/* * This document contains information about the CDTPARSER * @author Markus Lindenmann * @author Oleksii Saukh * @author Stefan Wissert */ PACKAGE STRUCTURE de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.cdt.parser |-preference GENERAL INFORMATION CDTParser is a part of ULTIMATE project. Current project perform lexical and syntactical analysis of C files. FILE INFORMATION Package: [de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.cdt.parser.preferences] - PreferencePage - Class provides to the user the availability to specify the include-paths, which are needed to resolve all includes in the given C-File. Package: [de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.cdt.parser] - Activator - The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle - CDTParser - class describes CDTParser Plugin, it starts the CDT-Parser on a given C-File(s). The resources are taken out of the lib-Folder, these should be updated manually.