(benchmark mccarthy1.smt :source { This is the example in Figure 6 of the paper M. Heizmann, J.Hoenicke, A.Podelski, Nested Interpolants, POPL 2010 This computes the interpolants starting with the second method call. Desired Interpolants: true, x7 >= 101, res9 = x7 - 10 && x7 >= 101 resm10 != 91 res11 != 91 } :status unsat :difficulty { 0 } :logic AUFLIA :extrafuns ((x_1 Int)) :extrafuns ((xm1 Int)) :extrafuns ((x2 Int)) :extrafuns ((res4 Int)) :extrafuns ((resm5 Int)) :extrafuns ((xm6 Int)) :extrafuns ((x7 Int)) :extrafuns ((res9 Int)) :extrafuns ((resm10 Int)) :extrafuns ((res11 Int)) :assumption true :assumption (> x7 100) :assumption (= res9 (- x7 10)) :assumption (and (and (<= xm6 (+ x_1 1)) (<= x_1 100)) (= x7 xm6) (= resm10 res9)) :assumption (= res11 resm10) :formula (and (<= x_1 100) (distinct res11 91)) )