(set-option :print-success false) (set-option :produce-proofs false) (set-option :interpolant-check-mode true) (set-option :verbosity 3) (set-logic UF) (set-info :source |Simple EPR example. Exposed a bug where the registration of already made decision in the ClauseLiterals of a fresh clause was missing. Also uses factorization.|) (set-info :smt-lib-version 2.0) (set-info :category "crafted") (set-info :status unsat) (declare-sort V 0) (declare-fun A (V V) Bool) (declare-fun P (V) Bool) (declare-fun S () Bool) (declare-fun a () V) (declare-fun b () V) (assert (forall ((x V) (y V)) (or (A x y) S))) (assert (not (A a b))) (assert (or (not S) (not (P a)))) (assert (forall ((x V)) (or (P x) (P a)))) (check-sat) (exit)