/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Dietsch (dietsch@informatik.uni-freiburg.de) * Copyright (C) 2015 Marius Greitschus (greitsch@informatik.uni-freiburg.de) * Copyright (C) 2015 University of Freiburg * * This file is part of the ULTIMATE AbstractInterpretationV2 plug-in. * * The ULTIMATE AbstractInterpretationV2 plug-in is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The ULTIMATE AbstractInterpretationV2 plug-in is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the ULTIMATE AbstractInterpretationV2 plug-in. If not, see . * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7: * If you modify the ULTIMATE AbstractInterpretationV2 plug-in, or any covered work, by linking * or combining it with Eclipse RCP (or a modified version of Eclipse RCP), * containing parts covered by the terms of the Eclipse Public License, the * licensors of the ULTIMATE AbstractInterpretationV2 plug-in grant you additional permission * to convey the resulting work. */ package de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.lib.modelcheckerutils.absint; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.lib.modelcheckerutils.cfg.variables.IProgramVarOrConst; import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.Script; import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.logic.Term; import de.uni_freiburg.informatik.ultimate.util.datastructures.ImmutableSet; /** * An abstract state is an abstraction of all program variables at a certain program location. * * Note that {@link FixpointEngine} assumes that all operations on an instance of {@link IAbstractState} do not change * this instance. * * @param * The actual type of the abstract state. * * @author Daniel Dietsch (dietsch@informatik.uni-freiburg.de) * @author Marius Greitschus (greitsch@informatik.uni-freiburg.de) */ public interface IAbstractState> { /** * {@link FixpointEngine} will call this method to add a variable to the set of variables of an abstract state s.t. * they match the current scope. * * All variable names are unique. * * @param variable * The variable to add. * @return A new abstract state that is a copy of this instance except that it contains the freshly added variable. */ STATE addVariable(final IProgramVarOrConst variable); /** * {@link FixpointEngine} will call this method to remove a variable from the set of variables of an abstract state * s.t. they match the current scope. * * All variable names should be unique. * * A variable will only be removed if it was added before. * * @param variable * The variable to remove. * @return A new abstract state that is a copy of this instance except that the removed variable is missing. */ STATE removeVariable(final IProgramVarOrConst variable); /** * Adds multiple variables at once. * * @param variables * A {@link Set} describing all the variables that have to be added. * @return A new abstract state that is a copy of this instance except that it contains the freshly added variables. */ STATE addVariables(final Collection variables); /** * Remove multiple variables at once (see {@link #removeVariable(String, Object)} for details). * * @param variables * A {@link Map} describing all the variables that have to be removed. * @return A new abstract state that is a copy of this instance except that all the variables defined by * variables are missing. */ STATE removeVariables(final Collection variables); /** * Check if a given variable exists in the abstract state. * * @param var * The variable to be tested for containment. * @return true if the variable exists, false otherwise. */ boolean containsVariable(final IProgramVarOrConst var); /** * @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing all variables declared in this state. */ ImmutableSet getVariables(); /** * Create a new {@link IAbstractState} by renaming a variable. * * @param oldVar * The old "name" of the variable. May not be null. * @param newVar * The new "name" of the variable. May not be null. * @return A state that is equivalent to this one except for the renamed variable. */ default STATE renameVariable(final IProgramVarOrConst oldVar, final IProgramVarOrConst newVar) { return renameVariables(Collections.singletonMap(oldVar, newVar)); } /** * Create a new {@link IAbstractState} by renaming some variables. * * @param old2newVars * A mapping from old variable names to new variable names. If the mapping maps some variable to null, * this method should throw an exception. * @return A state that is equivalent to this one except for the renamed variables. */ STATE renameVariables(final Map old2newVars); /** * Create a new state that has all the variables and abstraction of this {@link IAbstractState} and of the * dominator (i.e., Var(return) = Var(this) ∪ Var(dominator)). If both states (this and dominator) * share variables, the abstraction of dominator should replace the abstraction of this state (e.g., if * Var(this)={x} and Var(dominator)={x}, then return dominator). *

* Each variable from Var(dominator) is
* either identical to a variable from Var(this), (i.e. they have the same name, and the same type)
* or has a unique name that is not used by any variable in Var(this). * * @param dominator * The dominator state that should be patched onto this. */ STATE patch(STATE dominator); /** * Intersects this with another abstract state. * * @param other * The other abstract state to intersect with. * @return A new abstract state which is the result of the intersection of this and the other state. */ STATE intersect(final STATE other); /** * Computes the union of this state with another abstract state. * * @param other * The other abstract state. * @return A new abstract state which is the result of the union of this and the other state. */ STATE union(final STATE other); /** * Computes the union between this state and a set of abstract states s.t. the resulting union consists of * less or equal than maxSize states and preserved as much information as possible. * * In particular, this is useful to separate the entry of a loop (i.e., the case were we do not enter a loop) from * the cases were we enter a loop. * * Note: *

  • states contains this instance *
  • states may be modified and returned *
* * @param states * All abstract states for which a union should be computed, including the current instance * @param The * maximal number of resulting states. * @return A set of abstract states containing less or equal to maxSize abstract states that represent a union of * this state with the other states. */ default Set union(final Set states, final int maxSize) { assert states.size() > maxSize; assert maxSize >= 1; assert states.contains(this); int numberOfMerges = states.size() - maxSize; while (numberOfMerges > 0) { final Iterator iter = states.iterator(); final STATE first = iter.next(); iter.remove(); final STATE second = iter.next(); iter.remove(); if (states.add(first.union(second))) { --numberOfMerges; } else { numberOfMerges -= 2; } } assert states.size() <= maxSize; return states; } /** * An abstract state is empty when it does not contain any variable. * * @return true if this abstract state is empty, false otherwise. */ boolean isEmpty(); /** * An abstract state is bottom when it represents the smallest element of the lattice. This should be equivalent to * a predicate stating false. * * @return true if this abstract state is bottom, false otherwise. */ boolean isBottom(); /** * Check whether this instance is equal to other or not. Instances are equal if they have the same set * of variables and describe the same abstract state. * * @param other * The other instance. * @return true if both instances have the same set of variables and describe the same abstract state, false * otherwise. */ boolean isEqualTo(final STATE other); /** * Check whether this instance is a strict subset, a subset, equal, or none of this compared to another instance. * Only states with the same set of variables can be compared. * * @param other * The other instance. * @return A {@link SubsetResult}. */ SubsetResult isSubsetOf(final STATE other); /** * Return a compacted representation of the current {@link IAbstractState} where all variables are removed for which * no information is present (i.e., remove all "top" variables). * * @return A compacted {@link IAbstractState} that is equivalent to this state except for the tracked variables. */ STATE compact(); /** * Create an SMT constraint that represents this abstract state. If you do not want to implement this right away, * just return script.term("true"). * * @param script * The {@link Script} instance of the current RCFG. * @return A {@link Term} instance representing this abstract state. Must be false if isBottom is true. */ Term getTerm(final Script script); /** * Is used for debug output. * * @return A {@link String} representing this abstract state. */ String toLogString(); /** * The result of {@link IAbstractState#isSubsetOf(IAbstractState)}. * * @author Daniel Dietsch (dietsch@informatik.uni-freiburg.de) * */ public enum SubsetResult { /** * The set of program states represented by this abstract state is equal to the set of program states * represented by the other abstract state. */ EQUAL, /** * The set of program states represented by this abstract state is either a strict subset of or equal to the set * of program states represented by the other abstract state. */ NON_STRICT, /** * The set of program states represented by this abstract state is a strict subset of the set of program states * represented by the other abstract state. */ STRICT, /** * If none of the other results apply. */ NONE; /** * Calculate the "minimum" between this and another {@link SubsetResult} (min(this,other)). The total order is * {@link SubsetResult#EQUAL} > {@link SubsetResult#NON_STRICT} > {@link SubsetResult#STRICT} > * {@link SubsetResult#NONE}. * * @param other * The other {@link SubsetResult}. * @return The result of min(this,other). */ public SubsetResult min(final SubsetResult other) { switch (this) { case EQUAL: if (other == SubsetResult.EQUAL) { return this; } break; case NON_STRICT: if (other == SubsetResult.NON_STRICT || other == SubsetResult.EQUAL) { return this; } break; case STRICT: if (other != NONE) { return this; } break; case NONE: return this; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unhandled case " + this); } return other; } public SubsetResult max(final SubsetResult other) { switch (this) { case EQUAL: return this; case NON_STRICT: if (other != SubsetResult.EQUAL) { return this; } break; case STRICT: if (other == NONE || other == STRICT) { return this; } break; case NONE: if (other == SubsetResult.NONE) { return this; } break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unhandled case " + this); } return other; } } }