typedef long unsigned int size_t; typedef short unsigned int wchar_t; typedef long int ptrdiff_t; typedef signed char __int8_t; typedef unsigned char __uint8_t; typedef short int __int16_t; typedef short unsigned int __uint16_t; typedef int __int32_t; typedef unsigned int __uint32_t; typedef long int __int64_t; typedef long unsigned int __uint64_t; typedef signed char __int_least8_t; typedef unsigned char __uint_least8_t; typedef short int __int_least16_t; typedef short unsigned int __uint_least16_t; typedef int __int_least32_t; typedef unsigned int __uint_least32_t; typedef long int __int_least64_t; typedef long unsigned int __uint_least64_t; typedef long int __intptr_t; typedef long unsigned int __uintptr_t; typedef void *_LOCK_T; void __cygwin_lock_init(_LOCK_T *); void __cygwin_lock_init_recursive(_LOCK_T *); void __cygwin_lock_fini(_LOCK_T *); void __cygwin_lock_lock(_LOCK_T *); int __cygwin_lock_trylock(_LOCK_T *); void __cygwin_lock_unlock(_LOCK_T *); typedef long _off_t; typedef short __dev_t; typedef unsigned short __uid_t; typedef unsigned short __gid_t; __extension__ typedef long long _off64_t; typedef long _fpos_t; typedef _off64_t _fpos64_t; typedef long signed int _ssize_t; typedef unsigned int wint_t; typedef struct { int __count; union { wint_t __wch; unsigned char __wchb[4]; } __value; } _mbstate_t; typedef _LOCK_T _flock_t; typedef void *_iconv_t; typedef unsigned int __ULong; struct _reent; struct _Bigint { struct _Bigint *_next; int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds; __ULong _x[1]; }; struct __tm { int __tm_sec; int __tm_min; int __tm_hour; int __tm_mday; int __tm_mon; int __tm_year; int __tm_wday; int __tm_yday; int __tm_isdst; }; struct _on_exit_args { void * _fnargs[32]; void * _dso_handle[32]; __ULong _fntypes; __ULong _is_cxa; }; struct _atexit { struct _atexit *_next; int _ind; void (*_fns[32])(void); struct _on_exit_args _on_exit_args; }; struct __sbuf { unsigned char *_base; int _size; }; struct __sFILE { unsigned char *_p; int _r; int _w; short _flags; short _file; struct __sbuf _bf; int _lbfsize; void * _cookie; _ssize_t (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _read) (struct _reent *, void *, char *, size_t); _ssize_t (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _write) (struct _reent *, void *, const char *, size_t); _fpos_t (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _seek) (struct _reent *, void *, _fpos_t, int); int (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _close) (struct _reent *, void *); struct __sbuf _ub; unsigned char *_up; int _ur; unsigned char _ubuf[3]; unsigned char _nbuf[1]; struct __sbuf _lb; int _blksize; _off_t _offset; struct _reent *_data; _flock_t _lock; _mbstate_t _mbstate; int _flags2; }; struct __sFILE64 { unsigned char *_p; int _r; int _w; short _flags; short _file; struct __sbuf _bf; int _lbfsize; struct _reent *_data; void * _cookie; _ssize_t (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _read) (struct _reent *, void *, char *, size_t); _ssize_t (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _write) (struct _reent *, void *, const char *, size_t); _fpos_t (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _seek) (struct _reent *, void *, _fpos_t, int); int (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _close) (struct _reent *, void *); struct __sbuf _ub; unsigned char *_up; int _ur; unsigned char _ubuf[3]; unsigned char _nbuf[1]; struct __sbuf _lb; int _blksize; int _flags2; _off64_t _offset; _fpos64_t (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * _seek64) (struct _reent *, void *, _fpos64_t, int); _flock_t _lock; _mbstate_t _mbstate; }; typedef struct __sFILE64 __FILE; struct _glue { struct _glue *_next; int _niobs; __FILE *_iobs; }; struct _rand48 { unsigned short _seed[3]; unsigned short _mult[3]; unsigned short _add; }; struct _reent { int _errno; __FILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr; int _inc; char _emergency[25]; int _current_category; const char *_current_locale; int __sdidinit; void (__attribute__((__cdecl__)) * __cleanup) (struct _reent *); struct _Bigint *_result; int _result_k; struct _Bigint *_p5s; struct _Bigint **_freelist; int _cvtlen; char *_cvtbuf; union { struct { unsigned int _unused_rand; char * _strtok_last; char _asctime_buf[26]; struct __tm _localtime_buf; int _gamma_signgam; __extension__ unsigned long long _rand_next; struct _rand48 _r48; _mbstate_t _mblen_state; _mbstate_t _mbtowc_state; _mbstate_t _wctomb_state; char _l64a_buf[8]; char _signal_buf[24]; int _getdate_err; _mbstate_t _mbrlen_state; _mbstate_t _mbrtowc_state; _mbstate_t _mbsrtowcs_state; _mbstate_t _wcrtomb_state; _mbstate_t _wcsrtombs_state; int _h_errno; } _reent; struct { unsigned char * _nextf[30]; unsigned int _nmalloc[30]; } _unused; } _new; struct _atexit *_atexit; struct _atexit _atexit0; void (**(_sig_func))(int); struct _glue __sglue; __FILE __sf[3]; }; extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr ; extern struct _reent *const _global_impure_ptr ; void _reclaim_reent (struct _reent *); struct _reent * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __getreent (void); char *mkdtemp (char *); __uint32_t arc4random(void); void arc4random_addrandom(unsigned char *, int); void arc4random_buf(void *, size_t); void arc4random_stir(void); __uint32_t arc4random_uniform(__uint32_t); const char *getprogname (void); void setprogname (const char *); char *canonicalize_file_name (const char *); int unsetenv (const char *); char *initstate (unsigned seed, char *state, size_t size); long random (void); char *setstate (const char *state); void srandom (unsigned); char *ptsname (int); int ptsname_r(int, char *, size_t); int getpt (void); int grantpt (int); int unlockpt (int); int posix_openpt (int); int posix_memalign (void **, size_t, size_t); extern void * memalign (size_t, size_t); extern void * valloc (size_t); typedef struct { int quot; int rem; } div_t; typedef struct { long quot; long rem; } ldiv_t; typedef struct { long long int quot; long long int rem; } lldiv_t; typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __locale_mb_cur_max (void); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) abort (void) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) abs (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atexit (void (*__func)(void)); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atof (const char *__nptr); float __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atoff (const char *__nptr); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atoi (const char *__nptr); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _atoi_r (struct _reent *, const char *__nptr); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atol (const char *__nptr); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _atol_r (struct _reent *, const char *__nptr); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) bsearch (const void * __key, const void * __base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, __compar_fn_t _compar); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) calloc (size_t __nmemb, size_t __size) ; div_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) div (int __numer, int __denom); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) free (void *) ; char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getenv (const char *__string); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _getenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *__string); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _findenv (const char *, int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _findenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *, int *); extern char *suboptarg; int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getsubopt (char **, char * const *, char **); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) labs (long); ldiv_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ldiv (long __numer, long __denom); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) malloc (size_t __size) ; int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mblen (const char *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mblen_r (struct _reent *, const char *, size_t, _mbstate_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mbtowc (wchar_t *, const char *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mbtowc_r (struct _reent *, wchar_t *, const char *, size_t, _mbstate_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) wctomb (char *, wchar_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _wctomb_r (struct _reent *, char *, wchar_t, _mbstate_t *); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mbstowcs (wchar_t *, const char *, size_t); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mbstowcs_r (struct _reent *, wchar_t *, const char *, size_t, _mbstate_t *); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) wcstombs (char *, const wchar_t *, size_t); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _wcstombs_r (struct _reent *, char *, const wchar_t *, size_t, _mbstate_t *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mkdtemp (char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mkostemp (char *, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mkostemps (char *, int, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mkstemp (char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mkstemps (char *, int); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mktemp (char *) __attribute__ ((__warning__ ("the use of `mktemp' is dangerous; use `mkstemp' instead"))); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mkdtemp_r (struct _reent *, char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mkostemp_r (struct _reent *, char *, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mkostemps_r (struct _reent *, char *, int, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mkstemp_r (struct _reent *, char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mkstemps_r (struct _reent *, char *, int); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mktemp_r (struct _reent *, char *) __attribute__ ((__warning__ ("the use of `mktemp' is dangerous; use `mkstemp' instead"))); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) qsort (void * __base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, __compar_fn_t _compar); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) rand (void); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) realloc (void * __r, size_t __size) ; void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) reallocf (void * __r, size_t __size); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) realpath (const char * path, char * resolved_path); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) srand (unsigned __seed); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtod (const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtod_r (struct _reent *,const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR); float __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtof (const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtol (const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR, int __base); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtol_r (struct _reent *,const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR, int __base); unsigned long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtoul (const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR, int __base); unsigned long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtoul_r (struct _reent *,const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR, int __base); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) system (const char *__string); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) a64l (const char *__input); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) l64a (long __input); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _l64a_r (struct _reent *,long __input); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) on_exit (void (*__func)(int, void *),void * __arg); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _Exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) putenv (char *__string); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _putenv_r (struct _reent *, char *__string); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _reallocf_r (struct _reent *, void *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setenv (const char *__string, const char *__value, int __overwrite); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _setenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *__string, const char *__value, int __overwrite); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) gcvt (double,int,char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) gcvtf (float,int,char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fcvt (double,int,int *,int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fcvtf (float,int,int *,int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ecvt (double,int,int *,int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ecvtbuf (double, int, int*, int*, char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fcvtbuf (double, int, int*, int*, char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ecvtf (float,int,int *,int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) dtoa (double, int, int, int *, int*, char**); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __itoa (int, char *, int); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __utoa (unsigned, char *, int); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) itoa (int, char *, int); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) utoa (unsigned, char *, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) rand_r (unsigned *__seed); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) drand48 (void); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _drand48_r (struct _reent *); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) erand48 (unsigned short [3]); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _erand48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [3]); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) jrand48 (unsigned short [3]); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _jrand48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [3]); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lcong48 (unsigned short [7]); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _lcong48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [7]); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lrand48 (void); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _lrand48_r (struct _reent *); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mrand48 (void); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mrand48_r (struct _reent *); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) nrand48 (unsigned short [3]); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _nrand48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [3]); unsigned short * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) seed48 (unsigned short [3]); unsigned short * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _seed48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [3]); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) srand48 (long); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _srand48_r (struct _reent *, long); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atoll (const char *__nptr); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _atoll_r (struct _reent *, const char *__nptr); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) llabs (long long); lldiv_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lldiv (long long __numer, long long __denom); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtoll (const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR, int __base); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtoll_r (struct _reent *, const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR, int __base); unsigned long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtoull (const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR, int __base); unsigned long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtoull_r (struct _reent *, const char * __n, char ** __end_PTR, int __base); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _dtoa_r (struct _reent *, double, int, int, int *, int*, char**); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _system_r (struct _reent *, const char *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __eprintf (const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *); extern long double strtold (const char *, char **); extern int __VERIFIER_nondet_int(void); char *(cstrcat)(char *s1, const char *s2) { char *s = s1; while (*s != '\0') s--; while ((*s-- = *s2--) != '\0') ; return s1; } int main() { int length1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_int(); int length2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_int(); int length3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_int(); if (length1 < 1) { length1 = 1; } if (length2 < 2) { length2 = 2; } if (length3 < 1) { length3 = 1; } if (length2 - length3 < length1 || length3 > length2) return 0; char* nondetString1 = (char*) __builtin_alloca(length1 * sizeof(char)); char* nondetString2 = (char*) __builtin_alloca(length2 * sizeof(char)); nondetString1[0] = '\0'; nondetString2[length2 - length3] = '\0'; nondetString1 += length1 - 1; nondetString2 += length2 - 1; cstrcat(nondetString2,nondetString1); return 0; }