((int)st1) + ((int)st2)) + ((int)st3)) == 0) { goto label_1518; } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1517; } } } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1511; } } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1507; } } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1503; } } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1498; } } } else { nl3 = 1; goto label_1475; } } else { goto label_1475; } } else { goto label_1467; } } else { goto label_1467; } } else { goto label_1460; } } else { goto label_1460; } } else { goto label_1458; } } else { if (((int)r3) < 2) { if (!(ep31 == 0)) { int node3____CPAchecker_TMP_0; if (max3 != nomsg) { if (p31_new == nomsg) { node3____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = max3; label_1554:; p31_new = node3____CPAchecker_TMP_0; label_1549:; if (!(ep32 == 0)) { int node3____CPAchecker_TMP_1; if (max3 != nomsg) { if (p32_new == nomsg) { node3____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = max3; label_1562:; p32_new = node3____CPAchecker_TMP_1; label_1547:; mode3 = 1; goto label_1477; } else { label_1561:; node3____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = p32_new; goto label_1562; } } else { goto label_1561; } } else { goto label_1547; } } else { label_1553:; node3____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = p31_new; goto label_1554; } } else { goto label_1553; } } else { goto label_1549; } } else { goto label_1547; } } } } else { nl2 = 1; goto label_1448; } } else { goto label_1448; } } else { goto label_1440; } } else { goto label_1440; } } else { goto label_1433; } } else { goto label_1433; } } else { goto label_1431; } } else { if (((int)r2) < 2) { if (!(ep21 == 0)) { int node2____CPAchecker_TMP_0; if (max2 != nomsg) { if (p21_new == nomsg) { node2____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = max2; label_1578:; p21_new = node2____CPAchecker_TMP_0; label_1573:; if (!(ep23 == 0)) { int node2____CPAchecker_TMP_1; if (max2 != nomsg) { if (p23_new == nomsg) { node2____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = max2; label_1586:; p23_new = node2____CPAchecker_TMP_1; label_1571:; mode2 = 1; goto label_1450; } else { label_1585:; node2____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = p23_new; goto label_1586; } } else { goto label_1585; } } else { goto label_1571; } } else { label_1577:; node2____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = p21_new; goto label_1578; } } else { goto label_1577; } } else { goto label_1573; } } else { goto label_1571; } } } } else { nl1 = 1; goto label_1421; } } else { goto label_1421; } } else { goto label_1413; } } else { goto label_1413; } } else { goto label_1406; } } else { goto label_1406; } } else { goto label_1404; } } else { if (((int)r1) < 2) { if (!(ep12 == 0)) { int node1____CPAchecker_TMP_0; if (max1 != nomsg) { if (p12_new == nomsg) { node1____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = max1; label_1602:; p12_new = node1____CPAchecker_TMP_0; label_1597:; if (!(ep13 == 0)) { int node1____CPAchecker_TMP_1; if (max1 != nomsg) { if (p13_new == nomsg) { node1____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = max1; label_1610:; p13_new = node1____CPAchecker_TMP_1; label_1595:; mode1 = 1; goto label_1423; } else { label_1609:; node1____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = p13_new; goto label_1610; } } else { goto label_1609; } } else { goto label_1595; } } else { label_1601:; node1____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = p12_new; goto label_1602; } } else { goto label_1601; } } else { goto label_1597; } } else { goto label_1595; } } } } } } } } else { return __return_main; } } else { check__tmp = 0; goto label_1384; } } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } } } else { goto label_1343; } } else { goto label_1343; } } else { goto label_1336; } } else { goto label_1336; } } } else { return __return_main; } } } } else { goto label_1319; } } else { goto label_1319; } } else { goto label_1312; } } else { goto label_1312; } } } else { return __return_main; } } } else { nl1 = 1; goto label_1302; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { goto label_1291; } } else { goto label_1291; } } else { goto label_1284; } } else { goto label_1284; } } } else { return __return_main; } } } } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } } else { label_1225:; node3____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = p32_new; goto label_1226; } } else { goto label_1225; } } else { goto label_1228; } } else { label_1217:; node3____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = p31_new; goto label_1218; } } else { goto label_1217; } } else { goto label_1213; } } else { return __return_main; } } } } else { label_1201:; node2____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = p23_new; goto label_1202; } } else { goto label_1201; } } else { goto label_1204; } } else { label_1193:; node2____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = p21_new; goto label_1194; } } else { goto label_1193; } } else { goto label_1189; } } else { return __return_main; } } } } else { label_1177:; node1____CPAchecker_TMP_1 = p13_new; goto label_1178; } } else { goto label_1177; } } else { goto label_1180; } } else { label_1169:; node1____CPAchecker_TMP_0 = p12_new; goto label_1170; } } else { goto label_1169; } } else { goto label_1165; } } else { return __return_main; } } } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { return __return_main; } } else { if (!(init__r311 == 0)) { if (!(ep12 == 0)) { init__tmp___4 = 1; label_1626:; goto label_1085; } else { init__tmp___4 = 0; goto label_1626; } } else { init__tmp___4 = 0; goto label_1085; } } } else { if (!(init__r321 == 0)) { if (!(ep21 == 0)) { init__tmp___3 = 1; label_1634:; goto label_1080; } else { init__tmp___3 = 0; goto label_1634; } } else { init__tmp___3 = 0; goto label_1080; } } } else { if (!(init__r211 == 0)) { if (!(ep13 == 0)) { init__tmp___2 = 1; label_1642:; goto label_1075; } else { init__tmp___2 = 0; goto label_1642; } } else { init__tmp___2 = 0; goto label_1075; } } } else { if (!(init__r231 == 0)) { if (!(ep31 == 0)) { init__tmp___1 = 1; label_1650:; goto label_1070; } else { init__tmp___1 = 0; goto label_1650; } } else { init__tmp___1 = 0; goto label_1070; } } } else { if (!(init__r121 == 0)) { if (!(ep23 == 0)) { init__tmp___0 = 1; label_1658:; goto label_1065; } else { init__tmp___0 = 0; goto label_1658; } } else { init__tmp___0 = 0; goto label_1065; } } } else { if (!(init__r131 == 0)) { if (!(ep32 == 0)) { init__tmp = 1; label_1666:; goto label_1060; } else { init__tmp = 0; goto label_1666; } } else { init__tmp = 0; goto label_1060; } } } }